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Question about 25B-Nbome Options
#1 Posted : 10/17/2016 5:53:15 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello didn't know were to post this since I'm considered a new member. Haven't posted many questions during swimms many extractions cuz they've all been answered already and I find that carefully study of Past posts beats asking the same old questions lol. Smimm knows The Predominate attude about RC's here at the Nexus but nowhere else I find the answer. II plan on getting some 25B-Nbome HCL powder which I plan to lay most of it on blotter for personal use. But I've also been doing some research into Vaporization.one reason is it last only a few hours also it's supposedly some report it to be as intense as DMT. I've been able to find Nbome freebase to salt conversion but been searching for hours and not a single HCL to freebase conversion. I understand ho Pka numbers work and the values of different bases but I can't find the Pka value for 25B anywhere. Most likely I would dissolve the HCL in waster then mix with a base causing the water insoluble freebase to crash out. But how strong of a base? Baking soda, calcium carbonate, ammonium, or lye? If anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate your feedback. Thanks my friends Pleased
Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the middle of its street On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. REVELATIONS 22:1-2(Holy Bible)

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 10/17/2016 9:58:35 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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You are aware of the many health concerns around this family of compounds? Including death and serious psychological and perceptual problems, even with moderate dosages.I seriously suggest you direct your research towards one of the MUCH safer and well tested alternatives available.
mistakes were made
#3 Posted : 10/17/2016 10:57:04 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I'm aware of the possible health, psychological, and death issue from my research health and psych problems changes depending on dose, how often used, and person to person diffences and body chemistry. I've used it many times always low to medium doses and sparingly. I don't seem to have any adverse reactions. DMT, Bufotenine, and shrooms are my thing but swimm lost all his gear a while ago and just don't have the money to start back up on his DMT or yopo extractions shrooms are rarely available here and expensive when they are and LSD is impossible. Swimms getting this from swimms friend as a freeby.swimms gonna lay blotter and store it and most of it will probly sit there till infinity. I'm just checking different ROA for this substance. I'm a veteran psychonaught and I've done the research and know the risk. Mostly the freebasing question is swimms chemistry and extraction curiosity Pleased swims extracted DMT 12+ times harmalas 6+ times yopo 3 times, Dabs 20+, salvia twice kanna once and wild dagga. I love extractions and chemistry and have read almost every post on the Nexus and am a Google addict Pleased swimm will probly vaporize it once or twice but the chemistry part is for fun. Just trying to get some feedback on the chemistry part. I'll be safe and I won't be giving it to anybody but experienced friends or miss labeling it as acid scouts honor Pleased
Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the middle of its street On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. REVELATIONS 22:1-2(Holy Bible)
#4 Posted : 10/18/2016 12:47:58 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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The problem is that people assume toxicology always follows along dose response curves. In reality however, the dose does not always make the poison and idiosyncratic reactions occur for a number of chemicals and plant materials with some being far more susceptible to such outcomes than others. The anecdotal reports of nbomes are highly inconsistent. I have read one report of a kid taking 3 tabs of 25b and then two weeks later dying from 2 tabs of the same batch. Perhaps it was unevenly laid? Or perhaps nbomes really are just that unpredictable. We don't really know. Anyways, i don't want to hijack this thread because I really do have respect for any adult making their own decisions and I totally understand why someone would want to experiment with nbomes. But from your last post it seems that availability of traditional psychedelics is the main driving factor in which case I suggest looking into much safer RC's that are readily available. ALD-52, DOC, AL-LAD, 4-aco-met, 4-aco-dmt, etc are all instant classics with no known toxicity that don't deviate structurally to the point of nbome. In other words, much closer to your classic psychedelic drugs and much more likely to offer the same quality of experience and present with more similar risks/benefits. Most find nbomes relatively shallow by comparison. So unless you're the type of psychonaut who's burning curiosity will not let them ignore a novel experience no matter how subtle the novelty, there is literally no point given the dangers. If you are that kind of psychonaut then i wish you the best and apologize for clogging your thread Big grin
#5 Posted : 10/18/2016 1:25:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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It's free and since IMA have it better learn everything I can and check it off my list I live on disability and that's why I haven't [EDITED] had 4 aco or 1p lsd. Trust me, 4 aco ismy whet dream. I'm always broke mostly. Will someone pretty please answer my questionVery happy it's not datura guys lol
Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the middle of its street On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. REVELATIONS 22:1-2(Holy Bible)
#6 Posted : 10/18/2016 1:31:11 PM

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As has been stated, the health concerns are there, and I'm sorry to be yet another person mentioning it, but I think its important. The peak plasma concentration of drugs when delivered by smoking will be significantly higher than consuming it orally. In a substance that is known to have caused such adverse reactions with some people, giving a large peak through smoking it (which is also pretty much unheard of so far) and being a guinea pig yourself might not be the best decision. High peak concentration mixed with vasoconstriction sounds nasty

As Psilociraptor said Im also all for a human being to be free to make autonomous decisions regarding their own body once they are informed. I also respect that you are an experienced tripper. But what are the pros and cons here? If it does work and you dont die or have serious problems, then you might have a good time for free.. ok... But you are also risking dying or having a long term complication from it. Is it worth the risk, being that guy who died experimenting with smoking a substance that had already been shown for a number of people to be problematic? Would it not be nicer to live some more and accomplish/experience other things ? Rolling eyes

And what if it seems to be fine for you, and then you tell others that it was fine and this inspires them to smoke and then they are the ones that die.. ? Not saying you would be responsible for them because we are all responsible for ourselves, but Im just putting out thoughts regarding this, whether it's worth to go that direction, put energy into that kind of experimentation.

