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Free lab test for your (garden or local) plants !!! Interested?? Options
#21 Posted : 2/18/2017 7:38:20 PM

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I have phyllodes from acacia acuminata narrow phyllode strain grown in canada.
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#22 Posted : 2/19/2017 12:07:43 AM

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endlessness wrote:

Im not sure about your specific test and what happened there but I assure you they work very well and any mislabelling issue that has happened in the past was a rare exception, and I appologize in their name for whatever may have happened. .

I know they were very busy and with equipment breakdowns and such they were struggling to get their paid customers taken care of. At least that's what I was given to understand. That said, it took over a year for them to get all the samples tested and the results back to me. As an example, I had five different Psychotria viridis named clones, including the Nexus hybrid, all carefully and plainly labeled. All I got back was a spreadsheet with a list of "Psychotria Sample #1" "Sample #2" and so on, so I don't know which was the Nexus clone which was the one I was particularly interested in. All I can say it is on a par with viridis, but I can't be any more specific than that.

Plus they only listed the dominant alkaloid, so while I was interested if DMT actually showed up in a Mucuna pruriens sample all they listed was L-Dopa.

There were other issues that I won't go into, but I think the takeaway here is not to overwhelm them with too big a box of goodies.
I already asked Alice.

#23 Posted : 2/19/2017 8:27:16 AM
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As for whoever asked before, a simple tea and evap would not be good enough, you'd need to redissolve it in methanol or ethanol or something and filter that properly and evap again, or do an STB or A/B.

So I think I will have to let this round pass. As about 2 weeks ago I had to cut my Phalaris plants down, as they were heavily infected by greenflies. Now they are OK again, but I obviously have now much less plant material. So any deliberate proper extraction on such small amounts is IMHO not possible for me.
I claim not that this is the truth. As this is just what got manifested into my mind at the current position in time on this physical plane. So please feel not offended by anything I say.
#24 Posted : 2/19/2017 10:51:53 AM

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pinkoyd wrote:
endlessness wrote:

Im not sure about your specific test and what happened there but I assure you they work very well and any mislabelling issue that has happened in the past was a rare exception, and I appologize in their name for whatever may have happened. .

I know they were very busy and with equipment breakdowns and such they were struggling to get their paid customers taken care of. At least that's what I was given to understand. That said, it took over a year for them to get all the samples tested and the results back to me. As an example, I had five different Psychotria viridis named clones, including the Nexus hybrid, all carefully and plainly labeled. All I got back was a spreadsheet with a list of "Psychotria Sample #1" "Sample #2" and so on, so I don't know which was the Nexus clone which was the one I was particularly interested in. All I can say it is on a par with viridis, but I can't be any more specific than that.

Plus they only listed the dominant alkaloid, so while I was interested if DMT actually showed up in a Mucuna pruriens sample all they listed was L-Dopa.

There were other issues that I won't go into, but I think the takeaway here is not to overwhelm them with too big a box of goodies.

Pinkoyd, I'm sorry that happened to you, but I can assure you this is definitely not a normal thing. Once the samples arrive, it should take a couple of weeks to get it tested, at worst a month if it was super busy but never ever anything like a year. The mislabelling thing I really don't know but I've supervised several samples being tested where the sent label was essential and they all worked out fine, no mistake. It sucks the exception had to be you though.... but if you are want to test again, I can help making this happen.

I will keep an eye so that we aren't sending too many samples so it doesn't overwhelm them. If we have too many samples I'll just write here and pause this offer for a while. In the meanwhile, feel free everybody to prepare your samples to get them tested, and let me know when you are ready Smile
#25 Posted : 3/18/2017 10:07:43 AM

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This is awesome, many thanks to endlessness for this initiative.

Here are a few pictures of some of my Acacias and recently trimmed foliage:

A. floribunda
A. melanoxylon
A. auriculiformis

The floribundas are shown before harvest, the other two after harvest.

