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Just curious, anyone else ever notice any weight loss from taking Ayahuasca or smoking Changa/vaping DMT? In Ayahuasca's case, i don't think it has much to do with diet or the purge when it comes to weight loss, i'm thinking not only the Harmalas do something, but DMT definitely does something, that almost seems like it kinda burns away some fat. And i've noticed that if i regularly use Ayahuasca or Changa, i do get some weight loss regardless of my diet. Another thing i've noticed is it also sometimes seems to help make me fuller sooner and helps me reduce my food portions, so that's some of it, but even if i eat the same full portions, i find myself still losing weight.
It could be the Adrenaline/Noradrenaline, maybe the MAO-A inhibition, maybe the Growth Hormone? Idk. What are y'alls thoughts and has anyone else experienced this?
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It doesn't work this way on me. « I love the smell of boiling MHRB in the morning »
DMT-Nexus member
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Really? Have you used it frequently/regularly before, or just every now and then? For me, i've noticed it a lot more when i'm using it more frequently, like a medicine or supplement. I'm sure if it's only used every now and then, the results wouldn't be as noticeable.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1114 Joined: 13-Jul-2014 Last visit: 06-Feb-2024
Seriously, anyone else ever notice this? I've noticed that quite a few people notice weight loss when using Ayahuasca but some of them seem to attribute that to dietary restrictions (which are unnecessary btw), but i've been taking strong dosages of Rue daily for going on 5 months now, been eating what i usually eat, and i've already lost a good bit of weight and will probably lose more as i continue taking the Rue. Not to say that Rue or Ayahuasca is some miracle weight loss supplement lol, but i definitely notice a good bit of weight loss so far and i love it (though i've been overweight/fat since i was 12 due to anti-psychotics, so the weight loss is welcomed by me). I think it could be because of the MAO-A inhibition and possibly the COMT inhibition from the Harmalas, which would increase Epinephrine and Norepineprine levels, not sure though. There's also this post i found on a similar thread "Dorge wrote: There is a connection between seratonin levels and carb, oil and sugar metabolism, which is connected to stress hormones as well. It's also connected with a feeling of being satisfied, there for not in a constant state of craving." -

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Well harmalas definitely dont stimulate my appetite when taken daily...theres also the fact that many people realize the problem areas with their diet during the experience and make adjustments resulting in weight loss after Apart from that i dont know what would cause this. Speeding up metabolism?
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1114 Joined: 13-Jul-2014 Last visit: 06-Feb-2024
I noticed at first the Rue kinda suppressed my appetite, but after awhile i found myself getting hungry a few hours after taking it so here lately i've been eating around hour 3 or 4 post-ingestion.
I too have noticed some areas with my diet that i need to improve on, and somewhat have (mostly due to the fact that a lot of foods seem to break me out in horrible acne for some reason), but yeah i do seem to be becoming more health conscious i guess you could say. But i still eat a good bit, drink soda's, and have some junk foods from time to time. I also love chocolate ice cream which can definitely pack on some pounds but i still eat plenty of that and i'm still slowly losing weight.
I also was smoking Tobacco till i quit a few days ago and started vaping Nicotine, so perhaps the Tobacco/Nicotine may play a role in it for me? I usually only eat one big meal a day, sometimes though i feel a bit hungry earlier on in the day and might eat something, but for the most part i only eat one big meal at night.
