So i brewed some ACRB and rue over the weekend. 12 gram ACRB and 10 gram rue. I brewed them together over 9 hours. 3 x simmer for 3 hours and filter. Reduced the whole thing to 2 cups.
I drank the brew while it was warm. Not hot and not lukewarm. Somewhere in between. Within a minute of drinking, it came back up. It was the taste of the rue that made me puke. I waited half an hour and drank the second cup. Same thing, except i puked after 10 minutes.
Saw very faint CEVs, like the crap you see when your eyes are closed and sober, but a tad bit more vivid. I knew if I kept the brew in, i would have ceased to exist in the physical world.
Something tells me i shouldn't have drank it warm. Is there anything i can do to make the next experience an actual experience?
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."