You mention the lack of availability of other compounds. Lets definitely not get into a sourcing talk but we can definitely talk about plants.. What general geographic area or climate do you live in? Maybe you can find a dmt-containing plant around and do a simple alcohol/sodium carb extraction that would be cheap and give you a safe powerful substance to use instead?

Lastly, and to answer the original question, I do not know the solubility of 25b-nbome or other such compounds, and if they precipitate in a basic solution or not. Another possibility to freebase substances is the paste method, to mix with a base and a bit of water, let dry, and pull with dry acetone or alcohol. But I neither know if they are prone to oxidation or any other particular instabilities (and what are the potential health effects of those byproducts), which would be important to know before doing this.

Lets get onto finding that dmt plant in your neighbourhood Very happy
#7 Posted : 10/18/2016 2:08:19 PM

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endlessness wrote:
As has been stated, the health concerns are there, and I'm sorry to be yet another person mentioning it, but I think its important. The peak plasma concentration of drugs when delivered by smoking will be significantly higher than consuming it orally. In a substance that is known to have caused such adverse reactions with some people, giving a large peak through smoking it (which is also pretty much unheard of so far) and being a guinea pig yourself might not be the best decision. High peak concentration mixed with vasoconstriction sounds nasty

As Psilociraptor said Im also all for a human being to be free to make autonomous decisions regarding their own body once they are informed. I also respect that you are an experienced tripper. But what are the pros and cons here? If it does work and you dont die or have serious problems, then you might have a good time for free.. ok... But you are also risking dying or having a long term complication from it. Is it worth the risk, being that guy who died experimenting with smoking a substance that had already been shown for a number of people to be problematic? Would it not be nicer to live some more and accomplish/experience other things ? Rolling eyes

And what if it seems to be fine for you, and then you tell others that it was fine and this inspires them to smoke and then they are the ones that die.. ? Not saying you would be responsible for them because we are all responsible for ourselves, but Im just putting out thoughts regarding this, whether it's worth to go that direction, put energy into that kind of experimentation.

You mention the lack of availability of other compounds. Lets definitely not get into a sourcing talk but we can definitely talk about plants.. What general geographic area or climate do you live in? Maybe you can find a dmt-containing plant around and do a simple alcohol/sodium carb extraction that would be cheap and give you a safe powerful substance to use instead?

Lastly, and to answer the original question, I do not know the solubility of 25b-nbome or other such compounds, and if they precipitate in a basic solution or not. Another possibility to freebase substances is the paste method, to mix with a base and a bit of water, let dry, and pull with dry acetone or alcohol. But I neither know if they are prone to oxidation or any other particular instabilities (and what are the potential health effects of those byproducts), which would be important to know before doing this.

Lets get onto finding that dmt plant in your neighbourhood Very happy

I live in Texas I can't think of any DMT plants around here especially this time of year. I really miss DMT so much I tear up a bit thinking about its been a year since my last journey Crying or very sad if you could help me get back on the path I'll give you a long meaningful hug in hyperspace Smile
PM me if you find something pliese I live in central Texas known as the post oak belt
Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the middle of its street On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. REVELATIONS 22:1-2(Holy Bible)
#8 Posted : 10/18/2016 3:57:12 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Here's a couple of links that may be of use:

Desmanthus spp. thread

Then you can check out the local Acacias.

Local texas plant lists (including acacias)
One possible DMT-containing Acacia in Texas
Acacia information thread (for info on other species)
Best Acacias you can grow, thinking of the future

FAQ: What is the best dmt-containing plant growing in my area?
#9 Posted : 10/18/2016 4:28:50 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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endlessness wrote:
Here's a couple of links that may be of use:

Desmanthus spp. thread

Then you can check out the local Acacias.

Local texas plant lists (including acacias)
One possible DMT-containing Acacia in Texas
Acacia information thread (for info on other species)
Best Acacias you can grow, thinking of the future

FAQ: What is the best dmt-containing plant growing in my area?

Think you looks like I found a new hobbie, ill keep you updated
Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the middle of its street On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. REVELATIONS 22:1-2(Holy Bible)
#10 Posted : 1/22/2017 12:52:32 AM
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Growing your own mushrooms is another possibility.
#11 Posted : 1/23/2017 6:05:28 PM

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sparrow95 wrote:
Growing your own mushrooms is another possibility.

Yeah its on my checklist. Just waiting for my living situation to stabalize
Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the middle of its street On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. REVELATIONS 22:1-2(Holy Bible)
#12 Posted : 1/23/2017 6:15:18 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 370
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i guess i'd have to side with what appears to be the consensus here; better safe than sorry. with such an abundance of alternatives available - be patient, things will find you when you are ready. as they say, "when the student is ready, the teacher appears."

another point is laying one's own blotter seems like a really risky proposition. the potential for uneven distribution is not just a matter of a stronger than desired trip - rather, it's the difference between life, death or potential mental/physical impairment.

