yogi wrote:truthseeker1 wrote:(I mastered some skills in my early teens but they are lost now: macro psychokinesis)
Care to share some details of what you did? How you learned to do it? Or how you think you lost the skill? Sounds really interesting.
You may or may not believe it,
I could move light objects, paper pieces and pencils(not psi wheels..), it took me about 6-8 month of training to be able to reliably do it whenever I wanted, on command in front of others. It took an equal time to make absolutely sure that no winds, air, heat, static electricity is involved.. yeah, there is absolutely no doubt I achieved something. So, the phenomena is real and its nothing too special really. Most of the few non-faked videos you see on youtube with psi wheels, are caused by simple heat, air currents and electrostatics. They are having their hands close to objects.... In all my tests I always for instance kept my hands and body far away.
However all this required focus, training, time. One day my mom got in my room, shouted that I should stop working with the "devil" or whateva she meant.. and I just gave up..., not because I was religious, I was/am really not, but it was the hard focus that required great effort and time.