Hello All-
I have been on and off here for a while...Reading about people's experiences w/DMT and all other related consciousness expanding substances and plants. I guessed it was about time to say hello.
As a former long-time user of LSD, mushrooms, etc..(former Deadhead/jamband and fest traveler, you see) I love hearing about other people's experiences with all manner of these amazing psychedelics. I haven't gotten an opportunity to experience DMT, san pedro cacti, or aya yet though.
I have had some pretty interesting experiences with all of what I have done...and mostly really, of what happened afterward, as what I believe was a huge catalyst for spiritual growth.
...In my early 20's, I went for a period of 6 days without sleeping after a heavy dose of prednisone for bronchitis. It sent me into another world..ha..but in a good way. My roommate saw that I wasn't sleeping and eventually took me to the hospital where I was diagnosed 'manic', however, I had been constantly experiencing a state of One-ness and knew it was more than being manic. I did not engage in any other manic behaviors, I was only what they termed 'hyper-spiritual'. They put me on lithium and all manner of other shit, anti-psychotics, etc...which, of course, in contrast made me feel dead.
This would happen again and again (9 times at least) over a period of 25 years... Extreme awareness of the eternal One/non-dual state would spontaneously happen...and all this information (picturing the grid/web in space, psychic shit, time as illusory, some ET experiences, 5D) would flood into my consciousness, and I would begin speaking in metaphors, etc...My family wouldn't understand, and cart me off to the hospital, then I'd be given meds, and the deadening would happen again.
Throughout all of this, btw, I raised an amazing son, obtained my M. Ed. degree, and have taught children with dyslexia and Autism Spectrum Disorder (Aspberger's) for more than 15 years.
Recently, I had another strong moment of Self-Realization, in which I became full and free. It is a peaceful feeling wherever I go...and it does not abate. I could lay in bed or sit in the backyard for the rest of my life and just Be. Things come to me and I feel in a constant state of synchronicity with Life. I have developed an inner-self relationship with what I consider 'God'-although this term does not do It justice. It IS Existence. This Consciousness is at the core of us all. Indeed, we are One in That and through That.
I hear a very high pitched sound all the time, but I feel like I'm hearing the energy field. It's actually quite nice. I've heard it since the beginning, but now it is quite sharp.
Also, I have been finding feathers lately...One right beside my bed the other night. Shit gets unreal sometimes...lol.
It is truly amazing to have been through so much. I feel in complete gratitude for all of these experiences, although some have been very hard indeed. Have been off all meds for a while by the way, and will never take them again.
Sorry for the long intro...Really didn't expect all that to come out...
Blessings to Everyone..Look forward to reading about your perspectives and experiences.
With the drawing of this Love and the voice of this Calling
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time. -- T. S. Eliot