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So I've gotten extremely curious about the effects of Harmalas used by themselves. I'm planning a new DMT extraction, and intend to get some MAOIs extracted too while I have the tools together, for some pharmahuasca... But while I'm waiting for the plant material, I'd like to gather some insight on Harmalas themselves. They seem to be a mostly ignored bystander in the psychedelic community, with all experience reports on Erowid, and most discussion here on the nexus, only mentioning them as a potentiator for DMT or some other indole, like mushrooms. Still, reading with attention, there seems to be a lot of interesting stuff there. According to some sources I've gathered, Ayahuasca, literally speaking, is not MAOI + DMT, it IS the MAOI - the DMT is an added bonus, and some shamans apparently say that one should first be familiar with the vine before adding the Deemz. (Sorry, it's been a while I read this so I'm not sure where it was discussed.) There's also the topic here on the Prophet Muhammad talking about the use of Syrian Rue as a sacred medicine. And, finally, MAOIs are quite popular in the Western world as antidepressants... So I'm wondering if any of you have experience with using Syrian Rue or vine for their own effects, and what one can expect from them at various (sub-psychedelic and psychedelic) doses. Do you believe in the THIRD SUMMER OF LOVE?
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I have insight regarding harmala alkaloids...
And there's some history involving ayahuasca that I really want to get into here...
But I don't have time now...
I'll come back to this topic later today, this post is like a "bookmark" reminding to respond when I have time.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 306 Joined: 04-Mar-2012 Last visit: 11-Oct-2024 Location: temperate dweller
I love taking harmalas alone. Drinking syrian rue tea makes me feel extremely "well" and healthy, it seems to get my brain/body vibrations moving in a coherent pattern together.
It also heals me from a chronic systemic bacterial infection (Borrelia), seemingly overcoming the nasty side effects of the healing process and killing the bacteria. It gives me the mental fortitude to continue through my day when I feel exhausted.
It feels euphoric too, which at medium levels (50-100mg oral syrian rue alks) is quite apparent and helpful to me.
It sort of feels to me like getting some of the benefits of tripping, the sharper mind and physical healing, without putting yourself through the fire. It also seems to open the spiritual world, and is excellent for sitting meditations, as it relaxes the body so fully and stimulates the mind so wonderfully.
 DMT-Nexus member
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kerelsk wrote:I love taking harmalas alone. Drinking syrian rue tea makes me feel extremely "well" and healthy, it seems to get my brain/body vibrations moving in a coherent pattern together.
It also heals me from a chronic systemic bacterial infection (Borrelia), seemingly overcoming the nasty side effects of the healing process and killing the bacteria. It gives me the mental fortitude to continue through my day when I feel exhausted.
It feels euphoric too, which at medium levels (50-100mg oral syrian rue alks) is quite apparent and helpful to me.
It sort of feels to me like getting some of the benefits of tripping, the sharper mind and physical healing, without putting yourself through the fire. It also seems to open the spiritual world, and is excellent for sitting meditations, as it relaxes the body so fully and stimulates the mind so wonderfully. O.O buhwathefuwathefu! Borrelia = Lyme I've been hot on the trail using different herbs for my chronic Lyme and Babesia (8 solid years of vicious joint inflammation), and my path has led me to harmalas. It's very encouraging to hear that it helps you. May we be in touch via PM? Curious about your experience with it, like: 1) How do you brew it? 2) How often do you take it? How much do you take? 3) Do you "keep it at bay," or have you gone through a healing process and you're good now? Thanks in advance! There are studies done on Peganum harmala showing that it's effective against certain antibiotic-resistant bacteria, so... From the unspoken Grows the once broken
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 273 Joined: 21-Jan-2016 Last visit: 03-Nov-2017
Hey whoa there... Glad i stumbled on to this thread. Have had Lyme 3 years and was thinking about indulging Ayahuasca again soon. I'm nervous about how it will make me feel since i haven't taken it since getting sick. Please do report back everything you can on it. In particular is it going to make me herx like a mofo? Or did it just tame your symptoms? I would hate to be herxing on Ayahuasca...
