Welcome! Nice introduction!
That familiarity is all around if you look for it. When my daughter was born and everyday since when I look at her, there is that familiarity. I know I have interacted with this little being before. I just know it. She just seems familiar in every way and I can't put my thumb on it, to borrow your phrase.
I have had the same exact feeling in hyperspace. Exactly the same feeling. If I feel this same feeling of familiarity with my daughter and when I am with a being in hyperspace then I make the correlation that the being is family. It's all a feeling. A very deep and meaningful feeling. To the very core.
Deja Vu is a weird feeling to say the least, both in this reality and hyperspace. I don't know what to make of it, but it is very reassuring when I hear others reflecting on the same issues. I can relate to 'the giant'. I can very much relate to the feeling you described.
In all my trips into hyperspace I have begun to pay attention to my feelings more than my mind. I can concentrate on how an entity is making me feel. What I have found is when I do this almost every entity takes on this familiar deja vu feeling. Even the most negative entities. This is very hard to describe for me. It all feels like the same thing sometimes. This show seems familiar. I have seen this episode before.
Sometimes I get the feeling like this is not the first time I have lived this life of mine. I know that sounds weird but again, it's just a feeling. Like I am a chosen experience to gain knowledge and insight. My particular life teaches a soul certain aspects of enlightenment or state of awareness. A teaching life vessel.
Hey it's just creative thinking. Just wondering and wandering. I haven't a clue?!
I look forward to my DMT journeys where I feel familiarity. Finding the giant.
"In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link." ~Carlos Castaneda