Impractical garment, "Sorry sir that I've poked your nose again with my beams."
And why? Satisfying another ego that needs to distinguish itself?
Who has the biggest halo? I'd like to see contests of it
"Don't wear your halo that way, today the trend is more like this.."
"You should shine-rub your halo a bit dude, it's looking a little off today if I may say so."
Seriously, has anyone seen one? I mean you walk the street and suddenly there is that person radiating that halo around the upper part. Just imagine everyone taking selfies and staring, walking after it, this is plain circus.
That is why I fitted a dimmer on mine
I do find geo scattered memes interesting but lack of deeper intel leaves one rapidly guessing in fantasy, fun for some, boring for others. A potential gold mine for who exploits the riddle, is it not, Rome?
We all have electrical coronal discharges, there's Kirlian for 'death' objects too, a saint has just more of that? If so we are all halo carriers by default.
Since the catholic saints are pretty persistent decorated with these impressive frisbees, is there a clue given there? Sorry I'm not much of a bible wanker ...