seagull wrote:My definition of spirituality: A sense of moving towards a direction which feels either positive or negative. But either way the "spirit" does so without knowledge and therefor does not know exactly how to handle certain situations.
(the way of Shiva)
An interesting definition and quite unique. I personally believe spirituality is a rather nebulous term, these days. Perhaps it always has been? Like all concepts, it is born of thought. As thought is unseen and immaterial, it too, can be seen as spiritual in nature. Or does spirit imply a kind of unity and holistic interconnection? It certainly does in my book and also, movement. Still, it can be a slippery slope of semantics, when we apply language to the ineffable, but of course.
Essentially, the spiritual states are occurring within an area of our experience which takes us to parallel places/spaces, residing deeper within the subtler, immaterial realms of our existential being. The literal source of the word "spirituality", is the Latin word, Spiritus, which means breathe/ breathing. This parallels the Vedic notion of
Prana, which is the vast realm of universal energy, which itself, is linked directly to the breath. Ergo, the spiritual is the very breathe of life.
Tesla believed this material paradigm was overlayed upon a field of energy, an emptiness which supported the fullness of material existence, which he labelled, ether. Said ether supplies living potentiality to the inert matter which we perceive as life, here on planet earth. If ether is sort of an invisible source of energy, as with breath, it reacts directly with all phenomena. Much like an image is reflected within a mirror.
So, if air and ether are of the spirit, it is because they lack a denser vibratory rate and possess solidity or distinct form? This points towards an unseen realm of reality, or perhaps, the interior phenomena which takes place in seamless conjunction with physical reality. But if we look closer at any material object, we discover it's hidden spiritual nature.
Now, that is an enormous expansion of focus and attention. A shift from the surface to the depths. These alternate, insubstantial fields do also exist within the material dimensions, as the physical paradigm is born of spirit, as well... but what makes spirituality distinct from materiality, is the higher vibration which one observes and the interrelationship born of shifting attention from one band of thought to another. It takes as ascension of conscious-awareness to perceive of those levels of higher vibratory rates and relative manifestation, which stem from the totality. The inside of the outside.
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.