Hello all!
My life has drastically changed in the last few months. I'll treat this a bit like an AA meeting for a couple sentences for some context about myself:
I have been an avid recreational drug user for many years. My favorites were alcohol and opiates (and benzos too). When I was much younger I tried mushrooms and lsd, but infrequently, improperly and without any type of guidance. I *was* a 2 pack a day smoker until recently.
I was blasted drunk with some random woman I don't even know (and I'm sure acting like an idiot). We started talking to this guy and he mentioned this drug I had never heard of before, called DMT. In my infinite (drunk) wisdom, I explained that I loved drugs and requested to try it. He warned me multiple times that it was not a recreational drug, it was very powerful and that it could have profound effects on my life. He made me acknowledge that I understood what he was saying and I pretty much insisted on trying it anyway. In the next few minutes leading up to trying DMT for the 1st time, I smoked the last cigarette I've ever had. I had no intention to quit smoking, or doing any drugs for that matter.
I'll skip out on the actual trip report for length but... I met god that night, and had some incredibly introspective thoughts about how I was living my life. I don't know the guy that introduced me to this. I don't even remember his name, but I am so grateful to him. The shock and awe of the experience pretty much obliterated anything else going through my mind that night.
I have tripped many times since that night. I've had 2 incredibly intense experiences now. Interestingly enough, I have lost a lot of interest in recreational drugs. I didn't realize my soul needed to be healed. I was committing the sin of not loving myself enough. Now, well, I've lost a lot of aimless wandering through life. I have something I am passionate about, and it's me and my spirituality. I want to meet others like me. I want to learn from others.
I plan to take a trip to Peru or somewhere this year and do an Aya journey. I'm thinking I will research mushrooms more, as I may have been quick to blow them off so many years ago. I don't have any recent experience with them at all.
I guess I'm writing this to say I'm here. Hi. I think you are all great. I think the people here are likely to understand
love a lot more than the ones I meet in my everyday life, and that's all that really matters now.
I've been reading the forum for a while. I look forward to interacting with you folks.