I wanted to ask how is the caapi x5 flour made??
(Sorry amounts are not exact, this was made on the fly in a tent in the middle of the desert.)
~50 g of trichocereus chips
~10-12 g of caapi 5x flour
1. Boil cactus chips for ~ 1 hour, pour off water into separate container & save
2. Add moar water to chips and boil again for ~1 hour, pour off water into separate container & save
3. Add moar water to chips and boil again for ~1 hour, pour off water into separate container & save
4. Discard cactus chips after boiling 3 times.
5. Combine water from the all 3 boils into a pot and reduce as much as possible over low heat
6. Allow water to cook off leaving just a small amount of liquidy resin.
7. Let excess water evaporate off leaving a gooey mass.
8. Add caapi 5x flour to resin; mix, stir, and knead till it becomes no longer sticky and takes a solid consistency
9. Break off small pieces of "taffy", roll into balls, and swallow with water or some other liquid as desired.
10. Have fun!