Hi guys, I´m grad to find this place as serious community about DMT.
I´m totally new to DMT or any drug. I never smoked anything and I´m totally uptight.
I have always curiosity about drugs, but never willing to try it because of the risks.
DMT seems to be safe and I solved to try it.
I have 2 serious goals about it: meditation and heal my anxiety/stress.
I have some questions:
I tried it for about 6 times in the last 10 days in low to medium doses.
I couldn´t breakthrough yet, but I believe that I went to the "waiting room" and back from it.
During the trip it´s usually very weird and a little bit scary.
But 30 mins after the trip, I felt really good, and I think it can help with my issues in long term.
I just read that high pressure blood and DMT is very dangerous, I didn´t know that and now I´m really worried about it.
I´m 33 and my blood pressure is some times is like 140/90 due to my stress/anxiety, but most time it´s 130/70. I exercises my body everyday. I run and do weight training 6x times a week in order to reduce stress.
I feel that my pressure, 30 mins after the trip, is just perfect and reduced. I feel really calm, like if almost I had not stress or anxiety. At this time is much better for practice meditation. During the trip is a little bit tense because I feel fear, but I can handle it.
So my question is: Is taking DMT with 130/70 pressure REALLY a very serious issue? Is it ok to take DMT based on my report? I think the after effects are really great and positive. I really worried about the process during the trip with my high blood pressure, and I want to increase my dose to breakthrough. It would be really a pity if I can´t use an substance extremely useful to heal my anxiety
I want to try low doses every day in order to help me on meditation and consequentially reduce my anxiety and stress.
I really appreciate your help guys.
Thanks in advance