Regarding the Floribunda:

I've been wanting to post the further results from my TLC work on the Floribunda (https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=72724) but it takes a lot of time to properly create the documentation. The short summary, however, is that all the suggestions (using Naptha as solvent, scraping the silica of some parts from a plate and re-analysing that) did not make the results clearer. For smearing the extract across the plate and then scraping the silica after developing the plate, the major issue was that it was too much stuff on the plate, the bands didn't clearly separate and then the developed plate looked like a piece of art with many crazy shapes.

All those further plates had either regions that mixed partially with my ACRB extract or (if no ACRB was used for reference), failed to go pink with Ehrlich anywhere. So I even doubt my initial findings of NMT in the foliage.

However, as said previously, the floribunda is defininately psychoactive. At very low doses (just smoking the plain leaf for instance), you can feel it and I would believe it could be some harmala-esque alkaloid. Prior to the TLC tests, I believed it to contain DMT, so I made some changa with white caapi extract and several herbs. Smoking low amounts of that produced faint, but colourful CEVs. Unlike smoking the caapi extract (or syrian rue) alone and more like a CEV threshold dose of cubes.

After I sampled the changa in low doses, I started the TLC tests and because I have no clue what it actually is in there, I refrained from further bioassays so far.

So I would really like to get this tested, if it's some beta carboline, it is most definately a very interesting one.

Regarding the Melanoxylon:

The plant was not watered for too long after winter started, so it dried out very much. All the dry foliage in the picture was dry like that while still on the tree. The few green parts are new shoots that just started to grow a few weeks ago.

Garden of Eden only describes low amounts of unindentified alkaloids, Nen's thread is also not too positive regarding actives, so I guess it would be a long shot, but I wanted to share the pics at least. And it's one of my Acacias that already produced enough foliage to work with.

Do you guys think, the dried non-green foliage would be useful IF it contained tryptamines?

Regarding the Auriculiformis:

The plant is more interesting as older reports describe alkaloids in the foliage, but Garden Of Eden gives no amounts. Some tentatively identified 5-MeO-DMT and apparently there might be a bunch of other stuff.

Main issue with that atm is that I only have the little foliage shown in the picture. Would that be enough material ?

As 5-MeO-DMT can be finicky with extractions, would you suggest to still use the methanol:ammonia or some other way to extract it ? Mind you, I don't like any of the hardcore np solvents, I mainly only use iso. I do have some acetone, hexane, naptha, and d-limonene, maybe some of that would be of use ?

plantatron attached the following image(s):
floribunda1.jpg (1,847kb) downloaded 365 time(s).
floribunda2.jpg (853kb) downloaded 367 time(s).
floribunda_foliage.jpg (743kb) downloaded 366 time(s).
melanoxylon_plus_maidenii.jpg (1,584kb) downloaded 366 time(s).
melanoxylon_foliage.jpg (1,666kb) downloaded 365 time(s).
auriculiformis.jpg (533kb) downloaded 364 time(s).
auriculiformis_foliage.jpg (1,223kb) downloaded 362 time(s).
Blissful and in wonderment, out in the open, on a mountain top, beneath a blueish star-laden sky.
#26 Posted : 3/18/2017 1:58:50 PM

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The offer still stands, can't believe not more people are taking advantage of freely getting their plants and extracts GC/LC-MS tested

Plantatron and everyone else, just get the samples ready for shipment and pm me and I'll send the lab address Smile
#27 Posted : 3/18/2017 5:52:04 PM

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endlessness wrote:
The offer still stands, can't believe not more people are taking advantage of freely getting their plants and extracts GC/LC-MS tested


Don't be discouraged Endlessness. I'm sure there are many who wish to participate but, aren't in a position to send any samples in an expedient manner.

I found I had mishandled my d. Illinoensis root bark last year, and was consequently unable to post any results. I'll be thrilled to send you some extracts, this fall (Northern Hemisphere) if you're still up and running.

