Figured I'd give a back story about how all this came to be. Maybe more insight into how it came to be would help.
So three years ago I moved across the country to live with a friend out west. At the time I was running from a girl who supposedly was pregnant with my child (ended up not being so). Very controlling person and wanted nothing to do with her or else she would've had me on a leash. So dropped my life moved to a friends Marijuana farm and started helping out. Was doing a lot of LSD at the time and got very interested in the changes I was seeing. Super outgoing, confident, loving, just all around happy and free feeling. Now I had been repressing the whole pregnancy and refused to speak of it and it made me very anxious. In fact smoking caused me panic attacks and they started happening more. Still tripping with no negatives though.
Odd things started happening like pictures morphing while sober. example:
http://pre13.deviantart....n_by_greno89-d4i7plf.jpgWhile sober I always saw a girl crying and the picture goes black. In my mind I made this an idea of me being unable to accept or let go of that part of myself to be whole.
Kept tripping and one day I decided to play a game. I said, "I know nothing" nothing crazy happened just felt odd.
This thought carried with me the whole next week and couldn't shake it.
Tripped again, this trip told me it's in the past let it go. I arrogantly refused, there was something in it the mind wanted.
Yet again I tripped.
This time terror, images of disgust, I watched myself get locked away in the farthest corner of my mind.
Woke up, went to tend the farm and I froze. Panic attack to the extreme. Turned white as a ghost and sat in panic for 6 hours with everyone there staring and asking what was happening.
Part of me knew, reality was sped up, the moment lost, and this cycle kept the panic going.
Now I felt lost after this, not as much as I do now but out of it.
My attitude changed, I became flustered, irritable, and selfish. I couldn't sleep, thoughts going every witch way attacking my mind in terror.
Never had I lost my mind and had it as my enemy. It was my loyal companion and it was now my enemy.
I scoured for answers, first shroomery, here, anything to make sense of it.
This started my obsession in retrospect.
Soon I went home out of not knowing up from down. I left most people without anything even a goodbye so my lady counterpart couldn't find me. So relations were tense.
The more I thought about it and worried the more I felt myself slipping away into nothing and the more I worried.
The void set in eventually where I felt hollow, numb, a band tightening around my head and constant thought streams. My mind was breaking into pieces. The structure collapsed.
I researched more and more and hit Depersonalization. A label to call this. researched all day finding out information. At this point I still could have positive thoughts.
Eventually I went to see the ex girl and set things straight and face my problems. Didn't fix anything so kept searching. Tried DMT, nothing. Tried MDMA, my god I'm cured and then the comedown back into anxious existential hell.
Met a new girl, decided to go on a road trip. During so I decided to drop all labels, that this wasn't a good or bad feeling and it has no name. I allowed myself to be vulnerable. Ended up being arrested on the trip and I let go inside. No thoughts controlled me, life happened without me. As I was released on bail I lent someone my phone, dark thoughts rushed through me but I didn't do anything with them, got my phone back and started walking.
BAM Mind was back, fully in the moment and reality. Everything was so alive. Lasted about 45 minutes then back to hell. This gave me hope.
Kept falling in and out for the next 6 months. Here I allowed myself to be vulnerable and just tried to be loving.
Fast forward.
Kept dwelling and digging into it. Thoughts circle essentially about the same things every day. Opened up 150 tabs on the topic and read through them. Become isolated and make it my life to figure out a way from the darkness. Everywhere says love where your at now, accept it, let go.
Terms my mind can't figure out a how to, and I know that's because those things are out of the mind.
Anyways, present day, still research it and can't grasp the terms, accept, etc. No identity, feel empty, blank mind. Think about it everyday. What to do about it, etc.
Now I realize, I made it what it is, I made it into a new identity/ego. This "problem" is what keeps it going and the fear of it.
Lately I think I just need to Love myself, I've been beating myself up by punching air in this endless loop.
How do I love myself? Stop thinking something is wrong?
How do I just let myself be vulnerable or be in general?
Might have gotten off topic, or had terrible grammar.
Thank you for reading though, hope this helps in some way get a better idea.