Thanks TheAwakening. Yeah, I had read jamies guide which was helpful. I made sure I chewed at my back wisdom teeth and sloshed the saliva around the back of my throat too and cheeks. It was tough because I had some smaller slightly broken up pieces of leaf too that broke up pretty quickly from chewing and were hard to keep in the quid. Using only full leaves would've helped. Though I noticed effects quicker than I thought and it built for the next ten minutes of the chewing.
On another note, I ended up with another night at home to myself tonight and remembered I had a home made tincture that I made about 6 months ago. Not wanting to waste a quiet night alone and my curiousity piqued to the buccal/sublingual route I thought I'd give the tincture a go. I went for one droppers worth, about 1 ml, which would equal around a half gram of leaf according to how I made it. This put me at a similar amount of leaf to last night but in tincture form.
I'm not sure if it was the ethanol in the tincture increasing absorption but I had a stronger experience than last night. I combined the tincture in a shot glass with some honey and a touch of hot water to create a slurry. It didn't burn no way near as bad as I expected, more of a tingle wherever I held it in my mouth (mostly under the tongue and the back of my tongue). The taste was fine, I could still taste the bitter plant essence but the honey helped offset it and I found the combination quite pleasant.
After 5-10 minutes I noticed first effects which quickly built into a beautiful and distinct altered, expanded and dissociated headspace. I had on my mindfold and was listening to a epic, repetitive track by Acid Mothers Temple "Pink Lady Lemonade (You're so sweet)" which really helped give me a directed focus because of its trancey nature. The music had deepened quite noticeably and gained extra meaning as the sage had her way. I had the buzzing Salvia fingers happening in my extremities again. I didn't quite get to a visual stage but I felt consumed by the plant essence, the bitter/sweet tincture held in my mouth enhanced this feeling also. After half an hour I swallowed the tincture and rode out the rest of the peak for another 15 minutes and felt back to baseline (besides a nice afterglow) an hour after first putting the tincture in my mouth.
Deeper meditative mind states came really easy, verging on heading into a deeper meditative void/blackness several times. I took off my mindfold at one point and looked out my balcony doors onto the moonlit neighbourhood from my vantage point on the hill and found it quite striking, definitely more than usual. When I put my mindfold back on I found I went back into the deepened salvia space real easy, I like the ability to choose when to go deeper with the sublingual route, much more control is put into your mind compared to smoked.
I prefer tincture to quid, easier to hold in the mouth when combined with the honey and hot water and I found it less distracting not having to chew every few minutes and try and hold the quid together. Just hold in mouth and wait. I like how it came on quicker too. Definitely going for two droppers next time, that should put me at least into a light visual level on top what I experienced tonight. A beautiful, expansive experience and I feel really good right now, very calm, cleansed and centred
"The love I've made is the shape of my space"