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Hi! Had a Pot Induced DMT trip Options
#21 Posted : 5/23/2014 11:45:28 AM

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It's interesting to read about things like this.
In my life so far i've had a near death experience, smoked DMT, and also had brief insights through Kundalini yoga (which I had to stop), interestingly enough they were all very similar experiences with similar visuals, emotional states and thoughts. I can still smoke weed and it's no big deal to me, I don't find it to induce those kinds of hallucinations. However, my friend that smoked DMT last year finds that he can't smoke in the company of others anymore, he has to be alone as it brings back the experience for him to a lesser extent. I've also had weed bring back an MDMA high one night, all 3 of us had done it on the weekend and then smoked up the following wednesday and all of us felt 'up' again, it was the weirdest thing.
So weed does have potential for bringing back experiences and I guess that the DMT experience is one that is embedded in the human psyche as it likely something that we have done over and over again and will continue to do in the future. In my opinion the DMT experience is about more than just taking a drug and getting high, it's about reconnecting with the higher state you existed in before you came here and will return to when the ride is over, so in theory I suppose there are many ways of getting there.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 8/1/2016 5:33:00 AM
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I've been searching the Internet for what could possibly describe an experience I had after smoking weed and this came the closest.

First of all, I don't smoke a lot of weed or often at all. Maybe once every few months I'll have a hit but ever since I moved to California - the weed here is just on a different level. However, I had an experience I've never had before.

I had taken an allergy medication and been out drinking before I took this hit, so I'm sure it all affected me. I took the hit, immediately laid down on the floor and thought I had peed myself but I was unable to move. I then transported into a 2d world and was being pushed faster and faster through this world to where I had to make the conscious decision to leave earth and 'die' and I felt I had to let go of this world and so I did. I crossed over and for the first minute or so, all I was, was energy and I could feel every other energy source around me, like I was in a 10D world. I had immediate access to the past and present but it was so fast, I had no grasp on all this movement pulsating around me. I was simply moving through a single source and even had a brief second of no awareness of body/sight/sound. It was all just happening. Then everything went dark and I woke up hours later, in my body and it felt foreign to me. I felt my energy reentering a human body and was shocked I was alive but for the first two days I questioned if I was alive because I did cross over. Not like a dream, not like a hallucination. I made the conscious choice to die and let go of my body and now I feel I'm crazy. I have a body and a world around me that I let go of.

Has this happened to anyone before?
#23 Posted : 8/2/2016 6:31:13 AM

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at OP

humbling experience, but id have to agree with Art

at Lostpassenger

yea this happens to people when they experience a high enough dosage (many variables) of an entheogen

why your number came up, coulda been the allergy meds+drinking/ your galactic alarm clock... not sure

you're fine tho, relax and do some breath work Smile
grow plants, make tea, love life
#24 Posted : 8/5/2016 2:45:59 PM
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theturrmsan wrote:
Hello, friends! First time posting here.

I had a pot induced DMT experience, which is what led me to find this forum!

My trip was simultaneously the most beautiful, profound, most terrifying yet humbling experience of my life. What I experienced coincides with so many others experiences, given that I did NOT take DMT. I was literally blasted out of my body and into the trans existent spiritual realm where I met an "entity," lost my humanity and became a pure soul of the universe. Previous to my experience, I had never taken DMT nor had I even heard of DMT. 😕 I've only ever smoked weed... Lol! Has this happened to anyone else?

Like most of you, what I saw and felt has changed me forever. 😌

I'm trying to make sense of my experience, if that is even possible. I always feel the need to know "why" or "how"

My weed was not laced with DMT. Only weed has ever been smoked out of the bong I was using- which I shared with my two friends who were completely fine and enjoying a "regular" high. I am also not a deep meditator either, where it might make more sense as to why I was 'forced' into this journey. I understand it is possible to have a "DMT experience" without actually taking DMT/ ayahuasca.

Apologies that I'm not copy+pasting my journey in this post! I'm not sure if there is a word count else this would be a very long post, as I wrote about it in detail. (I'm using my cellphone.) I hope I'm not breaking any forum rules by posting a link to another website, truthfully I'm not used to posting in forums. This is actually my first time creating a topic in a forum, ever. 😳


I hope it is, at the very least, an interesting read for anyone who wants to read it. Thank you for your time! I sincerely appreciate it and it means a lot!

I understand it is possible to have a "DMT experience" without actually taking DMT/ ayahuasca.

The theory behind this involves endogenous dimethyltryptamine, DMT is a natural product of the human body, and some speculate that in rare conditions, a release of this endogenous DMT May occur resulting in a DMT experience without ingesting DMT...

It's an interesting theory, but would be near impossible to study...

