The use of psychedelics you are talking about worries me. Our community is not simply about giving information on drugs, but also on a conscious, responsible use of these substances.
If you were taking oleanzapine, I suppose you had a mental disorder of some sort in the past. If you read our
health and safety section , people with history of psychiatric illness should stay away from psychedelics.
Also, you mentioning taking oleanzapine to stop an LSD trip raises red flags. Why did you stop an LSD trip, did you have a bad trip? Generally bad trip is something we can learn from, it often tells us about things inside of ourselves we need to work on, or choose better set and setting.. Or maybe it's a message we should stop altogether, and specially if you have a psychiatric history, that could definitely be a possibility.
Please reconsider your drug use. Certain drugs can be great for some people at some points in their life, but for others it might be time to at least take a break, or stop completely. Is it possible that's your case?