I believe that behavioral/biological/genetical sciences about how humans think/act lies at the root of all problems in society. Despite our consciousness (and maybe BECAUSE of our conscience) we try to deny/become uncomfortable when we hear that we´re nothing more than complex mammals.
The last sentence of your study about cortisol, Diazin, contains an interesting end sentence.
“We now have evidence that behavioural problems in children are linked to mental and physical health. Taking a ‘wait-and-see’ attitude may not be the right approach.”
I believe that every human should know as much as possible for why he behaves/feels a certain way. Some factors that determine how a person is/behaves:
- testosterone-cortisol ratio (is changeable)
- monoamine oxidase (is changeable))
- hand grip strength (is changeable)
- fluctuating asymmetry (is changeable)
- serotonin/DMT (read the study: Building alien worlds) (is changeable)
- 2D:4D (genetically determined)
- facial width-to-height-ratio (genetically determined, how much testosterone you are exposed to during puberty, which changes the shape of your face)
Nearly all the factors that I put here, are changeable but because most people don´t know these factors, they don´t change it and then your ´basic build` takes over and lets these factors be almost genetically determined (for example MAO/monoamine oxidase is about 84 percent genetically determined, but if you take MAO inhibitors, like I did (Nardil), your whole world view can change/your personality might even change a bit.
Some interesting studies about monoamine oxidase and what it does in our ´human` body:
http://ovidsp.tx.ovid.com/sp-3.23.1b/ovidweb.cgi? WebLinkFrameset=1&S=OBOEFPLLPNDDMINONCHKPDDCNDPCAA00&returnUrl=ovidweb.cgi%3fMain%2bSearch%2bPage%3d1%26S%3dOBOEFPLLPNDDMINONCHKPDDCNDPCAA00&directlink=http%3a%2f%2fovidsp.tx.ovid.com%2fovftpdfs%2fFPDDNCDCPDNOPN00%2ffs047%2fovft%2flive%2fgv024%2f00006842%2f00006842-197903000-00002.pdf&filename=Platelet+Monoamine+Oxidase+Activity+Correlates+with+Social+Affiliative+and+Agonistic+Behaviors+in+Normal+Rhesus+Monkeys.&link_from=S.sh.22%7c1&pdf_key=FPDDNCDCPDNOPN00&pdf_index=/fs047/ovft/live/gv024/00006842/00006842-197903000-00002&D=ovft