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Have you been to the same 'place' in a DMT trip? Options
#1 Posted : 11/10/2016 6:28:14 PM

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One of the things that blew my mind about DMT was near the end of my 2nd experience, where I ended up in some type of control room with a spherical rubiks cube. Behind the cube was some kind of transparent display screen that had what appeared to me an infinite amount of realities I could choose from. Each slide/reality had its own set of probabilities inside of it, which seemed to influence my decision on what reality to choose.

My buddy who introduced me to psychedelics said he has had a similar experience in his trips, and another friend of mine mentioned some other similarities about coming to some type of control room with a rubiks cube.

Has anyone had a similar experience where you are moving/adjusting/playing with this spherical rubiks cube with your mind and having these slides of realities move all over the place?

As infinite and insane the DMT world is, I feel like there is a 'common place' that more than one of us has visited, and I wanted to poke your brains to see if I couldn't start finding some similarities between experiences.

Much love!

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#2 Posted : 11/10/2016 8:17:41 PM
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I think it's more than likely this cube represents a soul power, a spiritual matter. When your in playing with it, does it reflect emotion to you? It's a very base feeling in the core of my stomach actually, albeit i'm not very aware of bodily functions when in there.
#3 Posted : 11/10/2016 9:45:47 PM

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When I was playing with it, it felt as if I was grabbing the spherical rubiks cube with my hands and turning it every which way that was allowed, except this was all done with the mind, and I was not aware of any bodily functions. Kind of like telepathy for my body movements. I didn't feel any sense of emotion connected to the actions of what I was doing/perceiving, but will be more aware this time around to see if I can 'feel' anything, anywhere else.

#4 Posted : 11/10/2016 9:48:04 PM

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I have been to the same place many times. In some way my mind knows where to go. It's a certain feeling and vibration. It's so familiar when I am there. Like I am always there. Strange.
"In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link." ~Carlos Castaneda
#5 Posted : 11/10/2016 10:36:42 PM

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I too can relate.

Not once but many times I've experienced certain similarities in these journeys. Some symbols appear more often than others and I could name a few. The rubiks cube as well on one occasion, I remember pretty well, appeared as OEV, although I was not paying enough attention to start modifying it.

As mentioned before, based on emotional feelings and what not, certain visual details get triggered, some of which reappear every time I am in certain mind states, settings, etc..
#6 Posted : 11/11/2016 7:54:08 AM

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I notice that the more I smoke DMT, the more I end up in the same scene. Most of my trips are sub break throughs with extremely fast moving visuals. Due to that fact I never remember everything. Maybe a quarter of it and I always have to think ‘what exactly did I see the other time?’.

But because trips tend to ‘repeat’ it gives me a possibility to finally remember the whole journey. I put all the reminiscences of such trips together and I get the picture.

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#7 Posted : 11/11/2016 8:21:00 PM

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strtman wrote:
I notice that the more I smoke DMT, the more I end up in the same scene. Most of my trips are sub break throughs with extremely fast moving visuals. Due to that fact I never remember everything. Maybe a quarter of it and I always have to think ‘what exactly did I see the other time?’.

But because trips tend to ‘repeat’ it gives me a possibility to finally remember the whole journey. I put all the reminiscences of such trips together and I get the picture.

Very interesting... I've only had about 3 breakthrough experiences, but I remember after my 2nd one I kept having this intense feeling of deja vu towards the feeling of 'presence' when in the DMT trip. I couldn't recall if this feeling of presence had been felt before in previous LSD trips, or if I was thinking/feeling back to the first two DMT trips I had, where this feeling was so overwhelming. Overwhelming in a sense that it was so comforting and alien.

Last week, my gf and I laid next to each other with our heads touching, and that same deja vu feeling flooded right back. Almost as if I were on DMT for a few moments. Again it was so very difficult to pinpoint where exactly I felt this feeling first. I knew I felt this on DMT, but couldn't recall if I ever had the feeling (consciously) in any other experience.

That 'familiar' feeling of the DMT world... as if you just woke up from a dream and realize you're comfortably still in bed. It feels like this 'reality' is the dream and the DMT world is what we would wake up to (I'm sure most of you have had this realization on previous psychedelic experiences (I've realized this on many LSD trips), but the way DMT made me realize this felt like a healthier slap to the face).

There is definitely a strange sense of "home", "comfort", "alien", "came back to the party that was being thrown for me", "coming back to the party", "more real than real"...

Just rambling at this point. God this stuff is so incredibly fascinating!
#8 Posted : 11/18/2016 6:21:55 AM
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Location: Earth. I think.
Just curious, have any of you ever felt that you somehow altered your (real life) reality after playing with the cube? Notice anything different? Mandella effects? Laughing
#9 Posted : 11/18/2016 9:47:54 AM
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Well, one cube is stranger than another one. There has been a womanly entity who pushed around invisible cubes and rearranged them. I felt violated and had a strong sense that she's doing something to me. On mushrooms. The trip afterwards turned out very interesting.
#10 Posted : 7/5/2023 3:33:39 AM
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Hej, In case anon or anyone has a rational side and a pssion for ideas and would like to discuss this, I am very much interested in the ’geography’ of the DMT realm. Two breakthroughs that BOTH, in the same place, first had me in a chair in a room that had no decay (time different because no enthropy or decay?) with the same fucking grinning Monkey God, of course looking like a Mayan style beast. I don’t bend for thing that are too different to us to be higher or lower so foucht back hard (2nd time), but, and here is how I found this post, it/he Rubix Cibiced my ..head/brain/self…… Both times and both time like a lesson or like it showed me something….

Gonna go back and take DMT at the same place if the guy who gave me and I reconnect but have been experimwnting with the metaphore/idea/image of re-ordering and recognizing the different parts of I (Silent self, inner child, verbal steward, hyperaware protective ’gurad’ or dog…

Gotten into Bateson and thinking in systems but not based on some only positive dingdong bullshit but all in…

First post but I’m alright, so I’d like to ask the non dingdongs here what you have for ideas and theories regarding ’realms’….

Welcome to write me at REDACTED NO SHARING OF REAL LIFE INFORMATION cause not here or on any group-thing very often.

Be careful off alla’yas and respect to those that dare 🫶🏻👽🐵🔥
#11 Posted : 7/5/2023 2:10:29 PM
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I ended a session last year because mischeviius entities where smashing me in the face with multiple runed, spherical rubik's puzzles. I took it as a signal to take a break.
I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
#12 Posted : 7/5/2023 6:43:14 PM

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Every single time I low dose beyond about 15 mgs I wind up in the same waiting room for at least a short time. The only thing different is the colors and the nature of the marquis. It is always a wharehouse type space with floors and ceilings that are close to each other and no right angles, rather rounded corners everywhere. Spinning marquis are here. The palette is typically pastel but I have seen everything in terms of colors here. Yet the layout is the same. Rounded, tight ceilinged room, no entities, spinning marquis.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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