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Questons ?Possable Interations with Pirscription drugs and Cactus ? ? Options
#1 Posted : 1/1/2017 7:42:18 PM

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Hello 30 or 40 years ago I used LSD and Mushrooms many many times with only positive outcomes.
Back then I also smoked cannabis .
Because of various reasons I stopped all of that about 30 years ago .
Now I am interested in possibly taking cactus for a spiritual experience after Reading

" The Hummingbirds Journey" by Ross Haven .

I am older born in the 1950's ,
I have Type Two Diabetes that is controlled and stabilized .I lost 100lb 10 year ago,
I eat a very healthy diet ,walk for exercise.......
I take Metformin ,Glimepiride, also a mild diuretic Bisoprool/HCTZ for mild hypertension l I also take Simvastatin for cholesterol .
my physician says my blood sugar is near normal and my cardiovascular system is good.

I also take a METRIC BUTTLOAD of OTC vitamins supplements ,
To many to list ..health nut .
In addition I take 5HTP and GABA for depression .

What I am wondering is it safe to take my normal medications with cactus ?

or should I skip all meds the day I take cactus ? or just take some selective meds the day I take cactus ?? or should I fast/meds for more days before I take cactus , if so how log ,also how soon to resume ?

Also concerned about the 5htp and GABA interactions with cactus .

((( a below poster was confused and thought I was wanting to take cactus for diabetes ... no no no )))

((( I just want to know if I do take cactus will it have any negative interactions with my meds)))

I am on fence about using a cup of Rue tea with cactus ? if so how many grams to make tea?

ok those are a lot of Questions and WHAT IFs

Thanks for your time and info.

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#2 Posted : 1/1/2017 10:25:26 PM


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Honestly this question is best addressed by the physician prescribing your medication, and even then I expect they won't have a lot of knowledge in how these things interact with mescaline as that's pretty understudied territory. I don't expect any serious interactions between cactus and most prescription meds, but it is treading into the unknown. As always, when when testing the water, start low, go slowly, and try to limit the number of variables/combinations as much as is possible.

Certainly ask about/research how your meds interact with MAOI's before combining them with rue.
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#3 Posted : 1/2/2017 10:46:02 AM

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thanks dreamer I was hoping a member who was an actual Dr, or medical professional would reply .. as my physician is very conservative and I think he would be horrified ..haa very nice guy and good dr. but conservative
#4 Posted : 1/2/2017 11:47:57 AM

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There are a plethora of different alkaloids in some cacti, with limited knowledge about them and their interactions. There are some surrprises to be had. Trichocereus bridgesii for instance, contains a mao inhibiting compound.

As for rue with cacti, research san paapi.
#5 Posted : 1/2/2017 2:58:45 PM


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bezevo wrote:
I am older ,I have Type Two Diabetes ,I take Metformin ,Glimepiride, also a mild diuretic Bisoprool/HCTZ for mild hypertension also Simvastatin for cholesterol .

I also take a METRIC BUTTLOAD of OTC vitamins supplements ,
To many to list ..
In addition I take 5HTP and GABA for depression .

Have you considered to fix your diabetes first? Sometimes it's smarter to fix the root causes instead of throwing more drugs on it.
E.g. sports, strict diet and fasting? My mom is a diabetic, but she never considered to change her lifestyle a bit. The thing with psychedelics is: they won't do the work for you. You have to do it yourself. What if the cactus gives you a bad trip telling you: do not eat me unless you're on a diet, doing sports and fasting once in a while?

If your blood sugar is stable without the drugs, look up the biological half live for your drugs, calculate when they left the system and then start low. But hypertension and phenethylamines from the cacti (e.g. mescaline) is a worrisome combination alone as well. They raise the blood pressure.

