AlchemicalGnostic wrote:I would have to agree with you, the information is very general and there were a lot of typos and errors. I purchased it only because its more convenient to read a book than searching the web for me at least.
I'll have to check out those books. Seems like some useful information. Thanks for the reply!
Are there any other books you know of that are similar that you would recommend? Thanks!
I think that some Richard Evans schultes books or Psychedelics Encyclopedia by Peter Stafford, or erowid, or even Wikipedia could provide the information regarding plant species, history and culture, as far as the chemistry bit, I think that one should learn organic chemistry as a whole.
Think of it this way, you could want to learn piano and spend all your effort learning how to play your favorite song, or you can learn the instrument and music theory and be able to play any song you want, by ear, on demand...with chemistry you can waste time learning these little work-ups, or you can learn organic chemistry as a whole.
I recommend first obtaining college organic chemistry text books and working your way through the courses until you have the basics cemented into your brain, (that is if school is not an option) then, after that, I would recommend PIHKAL and TIHKAL by Alexander shulgin.
Daniel Trachsel's "Phenethylamine: Von der Struktur zur Funktion" is great, but you have to translate it yourself as an English version is not yet available.
"psychedelic chemistry" by M.V. Smith is pretty good, it's various reprintings of patents and other published synthesis methods regarding various psychedelics...
even books like "acid trips and chemistry" by cam cloud was not bad for what it was.
Otto snow published some great psychoactive chemistry books...
there is a good deal of quality information out there...
I purchase every psychedelic chemistry book that I encounter, the good and the bad, and honestly the majority of my collection I was fairly disappointed with, but I still don't necessarily regret adding anything to my collection.
"SWIMS psychedelic cookbook" was an exceptional disappointment, it seemed as though it had been written by high school children reading erowid and Wikipedia entries and then placing what they read into their own words. The lack of professionalism and novice errors made this publication more reminiscent of what you would expect from a poorly Xeroxed pamphlet thrown together in haste than what you would expect from a serious publication . The information was incredibly basic, and I found his incredibly patronizing, I think that more detail into safety and responsible chemical procedure should have been included...any way, I'll stop, I always feel really bad giving psychedelic publications bad reviews, but in this case it was hard not to. I apologize if I offended anybody, but didn't want to lie, I had to give my honest opinion.