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A Great Day To Be Alive (8g) Options
#1 Posted : 10/9/2016 2:08:10 AM

Music is alive and in your soul. It can move you. It can carry you. It can make you cry! Make you laugh. Most importantly, it makes you feel! What is more important than that?

Welcoming committee

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A Great Day To Be Alive

Thursday was one of the best days I've had in a while, even though it didn't start out that way. My GF and I have been searching for a car and right before we left to go look at one, the charger port for our computer broke! I quickly started backing things up onto our external hard drive. This plus a lack of a decent nights sleep, led us both to be on edge.

Shortly after, her sister honked outside signaling that it was time to go to the car lot. Little Lando was with her (our Godson who had the open heart surgery not too long ago) and being a cute toddler, he instantly lifted our moods a bit while he munched on his nuggets and fries. To keep this part of the story short, we ended up buying a used car and a new computer and arrived safely back home around 830 that evening. I/we haven't had a car in nearly 6 years so this was pretty exciting all by itself so we decided to celebrate with some mushrooms.

3.5g tends to takes her pretty deep and I decided to take 8g dry. This dosage isn't new to me but it is right at that point where it pushes the boundaries for how far I travel with the mushrooms. Since we had the new computer we were trying to decide what to listen to when I told her to go ahead and open up one of her birthday gifts early. Inside was Led Zeppelin's I, II, and III albums and on the first one their was a bonus CD of them playing live at the Olympia in Paris, 1969. Naturally the live disc is the one we decided to play! Led Zeppelin while tripping is absolutely stellar, I highly recommend it!

Anyway, the trip started to come on quite strong for me. I felt that sort of buzzing/crushing/euphoria feeling you get when coming up on smoalked DMT but it was happening at a snails pace in comparison. It was the perfect pace though, like a goldilocks zone of some sort. It was emanating from the top of my head and would travel through the rest of my body in powerful waves. A vibratory phenomenon where it almost starts to feel like you're floating yet very heavy. I can't really describe the feeling too well, so I hope I'm making sense.

This went on for the first hour which is usually the most uncomfortable time for me and it still was a bit. Coming up on mushrooms is almost always my least favorite part. Once we got over the initial come up, I landed in a place of pure bliss.

It was odd because this trip was proving to be much denser, heartier, and focused than other trips as of late. I could travel to different memories almost at will just by thinking about it. Eyes open, eyes closed, it didn't matter...I could seemingly float between thoughts and memories and manifest/travel to them in a "physical" manner. I guess it kind of felt like it does when you are dreaming and you are aware that you are dreaming. I've never had a lucid dream and no matter how strange the scenario, I never seem to realize I'm dreaming until I wake up. But this was very different and I was completely aware of "reality" and my "memory lane."

Since we had just bought a car, this thought was on my mind and sometimes I would inadvertently loop through that whole process of buying a car and analyse it but from a third party view. This happened more times than I could count and it was the only memory that I didn't have control over. It would pop up randomly here and there and I'd flow in and out of it only to pop back into the living room.

Meanwhile, my GF was painting as she likes to do and she described the scenery around her as being a ghost town. Very little entities were hanging around this time for whatever reason. She also described that she was changing into different people, or perhaps different forms of herself. She said that when she would stare in the mirror she would change into countless different forms and that each form would go through her and seemingly give her a sense of power, a sense of wholeness.

I couldn't help but be almost obnoxiously overjoyed in the moments I was spending with her and being in that state of mushroom mind. It was one of those times where you smile so much that your face hurts but you keep on smiling anyway. We laughed and giggled A LOT, danced along with Led Zeppelin, and spent a good while just holding each other and being content with everything. It is a beautiful feeling and one that I would never trade for anything. The connection runs deep and each time we partake in mushrooms, we see a little deeper. We can look at each other and know what we are saying without saying anything at all. It was a good day to be alive, that it was. Just like every day is and should be.

At some point near the peak, or perhaps the beginning of the peak, I was suddenly overcome by my own thoughts and was completely wrapped up in a lot of honeycomb fractals that would sometimes spell words that I couldn't recognize. I don't know if it was because it was moving too fast or if it was even in English. It was in English letters but I was probably just trying to make too much of whatever "message" that was being being quickly spelled out in front of me.

As I snapped out of that wave of the peak something very startling occurred. I tasted blood in my mouth! I could taste and feel the warmth of it on my lips when I licked them and as I tried to figure it out, I could feel my entire mouth starting to fill with blood. It tasted like I was sucking on a piece of metal. I started to panic a little bit but I didn't want to freak out my GF with a mouthful of blood so I nonchalantly got up and quickly made it to the bathroom.

I shut the door and spit the blood into the sink...except there wasn't any blood. None whatsoever! I opened my mouth and looked very closely only to see absolutely nothing. I wasn't bleeding at all even though I could very clearly taste and feel the texture of blood in my mouth. I have never in my life had my senses get mixed up in such a way. But what a relief!!!

