Code:pet ether will work for recrystallization
Wow that's news to me. I've thought dcm & chloroform were already stretching the envelope.
Benzyme, what are your thought on denaturation? Would Psilocybin be able to bind to single amino acids? And more importantly, would already complexified Psilocybin be able to be denatured?
I've used hot dry ethanol(1% MEK) to extract over the period of many weeks. 3-4 pulls iirc.
I've attached two pictures. The last go I had three different fractions. The gunk one was the first one. Hygroscopic, active but barely useable except orally. The majority of 'mushroom perfume' was in that fraction.
The fraction following that was the one on the other picture. Please note that most of the discoloration is from being stored at open air for many months (in a room that was smoked in). Very active, but smokeability a bit is hindered by imho the polysaccharides getting reduced to carbon & forming a heatshield around the material, as ash tends to do.
I had another fraction, which is unfortunately gone already, which was the most active one.
It had no chalky or casein-like chunky proteinlook to it. Pure white, there were at least some polysaccharides still left in there. But smoking worked okay, still I didn't manage to reach breakthrough. I didn't try very hard though, I used most of that for micro & sleep doses.
Considering the pH sensitivity, using dry sulfuric acid to reduce the sugars and reextract would be out of the question, would it benzyme?
The smoked effects were most interesting. The bodyhigh was very similar to mushrooms. But the visual effects were something else entirely. Much closer to DMT than mushrooms, but still very different. Hard to describe, but the visuals were not in the usual symmetric & proportionally even grid pattern like mushrooms, but completely erratic. Much more chaotic, but still nice. Slow buildup after smoking, very constant effects with no discernible peak. Last everywhere from 20 to up to 30 minutes.
EDIT: Attaching pictures does not work for some reason. I'll try again in the next post, I guess?