http://www.midwestgrowki...-Mushroom-Ecosphere.htmlI bought one of these. It seems to work well however everything is on a timer.
I really didn't like the size of the fogger bottle (its a quart sized ball jar). It was also all timer based, and I wanted to make it semi-weekly checks and turnkey so that the temp and humidity can auto correct. The only downside is I don't have a cooling option other than a fan at the moment.
1. Fan x 2 (one daily purge (on timer), one on demand for cooling). 10 bucks each
2. Lizard Heating bulb - 9 on amazon
3. light extension with cord so you can hang it in greenhouse - 9
4. Auto power on humidity or temperature changes.;keywords=zoo+med+temp5. Bigger humidifier.
6. Some Plastic greenhouse (like the one in the top link)
7. Grow Lamp if you want this to be a normal terrarium the rest of the year, if not near a window. I plan on growing truffles 1x year and raising bonsai the rest of the year.
8. 2 Timers, 1 for grow lamp one for daily purge of air. 8-10 each.
get out @ around same price as the Midwest Kit, but seem much more automated.
I will edit this link as I get deeper into the project. Later this month after intro and if member will move to right place, if not will ask admin too.
Everything I say here is a work of spiritual fiction.