I've tried extracting three times based on
Earthwalker's ACRB Extraction. This is based on my latest attempt with all new plant material from a more reputable source.
Notable Tools:
1.78L Plastic Bottle
Turkey Baster
100g ACRB
50ml Distilled White Vinegar (5%)
80g of Kosher Salt
50g Lye (NaOH)
VM&P Naptha (Evaps Clear)
Distilled Water
Note: All Heat Baths were boiled then reboiled when they hit 50°C or lower.
ACRB Prep (Fail 1):
ACRB put into coffee grinder. Not completely powdered. Quite a bit more "shredded"
Fail 2:
Planned to start extraction right after work. ACRB put into Bottle and added 400ml water. Too tired to go on. Postponed about 24hrs.
50ml Vinegar added to ACRB - Water solution. 1.5 Hr Heat Bath.
800ml Saline prepared per Tek.
50g Lye into 300ml Water Added to soup. 2 Hr Heat Bath.
Naptha in Heat Bath. No specific temp established when used to pull. Usually 40 - 60°C.
All pulls made with 50ml. I failed to count pulls as they were all clear. Not white like I’ve heard of. There was no “crashing out” as stated in the Tek. Ended up with a bunch of black/red gunk in pulls.
Mini A/B:
500ml Water + 50ml Vinegar
10mins to gently mixing
200ml Water + 50g Lye
Pulls done the same way. Much more clear. Placed into Pyrex Pie Dish, covered, and put into freezer.
Pie Dish (Image 1)
Scrape 1 (Image 2)
I let the pie dish sit overnight to allow the brown goo to relieve itself of Naptha.
Scrape 2 (Image 3)
I should use Vovin's Tek strategy for powerdering ACRB.
EW's extraction was done with HCl. Suggested 50-60ml of any acid. Do I need more vinegar?
Was my Naptha not hot enough?
I know I need a new pulling tool, any other equipment improvements?
What’s the biggest hang up here?
Vaping Issues:
GVG BatTurboFlame Arc LighterThe first two times I vaped DMT were from a Pax 2 and a miniature water pipe. Neither were ideal, but they worked and the psychedelia was felt.
I tried several methods of vaping the little DMT I extracted. I tried to vape with Mint. I tried to vape with steel wool. I tried to vape the DMT alone. I originally tried to place it in the chamber. After more research on vaping with the GVG Bat I tried putting the substance directly on the ceramic pad loading the pipe standing up. Doing this forced me to hold the pipe vertically, which wasn’t a problem. Still no vapor. I tried the TurboFlame, a Bic, and hemp wick. None seemed to work properly, but the DMT was going somewhere. Burned away? I’m not sure.
Any insight on this vaping tool and/or my methods would be awesome!
At the end of the attempted sessions (two nights) my pipe looked like Image 4.
Is this normal?
Thank you for looking at this long post. I tried to be as thorough as possible.
Safe Travels,
AASB attached the following image(s):
(10,950kb) downloaded 56 time(s). 20170206_232116.jpg
(3,305kb) downloaded 56 time(s). 20170207_171832.jpg
(4,874kb) downloaded 56 time(s). 20170207_224701.jpg
(4,721kb) downloaded 53 time(s).As Above, So Below
As Below, So Above
AASB on the Nexus is a work of fiction. This character is not meant to resemble any entity past or present.