#13 Posted : 1/23/2017 11:47:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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ducdevil wrote:
i guess i'd have to side with what appears to be the consensus here; better safe than sorry. with such an abundance of alternatives available - be patient, things will find you when you are ready. as they say, "when the student is ready, the teacher appears."

another point is laying one's own blotter seems like a really risky proposition. the potential for uneven distribution is not just a matter of a stronger than desired trip - rather, it's the difference between life, death or potential mental/physical impairment.

Yeah i flushed it after a few hits. It had no spiritual connection for me plus i came to the conclusion that bnomes are evil. I have lsd at my disposal now and recently extracted some caapi. I love caapi. Lsd isnt really my thing tho. I prefer God made medicine to man made.
Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the middle of its street On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. REVELATIONS 22:1-2(Holy Bible)
#14 Posted : 1/24/2017 2:54:45 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2889
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Last visit: 03-Nov-2018
Drowning-man wrote:
ducdevil wrote:
i guess i'd have to side with what appears to be the consensus here; better safe than sorry. with such an abundance of alternatives available - be patient, things will find you when you are ready. as they say, "when the student is ready, the teacher appears."

another point is laying one's own blotter seems like a really risky proposition. the potential for uneven distribution is not just a matter of a stronger than desired trip - rather, it's the difference between life, death or potential mental/physical impairment.

Yeah i flushed it after a few hits. It had no spiritual connection for me plus i came to the conclusion that bnomes are evil. I have lsd at my disposal now and recently extracted some caapi. I love caapi. Lsd isnt really my thing tho. I prefer God made medicine to man made.

Just because LSD was born in the laboratory doesn't mean that God was not involved...

Psychedelic use had been absent from the western mass consciousness since eleusis, then, a Swiss chemist, working on mundane pharmaceutical/chemical research, synthesizes a series of novel lysergamide compounds, which LSD is part of. LSD was synthesized in 1938, and sandoz told Hoffman "it's uninteresting, move on"...then, 5 years later, for no particular reason, Hoffman decides to re-synthesize the compound, during this time he has a psychedelic experience, which he attributes to the LSD, then, a few days later, he intentionally consumes the compound...

...then it's just a matter of history that LSD was introduced to the world.

It's as if these things could not stay absent from our consciousness for long before they reemerge, even if it's through seemingly impossible circumstances

The quote below was regarding non-violence, but when the monk said "truth will re-surface regardless" I think it applies to psychedelics, and the manner in which the can explode into cultures which have ignored or forgotten them...
"You're a fool," said the veteran - "what if someone had wiped out all the Buddhists in the world and you were the last one left. Would you not try to kill the person who was trying to kill you, and in doing so save Buddhism?!"
Thich Nhat Hanh answered patiently "It would be better to let him kill me. If there is any truth to Buddhism and the Dharma it will not disappear from the face of the earth, but will reappear when seekers of truth are ready to rediscover it.
"In killing I would be betraying and abandoning the very teachings I would be seeking to preserve. So it would be better to let him kill me and remain true to the spirit of the Dharma."

-quoted from BBC religion page

Any way, David E. Nichols has this "cosmic conspiracy" theory when it comes to.Albert Hoffman and LSD, basically concluding that fate or the Devine had a hand in the discovery of LSD...

Editor's Introduction
At Mindstates IV, Dr David Nichols, chemist and pharmacologist, professor of medicinal chemistry and molecular pharmacology at Purdue University, proposed a novel alternate reading of Albert Hofmann's famous 1943 "Bicycle Day" and a brief overview of his research.

I'm here to give you a report from the institutional research division of your community. If you pay taxes to the IRS, you support my research to understand how psychedelics affect brain chemistry; thank you.

Since we're just a slight bit past the 60th anniversary of the discovery of LSD, I thought I would have a little audience participation fun, and give you a little insight into how the scientific process works. Because, often times in this community, "scientist" has somewhat of a pejorative connotation. I want to show you how we're not so different, and do a little experiment.

You know the way science works. We make observations, we develop or formulate a hypothesis that is consistent with those observations, and then we attempt to carry out experiments to test the hypothesis. I don't think we'll be able to carry out the experiments to test the hypothesis, but what I want to do is develop a hypothesis today that I think you'll find very interesting. But the first thing we need to know is what kind of a database we're working with. What I'd like you to do is raise your hand if you have read Albert Hofmann's account of the discovery of LSD.

[nearly everyone in the conference hall raises their hand]

"The only hypothesis I can come up with that's consistent with all of these facts is that on April 16, 1943, Albert Hofmann did not get LSD in his body at all. He had a spontaneous mystical experience!"
Ah, just as I suspected. So we have a good database, and probably an educated database.

What I want to do now is another experiment. I want you to raise your hand and hold it in the air as long as I am stating things that you hold to be true, and when I say something you believe not to be true, then put your hand down.

So, the first thing I'm going to say, if you believe it to be true, raise your hand, and keep it up there until I say something you disagree with.

On April 16, 1943, when Albert Hofmann accidentally ingested LSD, he ingested at least 25 micrograms. Now keep your hand up until I say something you disagree with.

[most people in the audience raise their hands]

On that same date in 1943, Albert Hofmann ingested at least 50 micrograms of LSD.

[a few people put their hands down]

On that same date in 1943, Albert Hofmann ingested at least 75 micrograms.

