I like that description, it can be taken as a very subtle or very overpowering sort of image—like something you might miss if you're not paying attention or the last thing you ever see before you go permanently blind. Blue frosting or an artificial desert made of featureless glass stretching in a 10x10 mile floating plateau pure silicate aerogel, 2 cm thick at the center, not built but grown over the course of a year by a photosynthesizing fungus modified to produce the ultralight material in transparent sheets of cellophane, There before the first ferry arrives and the tents and stages go up—that kind of y'know, quiet blue, a blue-before-the-storm or visual migraine? Sorry to go on, (stoned) but it is my favorite color in any amount. Very few naturally blue foods though—it's a shame.
Sigh. But no, to answer your question I've never seen such a thing as a Sober Light Distortion, but I do recommend it.
Spellbreaking is the better part of alchemy, extraction, and the art of undoing—but a cocksure kind of lovingkindness, a clockwork clock, works time.
Nakhig lo shulun, Sharuku! Gorz nash!
“Where is your master? Where is he?”
Mig shâ zog... Undagush! Nakh
Atigat iuk no lighav wizard...