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In praise of low dose mescaline. Options
#1 Posted : 1/26/2017 12:09:34 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 385
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Just wanted to say how versatile and enjoyable a substance mescaline is at low doses. I love it at high doses too, but need to take time off from everyday life, prepare set and setting etc when taking a full dose, whereas a smaller amount, just at the edge of psychedelia is proving to be perfect for social situations, parties, country walks, any situation where a bit of colourful stimulation is required really.

When I say mescaline, Im referring to San Pedro extract a la 69ron's lime and limo tek, which I found very quick and easy, giving a 1% yield of tan powdered acetate. No cleaning stages were done, so its a mixed bag of alkaloids, some of which come on very rapidly but dont last long. By the two hour mark it feels very clean and clear.

Anyway I had a long night planned this new years. Meeting friends for a fire on the beach, then back to someones house to eat, drink and play some records, then into town to a few pubs, meeting up with lots of people along the way.

I was a little concerned about how much alcohol I would probably consume over the course of the evening, so wanted something to keep me energised and distract me from drinking. A previous experience with this cactus (45 grams of raw powder, probably about 450mg alkaloids) had given me a very strong trip, so I figured 200mg of the acetate would be a nice level.

I weighed this dose and bombed it in a rizla at about 4 in the afternoon and headed down to the beach. On the way I already started feeling trippy, more like coming up on mushrooms than anything else. By the time I reached my friends, I felt great, really sociable and good humoured. Had some interesting conversations and found I was able to think and express myself more clearly than usual, despite the fact that Id already drank a couple of beers.

The initial trippiness subsided after a couple of hours but there was the feeling of a calm energy, making everything seem effortless. Playing music, chatting to people, some of whom I hardly knew, eating curry, going out to look at the stars. Just smiling and feeling immense pleasure and contentment throughout.

This feeling continued all night, out on the town and back again, slowly tailing off till I fell asleep at about 5am. Bit hungover the next day, but less than if Id only drank alcohol. I did actually drink a fair bit as well but didnt get very drunk from it.

After this successful evening, I decided to try a slightly higher dose at a party at our house. My ex wife, our teenage kids and loads of our and their friends were here. Again, lots of drinking, smoking and some potent space cakes floating about. Wanting to stay fairly level headed and be sociable, I decided not to smoke or eat any weed related items and instead took 250 mg of the acetates. Best decision ever. Had another great night and still having deep conversations in the kitchen till 5 am. Three hours sleep and I was up feeling pretty good.

I used to use mdma and coke at these sort of occasions but realise now that mescaline is far better in every way. Non of the false happiness or egomania, no comedown, able to enjoy good food on it, just a really natural good feeling all round. Planning a weekend away with my girlfriend to take a larger dose and introduce her to its pleasures. Like most people Ive mentioned mescaline to, she's hardly heard of it and doesnt get whats so good about it.

Anyway, just felt I had to share this.


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#2 Posted : 1/26/2017 1:42:06 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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This might interest you:

A significant instance of problem solving resulted in a Nobel Prize for Kary Mullis. Until the invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a common problem in biology was that biological samples were often too small to analyze, but Mullis solved that and won a Nobel Prize. He described how LSD aided him in doing so.

"PCR's another place where I was down there with the molecules when I discovered it and I wasn't stoned on LSD, but my mind by then had learned how to get down there. I could sit on a DNA molecule and watch the [indistinct] go by. . . . I've learned that partially I would think, and this is again my opinion, through psychedelic drugs . . . if I had not taken LSD ever would I have still been in PCR? I don't know, I doubt it, I seriously doubt it." (Mullis 1998; "Horizon: Psychedelic Science" 1997)

From the point of view of psychedelic cognitive studies, Mullis's example is noteworthy because he did not have his insight while taking psychedelics but instead used psychedelics to increase his ability to visualize, then transferred that cognitive skill back to his ordinary mindbody state. This confirms the idea that some skills learned in one state can be transferred to another. Transference and nontransference between mindbody states is itself a cognitive process that deserves study โ€” learning to remember dreams, for example. Learning to increase this flow, if it is possible, would increase access to stores of information and possibly to new cognitive skills.

Unlike Mullis's experience of transferring a skill back to his ordinary state, most instances of psychedelic problem solving occur while the person's cognitive processes are psychedelically augmented. This is most clearly illustrated by "Psychedelic Agents in Creative Problem Solving: A Pilot Study," by Willis Harman, a professor of engineering economic systems, and a team of researchers at Stanford Research Institute. Working with twenty-seven men who were "engaged in various professional occupations, i.e., engineers, physicists, mathematicians, architects, a furniture designer, and a commercial artist and had a total of 44 professional problems they wanted to work on," the Stanford Research Institute team divided them into groups of three or four and gave them 200 milligrams of mescaline, followed by a quiet period of listening to music. Then they had snacks and discussed their problems with their group. Following this they spent three or four hours working alone on their problems. As a result of psychedelic enhancement, the practical results were impressive.

#3 Posted : 1/26/2017 5:19:58 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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There is a lot of love in mescalito land Smile Thanks for sharing your positive experiences with low dose mescaline. I hope you and your girlfriend have a nice time together.

I have recently been thinking about microdosing it to compare it with the handful of LSD microdoses I have had throughout this month. I read that James Fadiman, who published his research in this area, said mescaline and LSD were interchangeable in this respect.

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