strtman wrote:I like your theory. The always occurring problem is that we do not know if those in power of the cycles are somehow under control by something even ‘higher’ in command.
Somewhere in your post you bring up the point that the soul has embedded wisdom into consciousness. Not sure about that because I believe that soul = consciousness.
The last paragraph is not clear to me. It all sounds too woolly for me.
That is very true. We do not know if there is some sort of heigharchy but I could imagine that everything is balanced, due to us all being from one Source of consciousness(could be part of the system or the system put in place has become under the control of something else aside from the original programmer?); we are cursed with ego, as a test, to experience the illusion of separateness. Understanding can only come from seeing past the veil, to know that we truly are One. I and you are no longer a thing. Just Us.
Love is the one thing that brings that feeling of true connectedness together because it is freeing and has long been the 'glue of mankind'. Through all ups and downs, love is the driving force. If you've ever been spoken to by the Voice on any psychedelics, you are familiar with its tendency to teach you certain pieces of lifechanging knowledge you need at that point on your journey? There are many cases of this happening, just Google if you are finding yourself to be skeptical. This voice has spoken to me and others many times through the use of LSD or any psychedelic and has always given some type of information from the collective conscioussness that was needed in order to progress this journey, perhaps information that had become foreign along the way; simply a refresher. It is information that gives a feeling deep within that it is significant and was truly a message from the Source. It's a moment where you can feel your ears perk and this funny feeling, there is some subtle change but unmistakable nonetheless.
Speaking on consciousness and soul, I feel the same way. It just may have come out wonky, as I have trouble putting these ideas into words. It's easier to feel than to express these notions. Bear with me
To correct that error, the consciousness has embedded information in itself over long periods of trial and error in efforts to correct past mistakes. It's as if it has known it would mess up at some point, with the system being able to gain trust through the use of false love and wiping the memory; it is the consciousness' hotfix or defense mechanism against a clever contraption.
The last paragraph traces back to this voice that has been heard by many through the use of psychedelics, it is thought to be something of a higher frequency. It is felt to be the Source or at least something very close. Through numerous trips, the final paragraph was information obtained through these trips; specific information designed for liberation. Become aware of the present moment, learn to live within it, understand Love is your liberation. Love requires you to be HERE or present (conscious/aware). Through being aware, you have placed yourself within the present.
The present is the only thing that liberates us. If you have been caught in the loop, try focusing on the present. It requires you to let go and that letting go allows the flow of energy to pass and you are free. Love is freedom. The only tool given by the Source to liberate us. Simply a mechanism that brings US together to remind us of how close WE really are. In the present, we see things for what they really are. When we have the chance to do that, we transcend illusion. To become aware of illusion is more freedom than having never been aware of it in the first place.
"There is no you. There is no me. There is only One, and that is We." -Mynzah