It would be great if the OP could actually smoke some DMT, then compare the smoked DMT experience to the experience induced by cannabis...if this was a legitimate spiritual experience, something like "beatific vision" (visio beatifica) , it would be even more interesting to compare to DMT...

I often obtain some strange states after taking large hits of cannabis extract, it's like I'm about to pass out, only I'm slightly more conscious, it does induce brief hallucination, however it's nothing like actual DMT...maybe this is what happened to you?

#25 Posted : 8/5/2016 2:58:11 PM
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Lostpassenger wrote:
I've been searching the Internet for what could possibly describe an experience I had after smoking weed and this came the closest.

First of all, I don't smoke a lot of weed or often at all. Maybe once every few months I'll have a hit but ever since I moved to California - the weed here is just on a different level. However, I had an experience I've never had before.

I had taken an allergy medication and been out drinking before I took this hit, so I'm sure it all affected me. I took the hit, immediately laid down on the floor and thought I had peed myself but I was unable to move. I then transported into a 2d world and was being pushed faster and faster through this world to where I had to make the conscious decision to leave earth and 'die' and I felt I had to let go of this world and so I did. I crossed over and for the first minute or so, all I was, was energy and I could feel every other energy source around me, like I was in a 10D world. I had immediate access to the past and present but it was so fast, I had no grasp on all this movement pulsating around me. I was simply moving through a single source and even had a brief second of no awareness of body/sight/sound. It was all just happening. Then everything went dark and I woke up hours later, in my body and it felt foreign to me. I felt my energy reentering a human body and was shocked I was alive but for the first two days I questioned if I was alive because I did cross over. Not like a dream, not like a hallucination. I made the conscious choice to die and let go of my body and now I feel I'm crazy. I have a body and a world around me that I let go of.

Has this happened to anyone before?

I'm guessing you passed out, it's fairly common, or you had a "pass out" experience without fully losing consciousness, it's happened to me before...

As much as it pains me to admit it (because KiNE Magazine is for recreational marijuana), I have been shocked by a frightening occurrence that has happened multiple times in my circle of acquaintances in the last few weeks:

People have flat-out passed-out from smoking weed.

Let me say that again: one minute they were fine, the next, they were face-down on the floor… out.

#26 Posted : 8/5/2016 11:02:51 PM

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I once passed out after smoking weed. Only for a few seconds though. It was nothing like an OBE, but very strange and psychedelic nevertheless.
It was the first time that i used a bong. Maybe that had something to do with it, because i think it could have been oxygen related.

It was a very weird experience anyway. I passed out, then, a few seconds later i woke up again and i had a realy strange hallucination: i saw transparent, cartoonesque birds flying in a triangle formation, and they where singing in harmony...After a few seconds it subsided, but i was realy taken by surprise.
#27 Posted : 8/6/2016 2:53:14 PM
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dragonrider wrote:
I once passed out after smoking weed. Only for a few seconds though. It was nothing like an OBE, but very strange and psychedelic nevertheless.
It was the first time that i used a bong. Maybe that had something to do with it, because i think it could have been oxygen related.

It was a very weird experience anyway. I passed out, then, a few seconds later i woke up again and i had a realy strange hallucination: i saw transparent, cartoonesque birds flying in a triangle formation, and they where singing in harmony...After a few seconds it subsided, but i was realy taken by surprise.

Sometimes I'll get "head-rush" experiences, from standing up too quickly, this sort of thing, this is what the "cannabis pass out" reminds me of, sometimes there is unintentional flailing of the limbs or speech, just like a "head-rush" induced pass out...

If the OP actually had a legitimate spiritual experience, it would be even more important to give this person DMT, in an attempt to compare the DMT flash to the natural spiritual experience...

Some, like Dr. Strassman, suggest that OBE, spiritual experience, and some forms of abduction phenomena, are all related to endogenous DMT release...

Meaning the DMT naturally in these people's bodies built up and released in a novel way, inducing a full DMT event, without the subject ever having to actually ingesting DMT...

...now if we could compare natural spiritual phenomenon to the DMT flash, we could learn how similar these states actually are...

The Marsh Chapel Experiment leads me to believe tryptamine psychedelia and the the spiritual experience are identical.

In a 25-year follow-up to the experiment, all of the subjects given psilocybin described their experience as having elements of "a genuine mystical nature and characterized it as one of the high points of their spiritual life"

If the OP had a genuine spiritual experience, I feel it could be important for research if this person would take DMT, and compare experiences...or hopefully this person takes DMT and reports it.

#28 Posted : 4/18/2020 5:05:27 PM
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I'd like to point out that the brain has a memory for these types of things. So maybe what you experienced was sort of like a memory recall or flashback. I meditate and I can achieve dmt like states even just by smoking some pot so I was not surprised.
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