[several more people put their hands down]

And then again, on that date in 1943, Albert Hofmann ingested at least 100 micrograms.

[more people put their hands down]

On that same date, Albert Hofmann ingested 150 micrograms.

[only a few people still have their hands still up]

Well I think I've already proved the point. I think there's a consensus that Albert Hofmann must have ingested at least 50 to 75 micrograms, and there are people in here who believe he must have ingested 100 or 150 micrograms. Now we've estimated, with this educated database, approximately how much LSD he must have accidentally gotten inside himself.

Now, we'll do the same thing again. In April 1943, after his accidental ingestion, how many people believe that Albert Hofmann would have experienced the effects of LSD for at least 10 hours, based on that dose?

[Several people put their hands up]

Now if we believe he took LSD, and if we believe he took 50 to 75 micrograms -- that's the context -- how many people believe the effects should have lasted at least 8 hours. [many more hands go up] How many believe the effects would have lasted at least 6 hours? [more hands go up] How believe the effects would have lasted at least four hours? [nearly all hands are up at this point]

Now, how many people believe that the effects of a 50-75 microgram dose of LSD would only have lasted two hours? [nearly all hands go down]

We read from his account:
"I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors. After some two hours (emphasis added) this condition faded away." (Hofmann, 1983).

Well now, that was a conundrum for me. I read that and I thought, "gee I'm a scientist, and this doesn't make sense with what I know." And for most of you, I think, that doesn't make sense either. So, the question: how can we formulate a hypothesis consistent with this observation? We need to consider a few things.

We know that Albert originally synthesized LSD in 1938 as part of an ambitious program to make a number of lysergamides. LSD-25 was only the 25th in the series. I actually don't know how many of those compounds he made, but let's assume he only made 30. So we had up to 30 in the series. He may have made many more actually, but at least say 30. And they were all tested; he sent the pharmacology department LSD-25, 24, 23... and so forth. They then say, "LSD-25: not interesting." The assays of that day really didn't provide much information; they were very unsophisticated. But five years later, Albert has a hunch that the pharmacology department missed something on this 25th in the series.

Now that's kind of peculiar. I'm familiar with the drug industry, and I've actually started a small company myself. Imagine you're a musician, and you've created this musical piece. It's really wonderful; it's one of the best pieces you've ever written; you play it for people, they think it's great. And this one artist comes down. He's very creative but he has no musical talent at all, really tone deaf, he listens to your music and he says, "Man that sucks. You missed something. There's something missing." Now you as a musician are probably going to have some sort of a gut reaction to that. And even though the pharmacologist at Sandoz was probably a friend of Albert's, can you imagine this chemist coming down the hall and saying, "You know, I made this compound five years ago, out of this whole series, and there's this one compound, LSD-25, that you said was uninteresting... but you must have missed something. I just have this 'peculiar presentiment,' this strange hunch that you missed something." You're going to look at Albert and say, "You know, really, I'm an expert in pharmacology Albert. We tested it very well."

The Germans and the Swiss are very precise chemists, and pharmacologists, and scientists. There wouldn't have been any question about this being somehow mis-analyzed the first time.

This is another interesting point. Why the 25th? We know that only the 25th in the series was active. Any other compound that he made -- and I've made many of them, we've tested many of them -- none of the others approach LSD, either in its sophistication or in its potency. Only the 25th. And this is unusual. In pharmacology often you have a regular series. If we think of things like DOB, and DOI, there's a kind of regular progression. They all fit into a kind of subgenus. And LSD doesn't. We don't call the other members of the series Albert made as LSD something or other, but if we had LSD-23, 24 and 26, they would all be one-tenth the activity of LSD-25. Peculiar presentiment indeed!

As I've said, Swiss and German chemists have a reputation -- today and back then -- for being absolutely meticulous. If we had gone into Albert's lab at Sandoz in 1943, we would probably have found everything in its place, organized in an obsessively neat manner. No dirty glassware, no trash on the floor, meticulous. How in the world did a meticulous Swiss chemist get 50 to 75 micrograms or more of LSD into his body? We don't know.

Another fact: I've made LSD in my lab on many occasions for research purposes, possibly in not so meticulous a manner as Albert Hofmann. Nothing ever happened. I had several graduate students who made LSD as an intermediate for projects. No accidental ingestion of LSD ever occurred. A technician in my lab makes it routinely because we use it as a drug to train our rats. He's learned by experience that he never gets high, nothing ever happens. And yesterday I was talking to Nick Sand, and Nick said, "I made a solution of LSD in DMSO…" -- DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a chemical that greatly enhances absorption of other chemicals through the skin -- he says, "…I painted it on my skin. Nothing happened." A concentrated solution and nothing happened! How did this very meticulous Swiss chemist get the LSD into his body? I don't know.

The other fact we need to think about is when Albert was a child, he had a spontaneous mystical experience. Now depending on whether you're a psychologist or a psychiatrist or whatever, we could say that Albert had a predisposition to altered states of consciousness.

So what facts do we know? I'm going to formulate a hypothesis. He took a dose that by your consensus should have lasted certainly more than two hours, but it only lasted two hours. He was a meticulous chemist -- a Swiss chemist. Anyone I know who's worked with LSD -- and Nick Sand painted a solution of it on his arm -- didn't get high. This doesn't make sense. And what is this peculiar presentiment? Why the 25th in the series? Inexplicable! And, he was predisposed to altered states of consciousness.