I came out of the bathroom and explained what happened to my GF, who thought it was quite odd as well. Eventually the feeling of a mouthful of blood went away in a sea very complex geometrical fractals. This would mark the end of the peak and we started to come down.

I'm not entirely sure what was different this time, but this trip was incredible and I barely do it justice with mere words on a page. 8 grams brought me to a very special place, one that I am eternally grateful for and happy to have in my life. And being able to share these moments with the one I love is icing on the cake. A delicious, trippy, beautiful cake.

I know I write a lot of these so if you read it all the way through I thank you for your time and am always open to any and all feedback.

Thank you people of the Nexus, this is truly a wonderful place to be!

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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 10/9/2016 10:35:37 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Another great report from you TGO, thank you for sharing.

Are you talking about psilocybe cubensis?

It seems that we are sharing a deep and passionate mushi-realtion. Pleased

Everything's sooo peyote-ful..
#3 Posted : 10/9/2016 3:09:14 PM

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tseuq wrote:
Another great report from you TGO, thank you for sharing....

Agreed Thumbs up
cave paintings
#4 Posted : 10/9/2016 4:38:13 PM

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Thanks for the share! 8 g is quite hefty for me.

I'm thinking of munching some friends today so reading your trip report is getting me pumped Very happy

Also, I have had a friend describe to me the sensation of liquid in the mouth like you did. He thought it was water. If I remember correctly, we were smoking mj, and I remember him just making this absurd face and sort of spitting out the smoke like one would water or bubbler water going into the mouth. But there wasn't any. He was quite disgruntled haha.

Cheers to life and good times with your gf Smile
Living to Give
#5 Posted : 10/9/2016 7:01:17 PM

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Reading this, the good vibes just radiate outwards!

Nothing like some Led Zep and dancing with the ones you love!!!!!
Once in a while, you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.
#6 Posted : 10/10/2016 3:10:28 AM

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Smile Thumbs up

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Cognitive Heart
#7 Posted : 10/10/2016 4:13:59 AM

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This was an enjoyable read, thanks for the write-up. Smile
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
#8 Posted : 10/10/2016 5:20:21 AM

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anon_003 wrote:
Reading this, the good vibes just radiate outwards!

Nothing like some Led Zep and dancing with the ones you love!!!!!

Indeed! No Quarter in a dimly candle lit room... Pleased

Thanks for the report Grateful One.
असतो मा सद्गमय ।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ।
#9 Posted : 10/11/2016 11:42:19 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Nice report TGO.

Have you seen words before in a similar fashion on you trips?

I just did my first 5g in silent darkness on Saturday. While I didn't end up spending the whole time in silent darkness, it was the strongest mushroom trip I had encountered. At one point I was seeing a star of David fractal pattern everywhere, and the lines that made up the stars were shiny rainbow colored with some kind of letters inside of them. I have seen these rainbow strands filled with letters/words that I couldn't read before many times during DMT trips. This is the first time they were embedded in the star of David symbol, but I have seen them in rainbow energy snakes during CEV's, floating octopus like tentacles during OEV's that were supper imposed over real life, as well as other places.

I remember that all of them felt as if they were either possibly not English letters, moving to fast for me to read, or English letters but not English words. I have come away with the impression that it represents information imbedded in the matrix of what makes up reality, and that the specific message spelled out by the letters isn't what is important if there even is one.

I am curious of your take of the letters and if you have witnessed this or a similar phenomenon before.
#10 Posted : 10/13/2016 4:01:11 PM

Music is alive and in your soul. It can move you. It can carry you. It can make you cry! Make you laugh. Most importantly, it makes you feel! What is more important than that?

Welcoming committee

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Location: Lost In A Dream
Thanks for the kind words everyone!

tseuq wrote:
Another great report from you TGO, thank you for sharing.

Are you talking about psilocybe cubensis?

It seems that we are sharing a deep and passionate mushi-realtion. Pleased


Cubensis indeed! My most intimately known plant teacher! Love

cave paintings wrote:
Also, I have had a friend describe to me the sensation of liquid in the mouth like you did. He thought it was water. If I remember correctly, we were smoking mj, and I remember him just making this absurd face and sort of spitting out the smoke like one would water or bubbler water going into the mouth. But there wasn't any. He was quite disgruntled haha.

Good to know I'm not the only one! It was such a weird sensation, I'm still quite baffled. Hope your trip went well!

ehud wrote:
Nice report TGO.

Have you seen words before in a similar fashion on you trips?

