Phycoinactive wrote:Hello Dmt Nexus.
Rather than bore you with another essay about how society has lied to us, I am going to tell y'all about some drug related theories I have.
1. Massive release of endorphins at the beginning of endurance exercise is responsible for the itchiness one feels at the beginning of a run.
2. Many psychoactive drugs mimic mental disorders: For instance, the effect profile of Amphetamines closely follows the symptoms a person with Manic-depressive disorder has. Or a person under the influence of an Deliriant is affected similarly to someone who has psychotic schizophrenia.
3. DMT was developed by plants as a way to prevent large animals from eating them. The MAO enzyme is the evolutionary response of the animal that allows these plants to be eaten again.
4. I think that DMT is NOT responsible for dreams because there is no evidence to support that it is, and is probably just a waste product of Serotonin and Melatonin biosynthesis (sorry Dr. Rickey)
5. Opiates/oids have a low bioavailability because it protects you from DEATH.
6. Psychedelics (especially DMT) allow the mind to do what it wants with the information it receives, and to experience it's own workings instead of being preoccupied with making sure you are doing x y and z.
these ideas are probably out there already, but hey these are a few of the good ones I've had over the years. Alongside countless others that I can't access right now for various reasons, one being that I'm not high right now. Regardless, I am glad to finally formally introduce myself to the community.
1. I'm not sure this is the case, but would you please elaborate?
2. The theory that psychedelics are mere psychotomimetics has been disproved time and time for other psychoactives, I'll get into that later.
3. I really doubt that this is the case, most would assume that plants produce alkaloids as a means of defense, however you must keep in mind that plants produced compounds to attract species just as often as they do to repel them. Animals communicate by behavior, plants communicate through chemistry: example
Quote:He and his colleagues are using chemical sensors to investigate plant communications: cries for help, invitations, even warnings, each in the form of odor molecules that float past human noses unnoticed. The harder biologists look for these signals, the more they find. They have already discovered that plants can send chemical cues to repel insect enemies, as well as signals that attract allies—other insects that are pleased to eat the insects eating the plant. But that is only the start of a more complex scenario, for Baldwin and others have also found that nearby plants can listen in to this conversation and gear up their own defenses. between repealing parasites and attracting symbiotes, pollinators, seed spreaders, or by providing a food source for animals or humans, plants are producing chemicals for a wide variety of reasons, ans to assume that DMT is a defense seems unreasonable, it would serve very poorly for this function.
4. I have never heard anybody claim DMT was responsible for dreams, some speculate that it may play some role in dreaming, though thus far it's all been speculation or conjecture and has never been represented otherwise.
As far as claiming that DMT is a metabolic waste product of serotonin and melatonin this is impossible because DMT is generated on a completely separate pathway from serotonin and melatonin:
Tryptophan -----AADC---> tryptamine ----INMT(SAM - SAH)----> N-methyl-tryptamine INMT(SAM - SAH)----> DMT
tryptophan is decarboxalated (amino acid decarboxylase) giving tryptamine, this tryptamine is then methylated through indole amine methyl transferase and S-Adenosyl methionine which becomes S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine as it donate a it's methyl group, this gives N-methyl-tryptamine, which is again methylated through indole amine methyl transferase (INMT) and S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM) which becomes S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine (SAH) as it donate a it's methyl group giving N,N-DMT.
Serotonin starts from tryptophan, which is then 5-hydroxylated (tryptophan hydroxylase) giving 5-hydroxy-tryptophan, which is then decarboxalated giving 5-hydroxy-tryptamine (serotonin)
Melatonin is produced from serotonin via 5HT-acetylase giving N-acetyl-5-hydroxy-tryptamine which is then converted to.N-graceful-5-methoxy-tryptamine (melatonin) via hydroxy O-methyltransferase...
As far as claiming that DMT is a metabolic waste product of any kind this is incredibly unlikely, and while we are still understanding the role of endogenous dimethyltryptamine, it's becoming clear that DMT is likely that endogenous ligand for the sigma-1 receptor and is acting as an Endogenous Sigma-1 Receptor Regulator:
Quote:The sigma-1 receptor is widely distributed in the central nervous system and periphery. Originally mischaracterized as an opioid receptor, the sigma-1 receptor binds a vast number of synthetic compounds but does not bind opioid peptides; it is currently considered an orphan receptor. The sigma-1 receptor pharmacophore includes an alkylamine core, also found in the endogenous compound N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). DMT acts as a hallucinogen, but its receptor target has been unclear. DMT bound to sigma-1 receptors and inhibited voltage-gated sodium ion (Na+) channels in both native cardiac myocytes and heterologous cells that express sigma-1 receptors. DMT induced hypermobility in wild-type mice but not in sigma-1 receptor knockout mice. These biochemical, physiological, and behavioral experiments indicate that DMT is an endogenous agonist for the sigma-1 receptor.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih...pmc/articles/PMC2947205/ 5. ughh, I'd rather not get into opioid pharmacology.
6. Psychedelics are doing many things to the brain:
·Thalamic gating - your brain is bombarded with bilkions of outside signals per second, all of which, except smell, enter through the thalamus, the thalamus then "filters" these signals down to what's essential, and passes the filtered signals to the cortex regions, the cortex regions are where your higher processing occurs. When you consume a psychedelic you thalamus stops filtering these signals, so rather than getting a small filtered slice of reality, your getting it all. It's like huxleys "consciousness valve"
·Dorsal raphe nuclei stop firing - while you are awake, your dorsal raphe nuclei are constantly firing serotonin, as you tire they slow, in sleep they stop. On a psychedelic your dorsal raphe nuclei stop firing even though the rest of your brain is fully awake.
·Decreased blood flow - decreased blood flow occurs in the the thalamus, the posterior cingulate and the medial prefrontal cortex.
·Serotonin receptor agonism - as tryptamine psychedelics are near identical in structure to your higher tryptamine neurotransmitters (phenethylamine psychedelics are near identical to your phenethylamine neurotransmitters) they bond to these receptor sites. (The tryptamine and phenethylamine psychedelics are basically exogenous neurotransmitters )
...hmm, there's still a bit more but this is getting long, and I'm sure you get the idea, the effects of tryptamine and phenethylamine psychedelics in the human brain are fairly complex, and still are not fully understood. Though I'm certian that these psychedelics will be crucial in modern neurological science and in understanding the human brain.