If I had a relative who'd ask me for an advice, I'd tell him: fix your health problems first, then come back. No sane doctor would recommend taking cacti in your health condition. If you suffer from depression, there are ketamine clinics out there, e.g.: http://kcofp.com/ - not sure if your health condition allows it, but subhallucinogenic doses of K normally don't interfere much with your metabolic syndrome. Maybe you find it easier to be on a strict diet, if the depression is gone.

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#6 Posted : 1/2/2017 3:19:24 PM

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My mom is a diabetic, but she never considered to change her lifestyle a bit.

Some don't even see a connection between lifestyle and their disease.
And if they do they...well, refuse to change. Same witth fat people...you do not have to do much to change your situation. Either excercise hard (weight training)...or simply don't stuff you mouth with donuts all day every day. But they woon't make any compromise as they somehow believe they deserve all this food. It's a true addiction and it's a pitty to see people turn into total slobs.
#7 Posted : 1/2/2017 3:30:27 PM


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Sorry your thread has gotten kinda pushed off topic bezevo.

You may want to go ahead and send a pm to corpus callosum directly, he's the only actual medical professional I know of on the forum.
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#8 Posted : 1/2/2017 4:47:14 PM


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obliguhl wrote:
Some don't even see a connection between lifestyle and their disease.
And if they do they...well, refuse to change. Same witth fat people...you do not have to do much to change your situation. Either excercise hard (weight training)...or simply don't stuff you mouth with donuts all day every day. But they woon't make any compromise as they somehow believe they deserve all this food. It's a true addiction and it's a pitty to see people turn into total slobs.

Yup, a total disaster. But it's mostly the post-war generation. Those who were born before world war II had meat 1x per week on their table, unless they weren't from the affluent 1%. The same with the Japanese from Okinawa. Their mortality rate increased after the US occupation and the introduction of US lifestyle. Or the rags-to-riches Chinese. Once they can afford meat on a daily basis, their health will decline.

To oppose the derailment: google search "hypertension mescaline" is insightful. Don't do it, if your cardiovascular system isn't fit.
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#9 Posted : 1/7/2017 6:56:06 AM

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ya dreame042 it did kinda get of track with posts buy one or two ..? thanks I sent a PM to the member you mentioned .

ok for those that didn't quit get it I edited my original post to try and make my inquiry more clear .

but thanks to all for posting I can get some good info from most.

thank you

please any more opinions are welcome .
#10 Posted : 1/7/2017 5:35:24 PM


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I'm not really qualified to comment on possible interactions between your prescription meds and the alkaloids in cactus, if you are stable enough to skip them for a day that would help to eliminate possible confounds, but maintain your health first and take what you need to take to do so.

I'd advise against fasting, particularly if you are diabetic. Cactus is very long experience so do eat a good breakfast/lunch prior and try to eat something during the experience (maybe after the peak) to keep your blood sugar stable. Empty stomach does aide absorption however, so leave a few hours for your meal to digest before dosing.

Do take your vitamins and nutrients, but I'd advise against loading up on the neurotransmitter precursors, skip the 5-HTP and GABA and any other NT/precursors the day of your cactus.

*Under no conditions should you ever combine syrian rue with 5-HTP, this is very dangerous.*

I'd suggest working with the cactus alone before combining it with rue, if you do decide to combine it, of course avoid the 5-HTP, and check your med interactions with MAOI's. start with 1-2 grams of rue and your normal cacti dose.

You may also try asking around a bit on medical forums regarding specific interactions, but keep in mind that a forum is no substitute for talking with your prescribing physician directly. You might tell him you are considering high dose cacao or some other food that's loaded with phenethylamines and that should at least give you a bit of an idea of potential interactions with the phen class, without having to talk about cactus/mescaline directly. Likewise ask about interactions with MAOI's, tell em you've been reading up on lemon balm or passion flower or some such, and are interested in trying them out.

Best of luck, and please let us know how it goes. Thumbs up
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#11 Posted : 1/8/2017 2:19:53 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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thank you for the info and opinion ..good info corpus callosum

I also PM corpus callosum and getting some info from him or her ..

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