entheogenic-gnosis wrote:I understand that everybody is unique, and that you must know yourself, however, entactogens such as MDMA have unique pharmacological actions which distinguish them from other psychedelics. I distinguish entactogenic compounds from psychedelic compounds, and feel that entactogens and their unique pharmacology serve very well for certain types of psychotherapy...where I feel other psychedelics would not be appropriate...though I feel like I am repeating myself at this point, so I will just leave this one at that.
The pre-frontal cortex is an area in which mdma does most of it's effects doesn't it? This part is damaged in long-term users. Habitual use results in lower blood-flow to this area of the brain. It can take several years to recover from it or so I heared.
The pre-frontal cortex is involved in social cognition. social planning.
wikipedia wrote:Many authors have indicated an integral link between a person's personality and the functions of the prefrontal cortex.[1] This brain region has been implicated in planning complex cognitive behavior, personality expression, decision making, and moderating social behaviour.[2] The basic activity of this brain region is considered to be orchestration of thoughts and actions in accordance with internal goals.
If you have a problem with this. In some youthes the prefrontal cortex is not working properly, it might actually be smaller. Perhaps this is why mdma works differently to some. It also highlights where MDMA shines for me. It temporarily boosts the ability to plan and cognitize mostly social behavior.
This is just where mdma does it's work. And psychedelics do not go there very much so. If this is the part in the brain you want to access and examine in a new light. Psychedelics will not work to enhance this specific area of the brain because psychedelic are only drugs and work only to enhance the parts of the brain that it accesses and not this specific part.