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"ayahuasca" on a popular animated television show Options
#1 Posted : 6/29/2016 11:55:52 AM
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Someone I know told me that ayahuasca was featured in the newest episode of "American dad", an animated television show, so, I locate the episode and watch it, well, as much of it as I could stand...

It never said "ayahuasca" (thank God), the character "Jeff" was on "hallucinogenic tea", then the episode goes in the direction of trying to invent some instrument from his hallucinations with the alien...then I stopped watching...I made it through about 10 minutes of the show maybe...

I was really wishing that animated television shows would lay off ayahuasca...


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#2 Posted : 6/29/2016 3:51:04 PM
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I left out the season and episode number in my last post...

It was:

"American dad": season 11 episode 22

I'm not very familiar with the show, it's generally something that's playing in the background when I'm at friends houses or sleeping, I'm not a TV person, and I'm also not a fan of fiction in general, I enjoy documentaries and educational programs, and I like to keep up on currant events so I browse through news networks from time to time, but I'm not a television person by any means.

I didn't mean to sound condescending, I understand that a lit of people out there enjoy these types of programs, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm aware that my personal distaste of these programs and of television in general must seep into my text on matter, but I in no way judge others who do enjoy such things.

I'll eventually bring myself to sit through more than just the first few minutes of the program, but its fairly offensive, it's actually very disrespectful in terms of people who use ayahuasca (hallucinogenic tea) and the beliefs they have regarding their personal experiances...

I'm betting that more people watch these cartoons than they watch the news, and when it comes to common people these stupid cartoons have massive influence, which is why I wish they would lay off Dmt, or LSD or mescaline or ayahuasca or psilocybin, because people will watch these shows, and hear some bit of misinformation or they will take a joke as a fact, and they will never look it up, they will never do a fact check, or second guess some stupid bit of misinformation, they just keep what the show tells them in mind, and more or less take it as fact...you can't underestimate the influence of these seemingly insignificant but massively viewed programs.

#3 Posted : 6/29/2016 6:31:32 PM

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Oh come on, it's not that bad, and may even be funny.

The world needs funny, iyam.
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#4 Posted : 6/29/2016 10:04:45 PM

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Check out Aussie cartoon 'The Big Les show'. My son turned me onto it. Got to be stoned to appreciate the humour. Pretty positive towards psychedelics. For example 'Theres nothing like watching a sick sunset with your mates, tripping on shrooms'. Goes from the profound to the ridiculous like all good comedy.

Also, didnt Homer do ayahuasca with the old Indian lady in the simpsons movie and discover his true purpose in life?
#5 Posted : 6/30/2016 1:40:28 PM

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I thought Homer "licked" a toad.

I pretty much love anything animated (thanks to growing up under Ted Turner's WB-obsessed cathode ray tutelage possibly) and other than King of the Hill (the most depressing half hour on tv) will watch pretty much anything made from pretty colored stitched together pictures. Just sayin.

Adventure Time has mentioned dmt and plenty of cartoons are just plain psychedelic as hell.

Hardly ever watch tv, don't own one, but if I'm ever in a motel or something that thing is on cartoon network.

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#6 Posted : 6/30/2016 2:19:45 PM

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null24 wrote:
I thought Homer "licked" a toad.

He did. Another time he ate "Guatemalan Insanity Pepper". If you haven't seen this one...have a look. Big grin
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#7 Posted : 6/30/2016 3:42:55 PM


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In one scene in the episode, Marge begins hallucinating after drinking from Springfield's water supply, which has been spiked with LSD by Springfield's rival town, Shelbyville. The Fox network's censors wanted the scene to be cut from the episode because they did not like the idea of Marge "getting high" on LSD. Mirkin, however, defended the scene and argued Marge was not "doing it on purpose", so the censors ultimately allowed the scene to remain in the episode.[4]


That night, Homer resolves to make it up to Seth and Munchie: He harvests their crops, re-makes the batch of Garden Blast, and then delivers it to every store in town. In the morning, Seth and Munchie see what Homer has done, and point out there weren't enough vegetables left for the whole batch of juice. Homer says that he thought the same thing, until he looked behind the barn and found the other garden, "the one with the camouflage netting." However, that was Seth's and Munchie's personal crop -- peyote -- which means that Homer has just delivered hallucinogenic juice all over town.

