I've been wondering for a while ~ we humans have individual Souls, and a group Soul.
How does this work, though? Does the individual Soul always incarnate as the same kind of physical being throughout the Soul's journey? Or are we "human" because our individual Soul tunes into the human archetypal group Soul, however it does so?
I've heard many claim that animals only have group Souls, yet my experiences have lead me to suspect that animals have individual Souls just like us humans, but that they also tune into their respective group Souls. I also drew this conclusion from the fact that our physical bodies are animal as well, so non-human animals must also have individual Souls.
The claim of animals only having group Souls seems to me to stem from claims of human superiority, much like Scientism claiming humans are the pinnacle of evolution, or the dogmatic forms of religion claiming humans are somehow spiritually superior, or God's chosen, or what-have-you, all of which I disdain as anthropocentric, speciest dogma.
How does the plant Soul work, when say, you cut of part of a plant and condition it for growing into a clone of that plant? Does it still have the same Soul connection? Perhaps the aura of the clone plant connects to the same Soul? Can't see why not. Multiple auras, one Soul?
Metals... Jagadish Bose's experiments on animal and plant cells and metals showed that all, when alive, shared the same vibrational / frequencies / energies of life that vanish when they die, weaken in the same way when they are all poisoned with the same poison, and are strengthened in the same way when they are healed with the same medicines. Curious stuff, but it proves that metals are also alive. Curious stuff.
While wondering about past life memories and how I was able to meet with a personification of my Higher Self, I hypothesized as to whether the aspect of consciousness locked onto, into, whatever, the brain, that we call the "ego", is merely a fragment of Soul that is blinded, for the most part, to the greater whole it is part of.
The personification I met was merely another fragment of my Soul, perhaps? That is why I believed, at first, that it was separate from me-as-ego, until it revealed its true nature.
Past life memories coming through could be the result of the ego limitations softening in places, but that also has the risk of delusion, due to the ego taking those fragments and imagining stuff that has no reality in those other lives. I suspect parts of my past life visions could contain such delusional aspects.
What are your experiences, thoughts and opinions when it comes to the nature of the individual and the group soul, and related phenomena such as those I have brought up?
“The dao that can be expressed is not the eternal Dao.”
~ Lǎozǐ
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
~ Carl Jung