Sure. I went to Peru with a bunch of people, we spent first two weeks on the edge of Amazon with a shaman - he brewed Ayahuasca for us and we took one ceremony each other day while lying in hammocks.
I was going from one extreme to another. One night, the jugle was ice cold, then extremely hot, one night was full of terror and utter disgust, the other was full of ecstasy (yes I had "sex with the universe" and sometimes the waves of orgasmic energy were almost too much). I found Ayahuasca has many faces and I visited lots of places in me, recovered memories I thought were long lost and updated my list of life priorities.
The shaman did a great work, singing and "holding the space". When I thought the trip is over, he came and it all began again, even stronger.
It was all raw, natural, the smell of feces and decay mixed with sweet fragrance of tropical fruits. Nature always shows we can't have one without the another. I never felt oneness and interconnectedness so strongly. The teachings were deep and I forgot most of it even though I wrote a diary.
Nazca was probably the most magical place I saw. I had visions on a cactus, seeing a giant spider walking around the coastline.
I knew something deep was happening there, I felt like I touched something beyond my understanding. I am a reason-based person and I resist anything magical - maybe it will take me more time to truly appreciate what shamans do and the meanings of precious artifacts and strong places there in South America.