hello nexus!
ive been dreaming with mixes for this medicines medicines: caapi, chacruna, chaliponga and jurema.
what are your toughts about it, how do you do it, proportions, etc?
i recently had a dream where i facilitated a cerimony wich brought me greatest results ever, and i would like to share it with you. (note that it was during a preparation of ayahuasca, during a day and a half, thats the reason we took so much medicine)
since it was a long cerimony i wont bother you with all the details, i will only give a desscription of the medicines taken, and just talk about the most important part
started with yopo T=00
00:45 followed with soft aya, santo daime style
03:00 strong aya (mel)
06:00 strong aya (mel)
09:00 strong aya (mel)
11:00 yopo + gentle JureHoasca
13:00 very clean HCL harmalas from sirian rue, infused in lotus tea
13:30 Brew made of acacia confusa, chacruna, chaliponga, mixed with Jurema full spectrum extract, in fumerate form
this is when things started to get interesting, it was allready daytime when we took the last medicine. i didnt felt much of a diference from the ayahuasca when i took the jurehoasca, but this medicine surprised me. with eyes open i would see that nice glow, and have the feeling that nature is alive. with eyes closed, the visuals started to be very interesting. it wasnt ayahuasca, but it wasnt jurema either, it was as all the medicines merged together to manifestate something new. usually with ayahuasca i have soft visions in a dark background. jurema allways gives me either very intense colored backgrounds, or multidimensional landscapes. this medicine gave me a soft blue blackground, and beings of the forest would appear and disappear on it. mother Jurema manifested its presence very strongly in that moment, and it was a huge blessing having her working there.
at 15:00(+-) Jurema suggests that it would be nice if i served some changa, the special one she says. so i get my most special blend
- herbs:Jurema:Caapi:Chacruna:Chaliponga:yopo (in a 2:2:2:1:1:0,5 proportion, all full spectrum) -
after serving everyone, and checking that everything was ok, i prepare a very nice pipe for me, and after smoking, nothing happened for 2 or 3 minutes maybe, and then very sudenlly i purge (after many years of ayahuasca, its rare for me to purge with any other medicine) and after that it started. all around me i can see the beings. indigenous beings of light, caboclos, budas and other beings from oriental lines, plant beings, alien beins, etc, etc, lots of the beings i usually invoque during the ayahuasca cerimonies, but usually just would lightly feel their presence, i was seeing them all. working on me, and the other people there, giving their blessings to us, to the medicines being prepared and the already made medicines that where in the space. there was clear comunication, they teached me important rituals, good herbs to add to certain medicines, gave me insights on my own issues, emotions, traumas i suffered recently that ive been working on, forgiveness...
all the times i had the luck of having contact with the spirit of the medicines themselves, i would say that ayahuasca looks/feels like a grandmother. not a very old one, but the wise abuela energy is defenitly there. jurema on other hand feels like a young woman, strong and rebelious, tricky sometimes. this time, as i said in the begining, it was like all the medicines merged together creating a new being. it defenitly was jurema energy, but older and wiser. a mature, compassionate woman, not a grandmother but a mature woman being able to fully access and bring to the field the power of all her ancestrality, her mothers grand mother, and so on, all the feminine power of many generations in the hands of this majestic Jurema Rainha da Floresta, healing us, nurturing us, filling us with love.
so i have to say, i am a big apologist of mixing many medicines, of course with an adequate ritual structure to create protection, and building our way up slowly and gradually.
happy travels everyone
Healing someone is an act of love, but how can you love someone whitout loving yourself first?