 Flight of the Navigator
Posts: 23 Joined: 21-Aug-2016 Last visit: 03-Nov-2020
I was thinking about the same thing as you. Does it burn fat? I noticed weight loss too, not pure fatburning. Aya makes one to diet or eat lightly and long before each trip which in my case makes me lose weight very rapidly. I have a relatively fast metabolism though. I am a lifter. Before each trip for safety I eat the last light meal around 5hr before the trip. Eating nothing during the trip, and only eating a little after the trip before sleep added with the fact that the brew is a nasty appetite-killing-machine, well, all that makes me lose weight way too fast. I cant tell exactly how as the weight loss rate is too fast. I am trying to find out and here are some thoughts: 1-appetite shutting mechanism of the aya brew  2-eating light /dieting before/during/after the trip 3-an ingredient in the DMT/harmala causing actual fat loss 4- the most interesting alternative: aya is known to dramatically destroy bad habits/addictions like smoking. Perhaps during the trip one of the healing was actually to make you SUBCONSCIOUSLY, instinctively/naturally and effortlessly stop eating unhealthy or aya simply directly burned some fat. I honestly secretly wished before starting a trip to become even more fit. My bad hehe  At any rate I experienced very rapid weight loss... not so desirable for me. Regards tseeker
 DMT-Nexus member
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Maybe the DMT broke your eating habits? For me most drugs actually stimulate my hunger. Nutmeg + Weed put me into a eating frenzy. LSD "hid" my hunger but the feeling was to strong to be ignored after a while.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 5267 Joined: 01-Jul-2010 Last visit: 13-Dec-2018
I have had weight loss, and I would tend to attribute at least some of it to the purging from ayahuasca. I don't know how you could reason that this does not contribute. Even if I'm just smoking DMT, it will tend to alter my eating habits around the occasion, as I will tend to eat light, and not want to eat heavy or junky foods before smoking, so depending on when during the day it is that I smoke, it could affect more and more of the day the later I smoke (assuming I know that I'm going to be smoking later at the beginning of the day). If there is some fat burning mechanism at play just from the chemical interaction, I wouldn't be surprised either. "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead
"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
DMT-Nexus member
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Global wrote:I have had weight loss, and I would tend to attribute at least some of it to the purging from ayahuasca. I don't know how you could reason that this does not contribute. See, that's some of what i had thought when i first started working with these plants, but now that i know about the Harmala reverse tolerance and the side-effects including vomiting going away, i can take insanely strong dosages of Rue to the point of it causing me tremoring and not only do i not vomit, but it feels quite clean on the body aside from the tremoring and a bit of sedation. I've been taking strong dosages of Rue daily for about 5 months now and haven't thrown up at all, i even used Lemon EO to block out any nausea/vomiting in the first week of taking the Rue to get Rue's reverse tolerance built up without vomiting, then once the reverse tolerance was built up a bit i no longer needed the Lemon EO, been taking Rue daily, haven't been nauseous or vomited. So the vomiting can not be related to the weight loss, i mean maybe if you're vomiting it can, but i'm not vomiting. I've taken Rue and Mimosa quite a lot and have had many experiences where i didn't vomit because Rue's reverse tolerance was built up a good bit, and still ended up losing weight. And as for a change in my eating habits, there's been a bit of a change, sometimes i don't need much food to feel full these days, but i can still eat quite a meal i assure you lol, and while i have cut out a good bit of junk foods and try to eat a bit better, i still eat some fatty foods and drink sodas, yet i'm losing weight. And if i stop taking the Rue, i certainly have no problem gaining some weight back. I had lost a good bit of weight back in 2012 when taking the plants, then i took a break for most of 2013 and gained the weight back, and now that i've been taking the Rue regularly again for a bit, i'm losing weight again, so it's definitely something the Rue is doing and nothing to do with my diet or eating habits though they could contribute they are not the cause of the weight loss imo, and the Mimosa's Adrenaline release especially combined with Rue's MAO-A and perhaps COMT inhibition, i'd imagine would definitely burn some fat.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1 Joined: 13-Mar-2019 Last visit: 25-May-2021
Vaping really helps to lose weight, at least it worked with me. I've been trying to lose weight for about 5 years and tried different ways (diets, pills, etc). Then I started eating clean and exercising, and I lost 10 kilos, but couldn't keep the result. I switched to vapes from 1 or 2 years ago and somehow it helps to maintain my current form.