yes the bark was cut to less than 1cm square actually and it was still completly helpless, less bark mite of helped it not to explode but yeah, still so sticky that in small quantities it would not powder it , with fibers always clumping and sticking to the blades, stopping them from effectivly chopping. it does however shred the bark effectivly.
unless this yield is particularly amazing then swim says he will not use longifolia again , purely because of the difficulty of working with the bark. and yes the similarity to MHRB did seem promising didn't it !
swim used a litre of pure gum turps for defat that he had lying around because it was an aromatic solvent, and has encountered an issue, evidentally his bark wasnt completly dry after dry defat, as the solvent reduced it smelt more and more strongly of eucalyptus, and after a days freezing the seemingly single state golden solvent seperated into a polar and non polar layer, thinking that the freezer had somehow managed to contaminate swims extract with water he sucked out the layer underneath the solvent, only to find it yellow and smelling of eucalyptus! upon refreezing and drip drying said layer has a faint smell of dmt and eucalyptus oil with no visible crystal formation, however it was small.
the rest of the solvent went back in the freezer and has much freefloating light coloured stuff at the bottom of the container, a similar issues to that encountered before while attempting freeze precipitation, a new topic has been posted calling for information on how to overcome this issue , asking questions and so forth, if anyone has something to add it would be much appreciated by swim...
i may be anthropomorphising bark by describing it as evil... but i stand by my claim , this bark has a heart as black as the void!
off topic
also swim tells me that he discovered new wattles not listed in information sources on naturalised wattles to his area, teal/silver green leaves quite similar to longifolia or maidenii... but a different colour, with cylindrical flowers of yellow, curved (falcate) thin fruits and brown bark. does anybody know this wattle?
the picture showing a green wattle next to said plant in question is a definite acacia maidenii with its curly fruits and notably darker green foliage.
Mister Y attached the following image(s):

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