Well first off I can see how this is going to be a useful tool in the ever present attempt to
really become the person I like to fool myself into believing I am while my actions would state otherwise. All these years and I still haven't been able to reign in my emotions and behavior yet. I need to stop losing my temper.
Do you guys have a sort of duality going on in your minds or is that just me? Sort of having a panic attack feeling in regards to that. I guess all I can do is just keep on trying to remember. Anyways, I think that part of it is for me.
I heard a ringing, and then my wall of dvd's started to get wavy so I closed my eyes and that three d geometry started into sort of a tunnel like a back drop. In the center were translucent faces, like alien faces kind of. Maybe 5-6 that appeared 1 at a time and then disappear in a fade in/fade out style. There was also what I think was a woman in a sitting posture similar to when you're at karate class and you sit on your feet. They just sort of faded in and after a few seconds faded out. The rest of it was focused mainly on how I need to live a more peaceful life and how I have my face too deep into the beehive of life and take it too seriously when what I need to do is relax, remember "it" and be much more forgiving of people when they piss me off, which would never happen if I wasn't taking petty things so serious.
Once the initial sting wears off I may try to go a little deeper and see if I can get a better look at those faces or the woman if they're still there. I guess once you're told you're acting like an ass sets in and you accept it, it leaves more time for looking around at the other things going on.
All in all not what I expected. I thought it was going to be more violent than that similar to some of my more chaotic salvia experiences but this was real smooth and gentle. Probably not a massive dose but a perfect introduction. I see good things coming from this. Thanks for all the help guys.