All the same, thank you for your service to all of us here on the Nexus.Thumbs up
"We dance round in a ring and suppose,
while the secret sits in the middle and knows." Robert Frost

#28 Posted : 3/31/2017 6:04:17 PM

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Today is the International Drug Checking Day Smile

Im still waiting for interested people with ready samples Very happy

and roninsina, you are right, I'm not gonna get discouraged, but certainly hope someone will take up the offer Smile

And yeah, no hurry, this fall we can still take your sample!
#29 Posted : 3/31/2017 8:06:06 PM

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Hey Endless, about 90 minutes from where I live there are acres and acres of Acacia farnesiana, do you think that plant could have any potential value to make an extract and send it over?
#30 Posted : 3/31/2017 11:18:15 PM

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I'm no expert in Acacia, I'd ask nen or check his amazing thread to find more info.

If you do make an extract I'd be more than happy to get it tested at the lab Smile
#31 Posted : 4/3/2017 4:03:49 AM

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endlessness wrote:
The offer still stands, can't believe not more people are taking advantage of freely getting their plants and extracts GC/LC-MS tested

Plantatron and everyone else, just get the samples ready for shipment and pm me and I'll send the lab address Smile

Does lab give out actual spectral/spectrum/HPLC read-out/raw data collected, or just interpreted results which may have been misinterpreted by chemists doing scans? There is no free lunch; AFAIK most harm reduction testing labs give compounds present (e.g. ecstasydata.org) according to their potentially wrong interpretations, take long times for results to be posted/PM'd, and don't give out the quantitative % per unit mass of raw plant material.

Free has a price. Paying good money for analysis may get you the results you desire in a reasonable amount of time.
'"ALAS,"said the mouse, "the world is growing smaller every day. At the
beginning it was so big that I was afraid, I kept running and running, and I was glad
when at last I saw walls far away to the right and left, but these long walls have
narrowed so quickly that I am in the last chamber already, and there in the corner
stands the trap that I must run into." "You only need to change your direction," said
the cat, and ate it up.' --Franz Kafka
#32 Posted : 4/3/2017 9:51:34 AM

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Yes you get the mass spectra file.

The people working on it are experts with access to scheduled reference standards, plus they work with the help of mass spectra databases.. You can't get much better than that. Quantitative data is also offered for all the main compounds of our interest (harmalas, DMT, NMT, 5-MeO-DMT, mescaline etc). It's possible some lesser known plant compounds (like some weird tyramine derivative or whatever) may not be quantified, but that shouldn't matter much when you have all the other main compounds quantified.

They are not offering a crappy service for free, they are offering the same professional service for us that others pay for, because we have helped them in other ways.

Feel free to not send anything if you are skeptic...
#33 Posted : 4/3/2017 3:57:56 PM

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I have something on the go from a local plant of interest, hopefully it will yield something solid for you Big grin

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― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#34 Posted : 6/11/2017 5:25:41 AM
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Hi endlessness,
First post on the nexus for me. Have been reading a little while.

Is this free analysis still available?
I have 2 samples of a local acacia obtusifolia that I would love to have tested.
I can go into more detail about the plant, preparation and extraction if need be?
What are the logistics of sending these samples off?

Many thanks in advance.
#35 Posted : 6/11/2017 5:55:14 AM

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I have samples of each and every region of A. Simplex. I will contact you once I (& a friend of mine with an MS in Chemistry and an MST Very happy ) get going on making extracts from seeds, seed pods, twigs/shoots, branches, upper & lower trunk bark, phyllodes, and root bark (each part dried and ground into a fine powder pre-extraction) respectively. I'm considering making a GoFundMe page such that I may be able to get the funds to have these tested by both your lab, as well as that of a well-respected university.

