out of 250g acrb powder, a m8 of mine got 5.22 g of spice and still is doing pulls, (2.08%)
This is what my m8 told me he/she did that was dif from the tek
using q21q21 tech . however this is the variation
double the water and vinegar the tek calls for./ enough to cover bark to cook like aya.
2. put your acrb, vinegar and distilled water in a stainless steel pot, and cook it for 45mins - 1hr more time wont hurt, bring to boil then let simmer.
3. transfer Everything from 2 nto a glass container, from their add your Calcium Hydroxide, use .8g for every gram, so 80g for 100g bark.
if that doesn't have the "cookie dough look to it: add a lil more calcium Hydroxide.
also the end result was all fluffy spice very lil goo.
based on what he/she told me it seems to me the main problem with extractions, is not bunk bark, but the "breaking down the cell walls so the spice gets released.
update, my m8 got 6g out of 250 making it a 2.4% yield.
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