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#8 Posted : 6/30/2016 4:29:09 PM

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Pretty sure in the movie, the old Indian woman gives Homer a drink of something, causing him to trip out. Probably not ayahuasca as they are in Alaska. Soma? Anyway I found one of the Big Les videos, Chooma Island 2;

#9 Posted : 6/30/2016 4:44:28 PM

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Slightly off topic but this is a great psychedelic cartoon scene from Dumbo mixed with Sun Ra's version of the soundtrack. Better than the original imo
#10 Posted : 6/30/2016 5:00:54 PM

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Don't forget the Blazing Guy episode with Marge tripping on something... Those pupils!

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#11 Posted : 7/1/2016 2:26:57 PM
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The Simpson's stuff never bothered me...

One tome on the Simpson's homer placed two hippie farmers entire peyote crop into a juice that the whole town drank...

...did you guys see the episode of American dad I was talking about? I'm glad they said "hallucinogenic tea" rather than ayahuasca, but still, this is the public image most people will have...

#12 Posted : 7/1/2016 2:30:58 PM
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entheogenic-gnosis wrote:
The Simpson's stuff never bothered me...

One tome on the Simpson's homer placed two hippie farmers entire peyote crop into a juice that the whole town drank...

...did you guys see the episode of American dad I was talking about? I'm glad they said "hallucinogenic tea" rather than ayahuasca, but still, this is the public image most people will have...


Oh, someone already commented on that one...classic, that episode was great...

I'm not sure why I can tolerate the Simpson's and not American dad...

Maybe it's because there's a bit more intelligence behind the Simpson's satire, or because when I was a kid the Simpson's was very popular and it brings up childhood memories...

#13 Posted : 7/2/2016 9:48:27 AM

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I feel your pain. They shouldn't promote something that the world is not mentally prepared for in terms of understanding where ayahuasca sits within the cultures law system or recreation system. It just does not make sense. I think they just want to be outlandish, I mean family guy has the whole family turn in to making crack in their house ffs.

P.S. they specifically mention it was mushroom tea -> http://www.springfieldsp...n-dad&episode=s11e22
#14 Posted : 7/2/2016 10:38:44 AM

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Ayahuasca is not private to you, nor is your perspective on it gospel.
The world is a place with different tastes, opinions and humor.
#15 Posted : 7/2/2016 12:26:37 PM
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I know ayahuasca is not private to anybody, but in that episode particularly they are sitting around calling this kid a crazy stupid loser for "getting into hallucinogenic tea" as he is vomiting all over their table...

The episode gets better, and "Stan" gets dosed, though he spends most his experiance rolling in vomit, though that part actually was funny, I can't think of how many times I've been in a psychedelic experiance and I've thought "I'm glad nobody is here to see this", because sometimes you do end up twisted in strange positions, foaming out the mouth and speaking in tongues...stans trip looked bad, but it was fairly funny.

I'm glad I finished the episode, though when you talk about "psychedelic teas" in real life, and people associate your experiences with the ones being portrayed on shows like this, you can't blame the general public for their opinions...

The rest of the episode isn't as bad, and yes the fish mentioned "mushroom tea" though it's obvious that ayahuasca was the influence.

Running Bear
#16 Posted : 7/4/2016 12:14:40 AM

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Another great tv show with ayahuasca. Wilfred Season 2, Episode 11.
Big grin
#17 Posted : 7/7/2016 1:05:27 AM

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a1pha thanks for sharing that clip.

Psychedelics in animated shows/movies is nothing new, I was in high school some 20 years ago and went to see Beavis and Butthead do America, I was pleasantly surprised (read, stoned out of my mind and laughing my ass off!) to see them tripping on peyote. I'm sure someone was offended, but I found it quite validating.

#18 Posted : 7/7/2016 8:52:07 PM

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You're weird eg, I like you.

I got a laugh out of this one from the show adventure time. I'n not a "tv person" either so I had never seen this show before, pretty sure I came across the clip in the nexus somewhere. It might be a little more subtle for those that don't have much for psychedelic experiences but I thought it was pretty spot on for a mainstream cartoon rendering.

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