BTW may you please elaborate on these methodologies of chemical analysis, which models/makes of LC/MS-MS, HPLC eluents/columns, etc? We're trying to update the literature for the first time in 41 years on this spectacular species, and thus need to know each and every detail about how your team analyzed the plant matter, as well as eluents/makes/models/runs of devices used, full spectral data (PLEASE DO H1, C13, N15 and all other NMR methods you can post-chromatography, as the mystery harmala alkaloids have yet to be elucidated due to the fact that the original text used horridly out-dated methods of chemical analysis. 2D/3D NMR sequences to determine presence/quantity of enzymes crucial in biosynthetic pathways of tryptamines/tryptophan (e.g. INMT), as well as those of harmala alkaloids would also be a gem-diol if you would be so kind as to tack the physical results of your analysis/separations onto whatever else info you can obtain from your own labs' means and methodologies.)

Would you be able to send back reference samples of the separated constituents after HPLC-mediated separation, as well? We would like to double-check your analysis before drafting-up a paper (needless to say, you and your colleagues would be granted co-authorship for your help, if you'd like.) Feel free to PM me for further details if this offer is still up and running.
'"ALAS,"said the mouse, "the world is growing smaller every day. At the
beginning it was so big that I was afraid, I kept running and running, and I was glad
when at last I saw walls far away to the right and left, but these long walls have
narrowed so quickly that I am in the last chamber already, and there in the corner
stands the trap that I must run into." "You only need to change your direction," said
the cat, and ate it up.' --Franz Kafka
#36 Posted : 6/11/2017 8:12:46 PM

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leratiomyces, yes I can still test it. Ideally you would do an extraction like you would to extract your alkaloid of interest... Or at the very least you do a couple of ethanol soaks on plant material. Write down how much plant material was used initially, and the weight of the extract you obtained (in other word, the yield), as well as any other information of interest (date/season of harvest, approx location, method of extraction, pictures of plant if possible etc). Then you put it in a little vial, around 20-50mg of extract, and once you have that ready, pm me, I will give you the address on where/how to send.

Godsmacker, we do not have NMR. We have GC-MS and LC-MS/MS. I can test all those extracts you mention with those two methods. As mentioned above I will need all the details on each plant and extract, yield etc.

Once tests are done I can provide the mass spectra files.

Below I copy paste from one publication a coleague had made using our instruments, so you can consider it will be the same (exact same equipment, maybe slight changes to methodology, but whatever it is we can have the info)


The GC/MS is an Agilent 7890B gas Chromatograph, coupled to a 5977A quadrupole mass spectrometer detector. The gas chromatograph was fitted with G4513A auto sampler injector. Insert liners packed with silanized glasswool were used, and the injector and the interface were operated at 280C. Samples were injected in split mode into a 30 m 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 mm film thickness 5% phenylmethylsilicone column (HP-5MS, Agilent Technologies). Helium was used as carrier gas at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. The oven temperature was initially maintained at 90C for 2 min and programmed to reach 320C at 20C/min. It was finally maintained at 320C for 9.5 min (total run time was 21.5 min). The mass spectrometer was operated in electron impact ionization mode at 70 eV.

LC-MS/MS: liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) using an Agilent 1100 series, HPLC chromatograph (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, USA) and an Esquire 3000 plus mass spectrometer MRM (Bruker Daltonic GmbH, Bremen, Germany). Chromatography was performed using a Poroshell 120 EC-C18 column (100-mm length 2.1 mm i.d., 2,7 mm particle size) at 30 8C. The mobile phases consisted of 1% formic acid (A) and 1% formic acid in methanol (B). The following gradient elution was used: at time 0 min 15% B changed to 90% B in 7 min, held for 1 min, changed back to the initial conditions in 1 min. Before injection of the next sample the column was allowed to re-equilibrate during 7 min.

The flow rate was 0.35 mL/min. The electrospray source (ESI) was operated in the positive ionization mode. Product ions that were obtained by collision-induced dissociation allowed the MS/MS to be operated in the multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. The MRM transition was 371 (precursor ion) to 188 (product ion). The dwell time was set at 0.25 s. The desolvation gas was nitrogen set at 365C and delivered at a flow rate of 9 L/min. The capillary voltage was 3.90 kV, and the collision gas was helium. Bruker Compass Hystar system software Version 3.2-SR2 was used for instrument control and identification.