I just did my first 5g in silent darkness on Saturday. While I didn't end up spending the whole time in silent darkness, it was the strongest mushroom trip I had encountered. At one point I was seeing a star of David fractal pattern everywhere, and the lines that made up the stars were shiny rainbow colored with some kind of letters inside of them. I have seen these rainbow strands filled with letters/words that I couldn't read before many times during DMT trips. This is the first time they were embedded in the star of David symbol, but I have seen them in rainbow energy snakes during CEV's, floating octopus like tentacles during OEV's that were supper imposed over real life, as well as other places.

I remember that all of them felt as if they were either possibly not English letters, moving to fast for me to read, or English letters but not English words. I have come away with the impression that it represents information imbedded in the matrix of what makes up reality, and that the specific message spelled out by the letters isn't what is important if there even is one.

I am curious of your take of the letters and if you have witnessed this or a similar phenomenon before.

Hey ehud, I have seen words appear on many mushroom and DMT journeys. The most common pattern I see is a honeycomb style overlay which seems to superimpose (in a similar fashion to what you describe) itself over everything. The words pop up for a second and then disappear or morph into something else rather quickly so I never get a good solid look at them. Although if it were coherent English I should have been able to read it I'd imagine.

I honestly have no idea what to make of it except that it is a huge sea of information presented in a rapid fire manner that I'll have to take a closer look at next time I journey. IME, I do think that it is English letters but not English words, where is google *trip* translator when you need it?


And just for poops and giggles check out this big mushroom. It is the largest one I've ever grown weighing almost 30g wet!

TGO attached the following image(s):
DSCF0269.JPG (4,152kb) downloaded 100 time(s).
DSCF0270.JPG (4,160kb) downloaded 101 time(s).
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#11 Posted : 10/13/2016 6:04:23 PM

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The Grateful One wrote:
IME, I do think that it is English letters but not English words, where is google *trip* translator when you need it?


And just for poops and giggles check out this big mushroom. It is the largest one I've ever grown weighing almost 30g wet!

Haha, I was thinking this would be awesome then I thought maybe some of the point of tripping is to figure it out ourselves. So I guess maybe it would be cheating?? Wink

Nice zoomer. I think I am going to start growing my own soon. Is it possible to do it in a closet? Wait don't answer that, probably not the right place to ask right? I'm still getting the hang of forum etiquette Big grin Big grin Big grin
#12 Posted : 10/14/2016 11:49:44 PM

Music is alive and in your soul. It can move you. It can carry you. It can make you cry! Make you laugh. Most importantly, it makes you feel! What is more important than that?

Welcoming committee

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ehud wrote:
The Grateful One wrote:
IME, I do think that it is English letters but not English words, where is google *trip* translator when you need it?


And just for poops and giggles check out this big mushroom. It is the largest one I've ever grown weighing almost 30g wet!

Haha, I was thinking this would be awesome then I thought maybe some of the point of tripping is to figure it out ourselves. So I guess maybe it would be cheating?? Wink

Nice zoomer. I think I am going to start growing my own soon. Is it possible to do it in a closet? Wait don't answer that, probably not the right place to ask right? I'm still getting the hang of forum etiquette Big grin Big grin Big grin


My first mushroom grow was performed in a walk-in closet because it was the only logical place to put it in my small one bedroom apartment I had at the time. Three tubs hanging from a clothes rack on one side of the closet! But now, I live in a house with a spare bedroom which provides plenty of space for a grow.

As long as we stay away from any sort of "stealth" grows, teks, or tips it should be fine. You can grow mushrooms pretty much anywhere as long as you have sterile technique for jars/inoculation and a good fruiting chamber that has proper temperature, light, moisture, and fresh air exchange.

Assuming it is your first time growing, I highly recommend trying the PF Tek coupled with a shotgun fruiting chamber. A shotgun fruiting chamber is a relatively large clear plastic tub (I have two 96 quart tubs and can fit about 12 cakes in each comfortably) of some sort with holes punched in all six sides in a 2x2 inch grid pattern. The chamber is filled with about 4-6 inches of perlite which help keep the humidity in the 95%+ range while all the holes allow air exchange to occur.

Honestly, growing mushrooms isn't too difficult as long as you are patient and it is well worth the time and effort put into it!


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#13 Posted : 10/14/2016 11:54:07 PM

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Thank you TGO. I didn't have room before, but I may have some good spots in my new place. I think I found a(nother) winter project for this year!
#14 Posted : 10/23/2016 12:04:52 AM

Music is alive and in your soul. It can move you. It can carry you. It can make you cry! Make you laugh. Most importantly, it makes you feel! What is more important than that?

Welcoming committee

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ehud wrote:
Thank you TGO. I didn't have room before, but I may have some good spots in my new place. I think I found a(nother) winter project for this year!

Right on, man! I hope it goes well! I'm no expert when it comes to mushroom cultivation (been around the block quite a few times though, Very happy ) but I'd be happy to TRY and answer any questions should they arise! Good luck and happy shroomin'!

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