The only hypothesis I can come up with that's consistent with all of these facts is that on April 16, 1943, Albert Hofmann did not get LSD in his body at all. He had a spontaneous mystical experience!

Now if I were working in the lab with a new chemical, and I started having kaleidoscopic visions of wonderful colors and patterns, my first thought wouldn't be that I was having a spontaneous experience. My first thought would be, "What was that new chemical I was working with? I need to tell Sasha about it." [laughter]

I think that's what happened, that's the hypothesis. We can't test that hypothesis, but when I saw Albert in Basel a couple years ago, I presented that particular hypothesis to him and said, "What do you think?" He said, "It's entirely possible." So, that's our little experiment, and I think most of you really didn't think seriously about the discovery of LSD, but it puts a different light on it.

Now one aside to that we could then bring up is this. If the force that caused him to have this peculiar presentiment -- and very peculiar it is -- is the same force that induced him to have this mystical experience, which caused him to focus on this chemical, we can hope it might happen again.

I think there is this fallacy that if a compound is plant derived that it's somehow "good" and that if a compound is synthetic it's somehow "bad" when there are some very dangerous plants and some very safe synthetics, regardless of the source all compounds require the same amount of caution, respect, and care when it comes to their consumption...but this is a topic for another thread...

Did god give the world LSD? I think so...

... just as much as you could say God gave us ayahuasca, which is a man made drug combination using plant derived compounds.

#15 Posted : 1/24/2017 3:02:12 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 31-Oct-2014
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Drowning-man wrote:
ducdevil wrote:
i guess i'd have to side with what appears to be the consensus here; better safe than sorry. with such an abundance of alternatives available - be patient, things will find you when you are ready. as they say, "when the student is ready, the teacher appears."

another point is laying one's own blotter seems like a really risky proposition. the potential for uneven distribution is not just a matter of a stronger than desired trip - rather, it's the difference between life, death or potential mental/physical impairment.

Yeah i flushed it after a few hits. It had no spiritual connection for me plus i came to the conclusion that bnomes are evil. I have lsd at my disposal now and recently extracted some caapi. I love caapi. Lsd isnt really my thing tho. I prefer God made medicine to man made.

The N-benzyl-methoxy-phenethylamines are not "evil", they actually have use in research regarding serotonin receptors, however, they are not safe for recreational consumption, they are really not safe for human consumption in general. The NBOMe compounds have a feature where a person can take a dose and be fine, then the same person could take the same dose from the same batch and become injured or die, it's like playing Russian Roulette. I still think these are valuable compounds, I just feel they are not suitable for human consumption, and have little use outside of research.

#16 Posted : 1/26/2017 1:12:30 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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entheogenic-gnosis wrote:
Drowning-man wrote:
ducdevil wrote:
i guess i'd have to side with what appears to be the consensus here; better safe than sorry. with such an abundance of alternatives available - be patient, things will find you when you are ready. as they say, "when the student is ready, the teacher appears."

another point is laying one's own blotter seems like a really risky proposition. the potential for uneven distribution is not just a matter of a stronger than desired trip - rather, it's the difference between life, death or potential mental/physical impairment.

Yeah i flushed it after a few hits. It had no spiritual connection for me plus i came to the conclusion that bnomes are evil. I have lsd at my disposal now and recently extracted some caapi. I love caapi. Lsd isnt really my thing tho. I prefer God made medicine to man made.

Just because LSD was born in the laboratory doesn't mean that God was not involved...

Psychedelic use had been absent from the western mass consciousness since eleusis, then, a Swiss chemist, working on mundane pharmaceutical/chemical research, synthesizes a series of novel lysergamide compounds, which LSD is part of. LSD was synthesized in 1938, and sandoz told Hoffman "it's uninteresting, move on"...then, 5 years later, for no particular reason, Hoffman decides to re-synthesize the compound, during this time he has a psychedelic experience, which he attributes to the LSD, then, a few days later, he intentionally consumes the compound...

...then it's just a matter of history that LSD was introduced to the world.

It's as if these things could not stay absent from our consciousness for long before they reemerge, even if it's through seemingly impossible circumstances

The quote below was regarding non-violence, but when the monk said "truth will re-surface regardless" I think it applies to psychedelics, and the manner in which the can explode into cultures which have ignored or forgotten them...
"You're a fool," said the veteran - "what if someone had wiped out all the Buddhists in the world and you were the last one left. Would you not try to kill the person who was trying to kill you, and in doing so save Buddhism?!"
Thich Nhat Hanh answered patiently "It would be better to let him kill me. If there is any truth to Buddhism and the Dharma it will not disappear from the face of the earth, but will reappear when seekers of truth are ready to rediscover it.
"In killing I would be betraying and abandoning the very teachings I would be seeking to preserve. So it would be better to let him kill me and remain true to the spirit of the Dharma."

-quoted from BBC religion page

Any way, David E. Nichols has this "cosmic conspiracy" theory when it comes to.Albert Hoffman and LSD, basically concluding that fate or the Devine had a hand in the discovery of LSD...