We have access to pure reference standards of most compounds of interest in order to confirm the ID, as well as access to NIST and other spectra databases.

I'm not sure about the possibility of sending back samples of separated constituents, I will have to ask about it.

And yes, offer is def up and running, the more help we can offer to increasing knowledge on ethnobotanicals, the better Smile
#37 Posted : 6/12/2017 5:06:55 AM
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Many acacia obtusifolia exist where I bushwalk frequently (southern NSW). During a walk in January after a storm, one of these trees had been bent over and uprooted. I took the entire tree as it was no longer viable. This was a small tree, perhaps 3m tall with a trunk width of perhaps 7cm. I am unsure of the age of such a tree. Flowering had just finished. Phyllodes and bark were removed and processed separately. The material was dried in a dehydrator, ground in a blender and stored in air free packaging in the freezer until processing was possible.

Please note that I have never harvested any wild acacia’s before this, nor do I intend to in the future, unless the tree has died


Ground phyllodes (220g) were placed into about 2L of citric acid solution (1g/litre). The solution was boiled for 1h then strained through muslin cloth. The process was repeated twice more and the liquids combined and reduced to 1L by boiling. Once the solution had reached room temperature it was extracted with xylene (3 x 150ml) and these washings discarded. To the aqueous solution was added 5M NaOH with stirring, until the pH was 14. The solution was then extracted with xylene (3 x 150ml) and the aqueous solution discarded. The organic layers were combined and washed once with dilute NaHCO3 solution (100ml) and then extracted with citric acid solution (1g/L, 3 x 80ml). The aqueous solutions were combined and then basified with 5M NaOH with stirring until the pH was 14, producing a white precipitate. The solution was then extracted with dichloromethane (3 x 50ml) and the combined organic layers were placed in a shallow dish and allowed to evaporate at room temperature. In this fashion, a beige solid was obtained (1.1g, 0.5% yield).

Ground bark (460g) were placed into about 3L of citric acid solution (1g/litre). The solution was boiled for 1h then strained through muslin cloth. The process was repeated twice more and the liquids combined and reduced to 1L by boiling. Once the solution had reached room temperature it was extracted with xylene (3 x 150ml) and the organic layers discarded . To the aqueous solution was added 5M NaOH with stirring, until the pH was 14. The solution was then extracted with xylene which produced an unbreakable emulsion. The entire emulsion was then extracted with hexane (3 x 150ml). The organic layers were combined and washed once with dilute NaHCO3 solution (100ml) and then extracted with citric acid solution (1g/L, 3 x 80ml). The aqueous solutions were combined and then basified with 5M NaOH with stirring until the pH was 14, producing a white precipitate. The solution was then extracted with dichloromethane (3 x 50ml) and the combined organic layers were placed in a shallow dish and allowed to evaporate at room temperature until reaching a constant weight. In this fashion, an amber oil was obtained (2.6g, 0.57% yield).

I just need to acquire some very small glass vials to send the two samples off.
Endlessness, can you please provide me with the details to send these off now. And thank you once again for offering up such a generous service.
#38 Posted : 6/20/2017 6:11:39 AM
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Would you be willing to test ethanol/methanol extracts of wild mushrooms I may find?
#39 Posted : 6/20/2017 11:11:35 AM

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psilocybin-containing mushrooms I suppose? Yeah we can test that.
#40 Posted : 6/21/2017 5:41:34 AM
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Yes, well people have been talking and there seems to be a few that havent been officially confirmed, i was just curious of the amounts in paneolus cincutulus as they grow plentifully just about everywhere there's nutrients ☺️ And maybe some amanita? There is a white variety that pops up all over my lawn like clockwork closer to fall 😊
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