It has been my experience that proportion matters most. I have also only worked with mimosa however I can only imagine that less solvent would simply collect less product. I can't see a reason it would ruin your entire process but I am not a trained chemist.
I only comment because my first extrac ever was on about 100g of bark and after the disaster of messing up my scale with a bunch of fine powder I switched to a rough estimate of the weight of one good scoop and all previous attempts have been made with an estimated 100-300g without significant issue. I have also found that less solvent and longer soaks leads to much better yields, or the same yield but in less pulls.
All posts made by this profile are second hand accounts transcribed through a medium channelling an overly talkative extradimensional entity who wished to remain anonymous
"*laughter* that's the psychedelic mantra, 'I've done it this time!...I must be dead."
-Terence McKenna
"Oh yeah? Well, I once smoked DMT 3 times in 600 years, and I still don't know anything about anything."