Terence Mckenna once said that the world was made of language, that reality was "tiled-over" by language.
Language certainly is like a interlinked web of symbols and metaohors, with a more or less direct connection to whatever reality lies behind them. But language has also allowed for a transmission of ideas/theories that has allowed for a much better understanding of the world, bringing us closer to reality.
From personal experience, I know also that all of my most amazing psychedelic trips were indescribable (language broke down), and to some extent it may be the breakdown of language itself that was the main cause of such an extraordinary experience.
Would the mundane be rendered more extraordinary if there were no words to describe it? Would we perhaps become like children surrounded by a "blooming, buzzing confusion"? To what extent does language remove the novelty of our surroundings?
I look forward to hearing your ideas on this. It's a very trippy line of thought
Thank you for reading!