Some time ago in this same forum a thread arose asking for everyone's top 5 psychoactives ( As is common in this type of threads, no results or insights are present in the end. Well, having some analytical background and wanting to discern a pattern, I picked up the 18 meaningful answers and used a very simple methodology to get a synthesis.
Of course very different approaches might be followed, but this one provided fast and reasonable results. Here's the basics (you can skip this and go directly to the final table if you want!)
a) As 5 substances were asked I assumed a scoring system according to the order. Thus, 1st place 5 points, 2nd place 4 points, and so on until last place 1 point. 15 points at all were distributed per answer
b) In some cases the answer stated there was no specific order, then I attributed 3 points to each substance.
c) In some cases people put more than one substance in one place.For such situations I divided the results so that I always got distributed 15 points as correctly as possible
d) Two answers corrected their previous answers in the thread. I only counted the last answer.
e) I grouped some substances where I thought were appropriate (cactus and mescaline) yet separated smoked spice from ayahuasca, as I believe the nature of those 2 latter experiences is completely different
f) In the end I summed all the points and attributed a relative score to each substance (in %) presented below
And this all I remember now. More questions, please do ask, or suggest a better methodology! These are the results above 3%
Substance %
DMT 17.7
mushrooms 14.3
cactus/mescaline 13.4
ayahuasca 11.9
cannabis 8.7
LSD 7.0
bufotenine 4.7
Smoked Salvia 4.0
Others (*) 18.3
(*) LSA/LSH, kratom, kava, 5-meo-dmt, ibogaine, 2C-*, GHB, etc
I was not surprised to see DMT at the top (this is the nexus after all!), I was perhaps a little perplexed with the good results of mushrooms and cactus. The difference to DMT is not too large, specially for a forum biased to DMT. Bufotenine on the top, also made me wonder. And of course, cannabis above LSD. This may have to be with the reduced availability of the latter product, but several answers clearly mentioned cannabis above LSD. A clear surprise.
These are results which are of course valid only for this forum and have a wide error margin (18 answers is clearly too few). But it is better than nothing and the results presented an interesting picture on usage and preferences.
Hope this is not too off topic for this forum and of interest to some of you
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