Editor's Introduction
At Mindstates IV, Dr David Nichols, chemist and pharmacologist, professor of medicinal chemistry and molecular pharmacology at Purdue University, proposed a novel alternate reading of Albert Hofmann's famous 1943 "Bicycle Day" and a brief overview of his research.

I'm here to give you a report from the institutional research division of your community. If you pay taxes to the IRS, you support my research to understand how psychedelics affect brain chemistry; thank you.

Since we're just a slight bit past the 60th anniversary of the discovery of LSD, I thought I would have a little audience participation fun, and give you a little insight into how the scientific process works. Because, often times in this community, "scientist" has somewhat of a pejorative connotation. I want to show you how we're not so different, and do a little experiment.

You know the way science works. We make observations, we develop or formulate a hypothesis that is consistent with those observations, and then we attempt to carry out experiments to test the hypothesis. I don't think we'll be able to carry out the experiments to test the hypothesis, but what I want to do is develop a hypothesis today that I think you'll find very interesting. But the first thing we need to know is what kind of a database we're working with. What I'd like you to do is raise your hand if you have read Albert Hofmann's account of the discovery of LSD.

[nearly everyone in the conference hall raises their hand]

"The only hypothesis I can come up with that's consistent with all of these facts is that on April 16, 1943, Albert Hofmann did not get LSD in his body at all. He had a spontaneous mystical experience!"
Ah, just as I suspected. So we have a good database, and probably an educated database.

What I want to do now is another experiment. I want you to raise your hand and hold it in the air as long as I am stating things that you hold to be true, and when I say something you believe not to be true, then put your hand down.

So, the first thing I'm going to say, if you believe it to be true, raise your hand, and keep it up there until I say something you disagree with.

On April 16, 1943, when Albert Hofmann accidentally ingested LSD, he ingested at least 25 micrograms. Now keep your hand up until I say something you disagree with.

[most people in the audience raise their hands]

On that same date in 1943, Albert Hofmann ingested at least 50 micrograms of LSD.

[a few people put their hands down]

On that same date in 1943, Albert Hofmann ingested at least 75 micrograms.

[several more people put their hands down]

And then again, on that date in 1943, Albert Hofmann ingested at least 100 micrograms.

[more people put their hands down]

On that same date, Albert Hofmann ingested 150 micrograms.

[only a few people still have their hands still up]

Well I think I've already proved the point. I think there's a consensus that Albert Hofmann must have ingested at least 50 to 75 micrograms, and there are people in here who believe he must have ingested 100 or 150 micrograms. Now we've estimated, with this educated database, approximately how much LSD he must have accidentally gotten inside himself.

Now, we'll do the same thing again. In April 1943, after his accidental ingestion, how many people believe that Albert Hofmann would have experienced the effects of LSD for at least 10 hours, based on that dose?

[Several people put their hands up]

Now if we believe he took LSD, and if we believe he took 50 to 75 micrograms -- that's the context -- how many people believe the effects should have lasted at least 8 hours. [many more hands go up] How many believe the effects would have lasted at least 6 hours? [more hands go up] How believe the effects would have lasted at least four hours? [nearly all hands are up at this point]

Now, how many people believe that the effects of a 50-75 microgram dose of LSD would only have lasted two hours? [nearly all hands go down]

We read from his account:
"I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors. After some two hours (emphasis added) this condition faded away." (Hofmann, 1983).

Well now, that was a conundrum for me. I read that and I thought, "gee I'm a scientist, and this doesn't make sense with what I know." And for most of you, I think, that doesn't make sense either. So, the question: how can we formulate a hypothesis consistent with this observation? We need to consider a few things.

We know that Albert originally synthesized LSD in 1938 as part of an ambitious program to make a number of lysergamides. LSD-25 was only the 25th in the series. I actually don't know how many of those compounds he made, but let's assume he only made 30. So we had up to 30 in the series. He may have made many more actually, but at least say 30. And they were all tested; he sent the pharmacology department LSD-25, 24, 23... and so forth. They then say, "LSD-25: not interesting." The assays of that day really didn't provide much information; they were very unsophisticated. But five years later, Albert has a hunch that the pharmacology department missed something on this 25th in the series.

Now that's kind of peculiar. I'm familiar with the drug industry, and I've actually started a small company myself. Imagine you're a musician, and you've created this musical piece. It's really wonderful; it's one of the best pieces you've ever written; you play it for people, they think it's great. And this one artist comes down. He's very creative but he has no musical talent at all, really tone deaf, he listens to your music and he says, "Man that sucks. You missed something. There's something missing." Now you as a musician are probably going to have some sort of a gut reaction to that. And even though the pharmacologist at Sandoz was probably a friend of Albert's, can you imagine this chemist coming down the hall and saying, "You know, I made this compound five years ago, out of this whole series, and there's this one compound, LSD-25, that you said was uninteresting... but you must have missed something. I just have this 'peculiar presentiment,' this strange hunch that you missed something." You're going to look at Albert and say, "You know, really, I'm an expert in pharmacology Albert. We tested it very well."

The Germans and the Swiss are very precise chemists, and pharmacologists, and scientists. There wouldn't have been any question about this being somehow mis-analyzed the first time.