 DMT-Nexus member
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Psilociraptor wrote:Hey whoa there... Glad i stumbled on to this thread. Have had Lyme 3 years and was thinking about indulging Ayahuasca again soon. I'm nervous about how it will make me feel since i haven't taken it since getting sick. Please do report back everything you can on it. In particular is it going to make me herx like a mofo? Or did it just tame your symptoms? I would hate to be herxing on Ayahuasca... Hey! Ive experienced all kinds of ayahuasca sessions while sick with Lyme. I've had my fair share of too-intense experiences. For me, my joint inflammation goes down (YAY!) and my mental/emotional stress goes up. UNLESS... I drink a brew that is mostly harmalas. For people with physical ailments, this seems to be the best approach. Gentle, more of the healing vine and less of the stimulating "light." If your intention with ayahuasca is to heal, then I would go with this approach. I've had way too many experiences that were so stressful and I was like, "yep, too much chacruna." From the unspoken Grows the once broken
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Hmm that's interesting. Definitely makes sense. I swear the emotional/stress aspects of this illness are worse than the physical. The neuropathy and joint pain don't bother me nearly as much as the fear of spontaneously stroking out or having a heart attack. I just feel so fragile these days which has been my main concern with going deep on it. I have tripped since having Lyme but mostly on synthetics or mushrooms. Nothing with MAOI or quite as violently purgative. They've all gone well and are probably the strongest anti inflammatories i've yet to come across. But the nerves leading up to it... geez. I had a recent opportunity to do Ayahuasca and bailed out because of it only to regret it. It was my wifes first time in ceremony and i missed it  Definitely comforting to know another Lyme patient has been through it with success. My other concern was interactions with the herbs i was taking, but i was assured that antidepressants and stimulants are the only real concern I'll keep that in mind if i ever prepare my own brew. Unfortunately i don't have much control over the preparation because i prefer to take in ceremony with a guide i've come to know and love. I know this isn't most peoples preference, but i honestly couldn't imagine doing it any other way. The communion, group prayer and healing is where i find all the benefit. Otherwise it's just another overly nauseating and incapacitating psychedelic to me. Not to denounce it's medicinal value, it's just not my preferred road for traveling solo. I gotta say though it's a little depressing hearing you've been through this for 8 years. I've only been treating 3-4 months and doing pretty well but sometimes i fear I'm plateauing and will never get healed. Would love to hear what you've tried
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Yes, I've also found that psychedelics provide the most anti-inflammatory effects. It really clues you in on how much of a psychospiritual disease this is. To each their own for sure about doing it in a ceremonial group setting. Maybe I'll feel comfortable doing that one day but I usually feel like I need my own space. Psilociraptor wrote:I gotta say though it's a little depressing hearing you've been through this for 8 years. I've only been treating 3-4 months and doing pretty well but sometimes i fear I'm plateauing and will never get healed. Would love to hear what you've tried I've tried a LOT of things, and my story as it stands now, I believe, is too shrouded by my own psychological fuckuperies associated with Lyme to tell it straight. But I will say these things. Many people talk about hitting it from "all angles." The more things you try and COMBINE, the better. Chew on this: "I have not been able to heal because I have been trying to heal something that is an imbalance created by trying to heal something that never existed in the first place." In other words, before I had all these things wrong with me, I *believed* something was wrong with me, and that may or may not have been true. That knowledge may bring me closer to resolving inner turmoil, both physically and mentally. I am currently trying Buhner's protocol (check out his book "Healing Lyme"  , which recommends many herbs but centers around Japanese knotweed. This is helping a lot. Look out for a thread I'm about to post about using Ayahuasca for RA. This definitely deserves its own thread, if not its own forum, imo. EDIT: Here it is: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...m=825259&#post825259From the unspoken Grows the once broken
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 273 Joined: 21-Jan-2016 Last visit: 03-Nov-2017
Okay i'll read that thread when i get back from my hike  Glad we've started this discussion. I've been on Lyme forums for years but few of them have any interest in these sorts of journeys and those that do are too novice. So this is seriously cool. I too have been on Buhners protocol. On and off for a year. It works... Too well in fact. The die off was so unbearable i had to stop and restart several times to find a dose low enough. Now that I've got that squared away i've been on Knotweed and Cat's Claw for about 4 months, slowly inching up and doing pretty great. Every time i inch up i herx more though. Makes me wonder how high i'm going to have to go and how long i'm going to have to go before this beast is out of my system. I agree with the psychospiritual aspects as well. They are inseparable from the physical. I remember a few times smoking DMT i "willed" the pain away by embracing the light. Pretty cool stuff. Even simple things such as stepping out of my dank dark house into the sunlight bring immediate relief to my nerve pain.