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The Crystalline Wonder Options
#1 Posted : 5/15/2016 6:15:52 AM

Reptilian humanoid

Posts: 101
Joined: 13-Dec-2015
Last visit: 10-Mar-2022
Location: Center of the Earth.
The following report is documented proof as to why lsd is one of my favorite substances. Albeit the set and setting were far from optimal and i went into the experience with a less than ideal mindset, but by the time the peak had arrived i was too lost in a visual wonderland of bliss. This was my most potent lsd experience to date and it was pretty much entirely recreational, but thats exactly what i've been needing for a while.

(mind)Set: emotionally exhausted and drained.
(physical condition) Set: physically exhausted from a significant amount of running, walking and dancing earlier in the day. Also mild stomach discomfort from left over from lunch
Setting (location): on a couch in a hotel room in the company of a very good friend.
time of day: 1:30 am
recent drug use: Cannabis and a small amount of beer earlier that night
last meal: really hot wings and truffle tater tots ( i dont eat like that often xD)

Gender: f
body weight: 50kg
known sensitivities: opiates
history of use: daily cannabis user and i drink alcohol at least a few times a week. Numerous lsd trips, one full scale mushroom experience and several microdose experiences, a couple small dose LSA experiences, two (significant) smoked freebase dmt experiences, a handful of mdma/"sass" experiences.

Substance(s): LSD; blotter
Dose(s): im not sure, but it was one small tab of unperforated blotter. I thought it was a small dose. It must have been potent because i did not expect the trip that followed.
Method of administration: held sublingually

Administration time: T=0:00
Duration: 7-8 hours
First effects: T=0:35
Peak: T=2:00
Come down: T=5:00
Baseline: T=8:30

Intensity (overall): 3

Pleasantness: 4
Unplesantness: 1 (the body load was the only unpleasant thing)
Visual Intensity: 4

Hangover: none. Just tired from lack of sleep
Afterglow: in a positive happy mood for days after.


I suppose i should start with a small summary as to why i was so tired. Myself, my husband and two friends were in an unfamiliar city for the night for a concert. After the concert, my husband (who had drank more than he intended i guess) ended up wandering off on his own and since he had no idea where he was really, got himself very lost. And was far too incoherent to tell us where he was. So my one friend (ill refer to him as S) and i spent a good amount of time sprinting back and forth up the streets of this city trying to go to the various locations he insisted he had stopped but never finding him. Im crying and upset because im scared he will pick a fight with someone or get himself arrested (cops everywhere), or robbed or hurt but i retreat back to the hotel in defeat and my other friend (lets call her E) goes out to help look for him for a while. I got on the chat where a few lovely people helped e calm down and think clearly about the situation <3.

Well long story short E and S report they found him and bring him back to the hotel where he is still belligerent and somewhat incoherent. Keep in my mind, my friend S is the one with the acid, and he had taken some earlier, at the start of the concert (around 7:45pm). I was amazed he managed to stay level headed through it all. Well i wasnt planning on sharing the acid with my friend after that whole ordeal but i did feel bad for S (who had just redosed) and didnt want him to be up all night by himself tripping. So i asked for a small piece and hoped it wasnt too potent so that maybe i could get some slerp before the ride home tomorrow.

I held it under my tongue for about 25 minutes before swallowing. My husband said he wanted to pass out and that he wanted me to come lay next to him so i crawled into bed with him and laid in the darkness, knowing there would be no way i would be able to sleep. Id passed the point of no return.

I closed my eyes and after maybe ten-fifteen minutes of just laying there i could feel the firts affects. They started as an odd sensation that my mind had become a little machine, composed of gears, pulleys, pistons and belts, that where whirring and turning in perfect time. The longer i lay in silence and darkness and focused on the feeling of this mind-machine i realized it was manifesting faint images. First images of the machine working its endless cycle but then becoming more complex and abstract, things i couldnt even begin to describe. This was the first time i had ever had CEVs from LSD and i was very excited.

I decided i could no longer just lay there, feeling the come up so strongly. I got up and moved back out to the living area where my friend S was sitting quietly. E had gone to bed. I felt disoriented and things looked blurry. I plopped down on the couch and began chatting with S, noticing a heavy body load that i couldnt tell was the result of the drug or just my sheer physical exhaustion. It felt as though the gravity in the room had been increased exponentially and that the room had become pressurized. I rolled around on the couch a bit trying to get comfortable in this state and wound up curling up on my side.

