I'm curious if the OP and some of the other members questioning the writing style have much direct experience with deep tryptamine states?
I can't say for sure it's a universal thing, but it's certainly a commonly reported experience for the hyperspacial realms to present themselves in a very jocular, whimsical, and rather mischievous manner. The experience is often rich with metaphor, entendre, and yes paronomasia in a way that is both incredibly perspicacious and disconcerting at the same time, often leaving the explorer feeling as if they are the butt of some kind of cosmic joke they can't quite seem to comprehend.
The espirit eloquence and intelligence of OpticusWrangler's prose captures that mirthful and farcical aspect of the experience exquisitely, and that is why this opus of hyperspacial literature endures as one of the most brilliant and salient depictions yet wrought.