cdb wrote:Hello, is there anybody out there?
You can call me cdb, i'm 30 from IN, currently going threw divorce. Only married 2 years, i got 1 son. Getting divorce because i smoke cannabis!! Right?? I mainly only smoke cannabis, but i am currently sitting on some LSD waiting for my "right state of mind" prolly after divorce.. I've done LSD and Psilocybin, Salvia, and truffels (from a'dam). I've horticulture cannabis indoor/outdoor, made my own hash & edibles. I understand extractions and how they work. Just trying b apart of this community. Help if i can and definitely take some notes.
If nature is illegal, freedom doesn't exist.
Lysergic acid diethylamide can be an amazing force for large life transitions, such as a divorce, it's a powerful tool for introspection and psychological and emotional processing, you can pick through your own psychological process in relation to others, as well as gain glimpses into the psychological processes of others.
Deciding the "right" mindstate can be quite the task, often times I
thought that I was in the wrong mindstate and took the compound regardless, and ended up having a phenomenal progression towards peace, other times I
thought the mindstate was right, and ended up having a fairly passive, transient, ineffective it can be difficult to judge.
To determine which night will be "the night" I use the "I ching", I throw my coins, am given a hexagram, as well as some seemingly random advice on the proper decision... it's as if "the flow" people are talking about when they say "go with the flow" is able to be exposed through the I-ching, and you are able to make decisions which will.alight you with it, it's like Tao, or when Terrence McKenna talks about novelty versus entropy in time, it's as if it gives you the ability to make decisions to always be on the most novel path...
Here's some strange information regarding coin flipping, there are computer programs which act as random "coin flippers", randomly flipping coins, and recording the either "heads" or "tails" results, apparently, before major events, these programs will see large spikes of non-random patterning:
Quote: when an important event occurs, such as the 9/11 terrorist attack or the Indian Ocean tsunami, the random event generators start to display patterns that should not exist in truly random sequences.
Not only does the GCP detect spikes of less-than-random activity around some important events, but according to the project it actually predicts them, too. In the aforementioned 9/11 attack there was a bizarre spike of non-random activity four hours before the attacks;
https://www.damninterest...tors-predict-the-future/ So, if random coin flips do actually have some connection to major novel events, then what does this say about the I-ching?
The anomaly reported with the coin-flipping software was that all the coins were generating "non-random" results, they were all flipping heads or tails, or were doing so in a pattern.
If one were to have used the I-ching before 9/11, the coins would have consistently provided you the same hexagram, as it shows through random coin flip generators, therefore it would have given you consistent advice...
And strangely enough, this appears to correlate with some of what McKenna was saying, it never tells exactly what will happen, only where peaks of novelty where occur. Novelty could be good or bad, it could be the invention of the computer, or it could be a natural disaster or major world event...on the other side there is "entropy", which refers to Times where things are plagued by recidivism, habit, regression.
Though I think I'm going off topic.
Anyway, LSD can be great for transitions, specially emotional transitions such as the ending of a relationship, the LSD can allow you to review past psychological wounds in a way that is progressive rather than simply causing one to relive past traumas, it allows processing where you can step out of "yourself" and obtain and objective view free from your own egotistical tendencies and emotions.
I'm reminded of the Hindu goddess Kali, she is a goddess of destruction, but she is not a negative or evil deity, the old and obsolete must be destroyed so the new and novel can take rise...kind of like where you have had a car for many years, and you love it, you need a new car, but can't let go of the old one, until one day, a large construction truck drops a piece of heavy construction equipment on your parked car destroying it, and you are quite upset. Having no choice, you get a new car, and it turns out to be even better than the one you were cloning onto, and you think "had my old car never gotten destroyed, I never would have moved onto this new one, which I am even happier with" , in this metaphor Kali was the positive destruction of the old which allowed the new to this same manner, I see LSD like the goddess Kali, it can severe the psychological "old" and provide a platform for a psychological "new"
There is research confirming the ability which psychedelics possess to cause psychological.transformation:
Quote: these data suggest that regular use of psychedelic drugs could potentially lead to structural changes in brain areas supporting attentional processes, self-referential thought, and internal mentation. These changes could underlie the previously reported personality changes in long-term users and highlight the involvement of the PCC in the effects of psychedelics.
Some deep introspection, and psychological examination from a psychedelic outlook may turn out to be very beneficial indeed.
I have always had this outlook on psychoactive compounds: "if you can use a psychoactive, regardless of what that psychoactive may be, and you can do it in a safe, responsible, and functional manner, and this use is not negatively impacting your situation in life or your loved ones, then there is nothing wrong with it, you cross the line into "abuse" when you can't function in life, where your actions are destroying yourself or your family, when your use inspires you to victimize others (such as those who steal or rob to maintain habits) and so on.
Psychoactive use is completely fine in my eyes, though I have no tolerance for psychoactive abuse, it's always good to examine the potential impacts your psychoactive consumption and ask your self "is this use or abuse? Is this helping me, or hindering me?, I know I ended up touching on a wide range of topics, and I apologize for the length of my response.