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rene geunon ? Options
#1 Posted : 5/30/2017 3:45:20 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 191
Joined: 30-Jul-2012
Last visit: 12-Jun-2024
anybody here likes the circle of ideas customarily grouped under "traditionalism"? since the word "traditionalism" is completely non-descriptive imho, i put the name of geunon as a major thinker in the subject. for more info see the fairly recent book "Against the Modern World" by sedgwick. supposedly, the classic "le matin des magiciens" (enlish translation exists) is related, i have read it long time ago and i don't remember that, time to reread and reaccess, but i do remember clearly that it was a very stimulating book.

i am just now listening to audio lectures by gaidar djemal (in russian) who was a towering thinker (dead 2016) in that tradition. deep is word not deep enough to describe the deepness of djemal's thinking Smile i am not aware of any works, lectures, audio and video recordings available in english, but i have not actively looked.

for me this is the way of thinking best suited to the topics of this forum/subforum. in fact, it's the perfect way imho. also, this is the proper philosophy for any real "transpersonal psychology" worth its salt.

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