Can't find the old phalaris I though I would just start this one for anyone who experiments with it.. post you're experiences here..
I extraced about 50 grams wild arundinacea in acidic mineral water, boiled it down to a goo,..dissolved that in iso, did a few deffats, freebased with sodium carb, re-dissolved in iso..and evapped it down to a very light yellowy transparent resin..and then added some more iso, and evaaped in onto a small ammount of mullein..
A very small ammount was placed in a glass pipe about 25 minutes ago and 2 hits were taken *very* cautiosily..spaced about 3 minutes apart...and it seem to work!...the euphoria was there, colours were enhanced..things were sort of moving..the DMT nexus logo still looks really cool, all glowy and some euphoria is still there...
It actaully seems more active than my mimosa extractions at such a low hits were very tiny..still unsure of what it will be like at high doses..I am afraid still that some really negative effects might manifest at a higher dose..but that's all just speculation...
This stuff definatily seems promicing anyway from what I got at such a low dose...I wish I knew how mush N,N there is compared to 5meo in my extrat though..
The grass was taken from an area right near a stream where it gets more shade so it was real blue and trypty looking...I think that is a huge factor...the old yellow green stuff I think is less active, or has less N,N and higher ammounts of other crap..
The tryptamine signature is definatily there...I would say that I went as far as seeing that "magical varnish" on everything..but no geomety or anything like that..just a nice colouful glow..enough incentive for me to keep experimenting though...kinda frustrating trying to get crystals though, just keep getting yellow transparent goo, but it's active.
I wonder how many people here have ever tried the grasses??? I dont mean try a tek and end up with goo so throw it many have actaully tried a tek, and tested it for themselves even if it was goo, just to see if it is active??
Long live the unwoke.