This is another interesting point. Why the 25th? We know that only the 25th in the series was active. Any other compound that he made -- and I've made many of them, we've tested many of them -- none of the others approach LSD, either in its sophistication or in its potency. Only the 25th. And this is unusual. In pharmacology often you have a regular series. If we think of things like DOB, and DOI, there's a kind of regular progression. They all fit into a kind of subgenus. And LSD doesn't. We don't call the other members of the series Albert made as LSD something or other, but if we had LSD-23, 24 and 26, they would all be one-tenth the activity of LSD-25. Peculiar presentiment indeed!

As I've said, Swiss and German chemists have a reputation -- today and back then -- for being absolutely meticulous. If we had gone into Albert's lab at Sandoz in 1943, we would probably have found everything in its place, organized in an obsessively neat manner. No dirty glassware, no trash on the floor, meticulous. How in the world did a meticulous Swiss chemist get 50 to 75 micrograms or more of LSD into his body? We don't know.

Another fact: I've made LSD in my lab on many occasions for research purposes, possibly in not so meticulous a manner as Albert Hofmann. Nothing ever happened. I had several graduate students who made LSD as an intermediate for projects. No accidental ingestion of LSD ever occurred. A technician in my lab makes it routinely because we use it as a drug to train our rats. He's learned by experience that he never gets high, nothing ever happens. And yesterday I was talking to Nick Sand, and Nick said, "I made a solution of LSD in DMSO…" -- DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a chemical that greatly enhances absorption of other chemicals through the skin -- he says, "…I painted it on my skin. Nothing happened." A concentrated solution and nothing happened! How did this very meticulous Swiss chemist get the LSD into his body? I don't know.

The other fact we need to think about is when Albert was a child, he had a spontaneous mystical experience. Now depending on whether you're a psychologist or a psychiatrist or whatever, we could say that Albert had a predisposition to altered states of consciousness.

So what facts do we know? I'm going to formulate a hypothesis. He took a dose that by your consensus should have lasted certainly more than two hours, but it only lasted two hours. He was a meticulous chemist -- a Swiss chemist. Anyone I know who's worked with LSD -- and Nick Sand painted a solution of it on his arm -- didn't get high. This doesn't make sense. And what is this peculiar presentiment? Why the 25th in the series? Inexplicable! And, he was predisposed to altered states of consciousness.

The only hypothesis I can come up with that's consistent with all of these facts is that on April 16, 1943, Albert Hofmann did not get LSD in his body at all. He had a spontaneous mystical experience!

Now if I were working in the lab with a new chemical, and I started having kaleidoscopic visions of wonderful colors and patterns, my first thought wouldn't be that I was having a spontaneous experience. My first thought would be, "What was that new chemical I was working with? I need to tell Sasha about it." [laughter]

I think that's what happened, that's the hypothesis. We can't test that hypothesis, but when I saw Albert in Basel a couple years ago, I presented that particular hypothesis to him and said, "What do you think?" He said, "It's entirely possible." So, that's our little experiment, and I think most of you really didn't think seriously about the discovery of LSD, but it puts a different light on it.

Now one aside to that we could then bring up is this. If the force that caused him to have this peculiar presentiment -- and very peculiar it is -- is the same force that induced him to have this mystical experience, which caused him to focus on this chemical, we can hope it might happen again.

I think there is this fallacy that if a compound is plant derived that it's somehow "good" and that if a compound is synthetic it's somehow "bad" when there are some very dangerous plants and some very safe synthetics, regardless of the source all compounds require the same amount of caution, respect, and care when it comes to their consumption...but this is a topic for another thread...

Did god give the world LSD? I think so...

... just as much as you could say God gave us ayahuasca, which is a man made drug combination using plant derived compounds.


Im not saying because its not plant based its evil i was just saying it didnt speak to me like the plant "spirits" do. Have you read or watched any of the works of Terrence McKenna? I dont believe all his stuff but he talks about "the plants". The teachers. I have nothing against LSD. I just dont have a personal connection to it. For me personally. The person who discovered the structure of dna discovered it on lsd before microscopes were advanced enough to see it. I think most hallucinogens work like dmt passing down knowledge. But im one of those who believe the dmt experience isnt a hallucination but is in fact your spirit leaving and traveling to another dimention. McKenna once asked a shaman who are "they"? "The ancestors" "so those are dead people " yes. I dont believe they are souls but they are some type of spirit or something. Or interdimentional beings of some sort. But thats just my beliefs anyway Pleased
Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the middle of its street On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. REVELATIONS 22:1-2(Holy Bible)
#17 Posted : 1/27/2017 1:37:59 AM
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I have a fair bit of experience with several of the NBOMe compounds. My favorite was C, but they were all interesting. In retrospect, however, I recognize I was dicing with the devil.

I acquired 100mg of 25I and 10mg each of B and C some years ago, perhaps 2010-11? Can't remember too clearly. At any rate, I used volumetric dosing: 5mL for the 10mg and 50mL for the 100mg. I used 4mL distilled water along with 1mL of vodka, as I had some experiences with aqueous solutions forming "cottony" inclusions after storage, and I wanted to avoid throwing these out for fear of microorganism contamination. In that respect, it seems to have worked.

If you're looking for an experience that rivals DMT in terms of immersiveness, these are not the droigs you are looking for, but in terms of intensity, they absolutely can compare.

As for administration, at first, I would take it dropwise sublingually, but I discovered that, despite the burn, if I took it nasally, effects were often noticed in 5-15 minutes and fully realized in 30-40. This might be a happy medium in terms of immediacy of administration, should that be your aim here.

