I stumbled across spice not long ago and this forum helped me a lot in regards of how to smoke. I use a wooden VG with multiple screens, a bed of herbs and a torch lighter. In my first try's the problem was definitely not enough heat. I don't direct the flame onto the ceramic filter, but deep inside the pipe now and have a one hit breakthrough with 30mg constantly the last 5 times, so I guess my technique is ok. This is how I do it:
Meditate (not only to relax and decrease breath frequency, but also to minimize pre flight anxiety)
Have a couple of deep breaths (breathe in your belly first an then the chest, exhale from the chest to the belly)
Take a light and short pull to pre-melt
Exhale completely (literally)
Direct the torch flame deep in the VG (I hold the torch lighter in a 30 degree angle)
Inhale SLOWLY to build up temperature and become quicker if the smoke gets too hot
When your lungs are filled 3/4 remove the lighter and just pull
Lean back, keep the smoke in as long as you can and enjoy your travel
For me it was a real hustle to take two hits, since I either had to exhale (waste) smoke or keep the smoke in long enough and then couldn't really see, where the flame goes in the VG since I already had strong visuals. Being hectic before blowing off was not beneficial for my trips. With one hit breakthroughs I have time to enjoy the process of breaking through and keep a clear mind to remember my intentions before going to the other side.
I hope that helps you guys to have smoother transitions
There are no mistakes - only consequences