Greetings world. It is I, One_Life.
I have seen your community around for quite a few years. Only until recently have I really become interested in delving deeper into the unknown. And deeper into my mind. My relationship with psychedelics has always been hit and miss, having friends that follow a paranoid culture, drugs were used but always taken in denial. Almost like everyone wanted to feel something but wanted to disregard the experience like it was insignificant. I grew up watching people abuse drugs, some of them dying and others causing illness to themselves.
It is now that I see my growth more than ever. I've taken acid maybe four times now of varying doses and I was completely blown away
I've tried mescaline once. Magic mushrooms easily over ten times and probably my most used psychedelic as it grows out in the fields near me. I've smoked changa around four times and thats where my passion for dmt smoking began... I'm still a beginner and still learning... But overall I enjoyed the experience
I've been eating shrooms for the best ten years and easily my fave. Just the power and intensity of the trip on mushrooms is just incomparable to that of acid. I just feel more in tune with everything with mushrooms.. With acid I'm more open.. Dmt I'm just.. Gone haha..
Looking forward to posting.