The issue with trying to freebase these compounds is that, even were you to succeed, there are too many complicating factors and not enough information. What is the pKa? What is the melting point? the boiling point? Do they exhibit thermal decomposition at temperatures sufficient to vaporize? Do they oxidize? How do you accurately measure 100mcg of freebase in order to vaporize the correct dose?

And this is assuming you're working with pharma-grade chemicals. How will you purify this stuff? I doubt you're dealing with grams of it. Try taking 100mg of DMT salt, freebase it, extract it, and try to get better than 50mg pure product out. If you succeed, you have my undying admiration. But to do as well with a relative unknown and novel experimental procedure is effectively impossible. Save your stuff - take it as it is, if you must take it.

If someone has convinced you that they have successfully performed this conversion and consumed the product, please, PLEASE try to get some details and, if possible, quantification, about the process.

And that's my two cents.

P.S. Bit of a story, if you're interested:

After exhausting the B and C, I ended up storing a portion of the solution in an eyedropper bottle and would just tip my head back and snort a bit as if I had a runny nose. At this time in my life I was a bit of a loose cannon, and as I grew increasingly cavalier, I paid less and less attention to dosing.

On several occasions, I took enough 25I that I could no longer see (or perhaps more correctly, identify) anything around me. The psychological "trip" attribute of the NBOMe compounds is notably less than that of any tryptamine I have tried, or at the least more controllable, and so I kept my head during these, whereas I am capable of experiencing a bad trip from two moderate hits of LSD, for example. The foolish consequence of this was the urge to push the boundaries and see how far I could go. They seem to grant a euphoric insensitivity to caution, somewhat comparable to the cognitive effects of alcohol.

On one occasion - I don't remember a great deal of it, but I spent an evening listening to music and generally screwing around in my parents' basement - I continually dosed myself over the course of several hours, after which around half of the dropper bottle was empty. Now, I had likely developed a physiological tolerance, and the dosing took place over the duration of perhaps eight hours, but the dropper bottle contained 5 mL, and I'd guess about and perhaps less than half of that remained afterward.

As I said, I had diluted 100mg in 50mL H20/EtOH solution. 5 mL works out to 10 mg. perhaps I had ended up with a below-average concentration in that container, and perhaps I misremembered the volume I began with, but I suspect I consumed at least 5 mg over the course of that CRT-pixel-obscured evening. It wasn't until after this that the first reports of overdoses began to trickle out.

I got lucky. Please, pre-measure your doses.
#18 Posted : 1/27/2017 2:46:20 PM
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Drowning-man wrote:
Im not saying because its not plant based its evil i was just saying it didnt speak to me like the plant "spirits" do. Have you read or watched any of the works of Terrence McKenna? I dont believe all his stuff but he talks about "the plants". The teachers. I have nothing against LSD. I just dont have a personal connection to it. For me personally. The person who discovered the structure of dna discovered it on lsd before microscopes were advanced enough to see it. I think most hallucinogens work like dmt passing down knowledge. But im one of those who believe the dmt experience isnt a hallucination but is in fact your spirit leaving and traveling to another dimention. McKenna once asked a shaman who are "they"? "The ancestors" "so those are dead people " yes. I dont believe they are souls but they are some type of spirit or something. Or interdimentional beings of some sort. But thats just my beliefs anyway Pleased

I'm no stranger to terence mckenna.

When you listen to McKenna you must be careful to not just accept what it appears he is saying on the surface, and to never fill in something you do not understand with your own assumptions. All over the web I see people say "McKenna says this or that" or "McKenna believes this or that" but when I review the lecture or speech in which they claim McKenna made these points, it turns out that this person simply did not understand what McKenna was trying to express...

McKenna also works a good deal in models, metaphors, and speculation, and taking his notions in a "true/false" sense is probably a mistake.

My notion of what the psychedelic experience is, for us, that we each must become like fishermen, and go out on to the dark ocean of mind, and let our nets down into that sea. And what you're after is not some behemoth, that will tear through your nets, follow them and drag you in your little boat, you know, into the abyss, nor are what we're looking for a bunch of sardines that can slip through your net and disappear. Ideas like, "Have you ever noticed that your little finger exactly fits your nostril?", and stuff like that. What we are looking for are middle-size ideas, that are not so small that they are trivial, and not so large that they're incomprehensible. Middle-size ideas we can wrestle into our boat and take back to the folks on shore, and have fish dinner. And every one of us when we go into the psychedelic state, this is what we should be looking for. It's not for your elucidation, it's not part of your self-directed psychotherapy. You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is in danger by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. And so to whatever degree any one of us can bring back a small piece of the picture and contribute it to the building of the new paradigm, then we participate in the redemption of the human spirit, and that after all is what it's really all about. -terence McKenna

I understand that for whatever reason you did not connect with the compound, and that's fine, and I was not specifically trying to say that you preferred plants to synthesized compounds, it was more of a reminder to those reading that there's a touch of the divine connected to all these entheogens, even synthetics like LSD, which also has an unexplainable and mysterious origin story, and that the source of a compound is irrelevant, there are some very dangerous plants and some very safe synthetics, all psychoactives must be used with the same degree of attention and care.

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