As my friend and i continued to converse i began to notice all the tell tale signs of an acid come up. my thoughts were everywhere and not able to focus on any one thing for too long. Everything became kinetic, the curtains on the window were rotating, the airconditioning unit was warping in a wavelike pattern. Walls where breathing and spatial relationships seemed off. I decided it was a good time for music and for the next few hours S and i took turns putting songs on to help the trip. I watched in delight as the hotel room danced and swayed in time with the music. All bad feelings i had from earlier that night were erased by sheer giddiness.

Once i had reached peak i was no longer able to really think clearly. Normally my acid trips are very introspective and deep and while there was some of that in the begining, as the visuals increased in intensity, it became impossible for me to pay attention to anything else. The entire dancing room became over laid with faceted geometric patterens, reminding me of many multicolored crystals gyrating over everything. The room turned into a crystalline wonderland. The harder i stared at thin air the sharper the geometry became, popping out at me and dancing more wildly in time with the music. The crystalline patterns would fractalize and grow bigger the harder i stared, the colors brighter. It felt as though they were trying to suck me in. I could no longer do anything but look around and occasionally comment to my friend the things i was seeing.

In the midst of the peak the room began filling with rainbow colored smoke. It poured out from behind the curtains and up out of the ac unit. It spilled out from under the sofa and billowed all around me, combining with the crystal patterns to give the visuals an added dimension of hypnoticness. Still felt the body load real badly and just lay on the couch staring in amazement as these visuals just captivated my every thought. For a bit i was worried that they really would suck me in, the way they just continued to get sharper and sharper and that id never be able to look away. My friend kept going to the window and looking out, remarking how high up we were (8 stories) and that worried me a little too. Throughout the experience we smoked cannabis, which only seemed to enhance the visuals and put me more at ease and happy.

Eveantually, as my friends trip was winding down (mine was still going strong) i could tell he was looking tired so we turned the lights off. He told me he wasnt quite ready for bed yet so i left the music on so we sat in the dark and didnt speak. The visuals overlaying my vision had taken on an aspect like oil on water. I closed my eyes for periods of time and enjoyed the bright flashing CEVS that looked like multiple perfectly straight lines bending and folding in complex patterns and gradient colors. When my eyes were open id stare out the window at the parking garge across the street. It was swaying and dancing and swirling too. It appeared to be shining with a green and yellow light. The overlaid visions became similar patterns to the ones i was seeing with my eyes closed.

After some time my friend was tired, so i bid him goodnight and turned off the music and went into the bedroom to lay next to my husband and watch the sun come up. Im not sure how long i laid there just watching the visuals that were still so intense and snuggling up close to my man. It had to have been hours because before i knew it the sun had come up. The sounds of the birds singing outside and the rain (when it wasnt interupted by traffic or sirens) became very symphonic and deliberate sounding. It felt as though it followed a specific algorithm and it soothed me deeply. Eventually the trip faded leaving me feel comforted and happy, though very very tired. I think i finally drifted off at around eight o clock. Definitely the best acip experience ive had so far. What a magical substance.
And I'm lonesome when you're around
I'm never lonesome when I'm by myself.
And I miss you when you're around...

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 6/23/2016 12:09:43 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 111
Joined: 12-Oct-2014
Last visit: 21-Jul-2016
Thanks for sharing Lizz. That sounded like a good time. Sorry about the rough start though.

I just saw the dead and picked up some angels paper. I hope these are as nice as yours. Smile
#3 Posted : 9/15/2016 5:06:02 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 31
Joined: 04-Jun-2013
Last visit: 07-Jul-2020
Location: Kentucky, United States
I'm glad you enjoyed it, the visual nature of acid is one of my favorite things about it as well.
#4 Posted : 9/15/2016 1:34:58 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2889
Joined: 31-Oct-2014
Last visit: 03-Nov-2018
EternalPeace wrote:
Thanks for sharing Lizz. That sounded like a good time. Sorry about the rough start though.

I just saw the dead and picked up some angels paper. I hope these are as nice as yours. Smile

Just saw dead and co. In boulder...

Gave away a good deal of my surplus stash...

Thank you lizz for the detailed report.

Unperferated White On White (WoW) blotters have always provided me with phenomenal experiences, always very clean feeling, though the come-down can be fairly speedy, and the "after-glow" can last a few days.

There's a compound called 1-propionyl-LSD that I'm sure you would be interested in, it's just like ALD-52 (N-acetyl-LSD), as in the substitution to the pyrrole nitrogen (acetyl or propionyl grouping) is metabolized to the needed NH grouping of the pyrrole ring, giving LSD in vivo in both cases...

...put simply, it becomes LSD in your body after you eat it.

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