Here is part 1 of a 22 part video lecture on youtube from the 2008 shamanism conference in Iquitos..the frist few videos he goes on about hadronic mechanics and it's sort of hard to keep up with what he is saying unless you actually have studies this stuff..I had never even heard of hadronic mechanics so I found the beggining mind boggling..but still interesting..
Even so I think it's worth to watch all of it..this guy really has done lots of anthropological research into ancient religions and ayahuasca analogue soma brews, mushrooms etc..he talks abut many different DMT containing plants and supercunducting reasonators in the body relating to pinoline..aliens, the UFO phenomenon and soo soo much more..not sure if its posted here anywhere but I havn't seen it here so if it is let me know and I will get rid of this thread..
Some may dissagree with what he saying about physics and such..but thee is still a wealth of ancient entheobotanical/geometrical knowledge to be digested..took me 2 days to get through it all though. I think in part 6, he gets into explaining an ancient soma brew containing rue and acacia..with alcohol..I dont remember it all but somehow the alcohol is diverted int he brain or something and ketamine like compounds are activated in the NMDA receptors to create an aya like state with ketamine-esque effects as well..apparently he has tested it and it's more closer to true dark room experiences and NDE's..and gets into how ketamine like compounds are produced naturally along with DMT and pinoline in the dark rooms..very interesing
Long live the unwoke.