DmnStr8 wrote:
Advice? None... you seem like you are in the perfect zone. Trust yourself.
Perfect thing to read before blasting off
Thanks for the words everyone. I feel a little embarrassed now, as the experience was a little underwhelming maybe due in part to my own personal build up and perhaps expectations.
Although I did advance further than I have before, I felt a little disappointed after the trip. I felt like I just didn't "get it". Everything that was presented to me, although amazing and complex, I seemed unable to derive meaning from. I feel like I was either "shut out" or just didn't have the ability to decipher the experience.
Don't get me wrong, I am aware that there maybe many reasons why it was this way. I may not yet be ready to receive any message or achieve any kind of revelation. It may not hit me until later, or there may not be any of those things to attain. I also realize it could be working on me on many different levels, ones I may not be aware of yet.
I am not too bummed out about it deep down in my essence, I know the experience is what it was for what ever reason it was. I'm just being honest with the feelings I went through after the trip.
I do understand that I shouldn't go in with expectation, but do believe I need to go in with intention if I wish achieve any constructive experience, which is ultimately my goal.
Here is the experience report
The experience lasted about 20 mins total. I may not have gotten the full effect of the harmalas because of a massive amount of saliva build up in my mouth. They didn't dissolve under my tongue but in my saliva which I swished around for 20 mins before swallowing.
Also despite my big talk in the OP, I did not get it all in one hit. I did end up taking it in 3. The first 2 being decently sized and the third being the remaining vapor that I could barely hold in at that time.
At the peak I did encounter the "machine elf/s", and instantly remembered that I had encounter this/these ones before. I think the term machine elf is fitting because I distinctly remember the movements being machine or robot like, definitely not organic. Its very weird because although I recalled seeing this character/s and their movement before, it only occurred to me this time that they are in fact machine like in their movements. The movements were rapid and impossible for me to understand, but reflecting on it as I write this I recall that indeed they were entertaining and I remember feeling a smile come over my face a couple of times, something I forgotten until exactly now. They seemed to be moving and constantly transforming simultaneously, if that makes any sense.
Also at the peak, at one point in between encountering the machine elves, I was in a room. It felt like a big room, and inside of it was little things building themselves. My first impression was that it was a peculiar factory where peculiar things were putting themselves together. I had the same feeling of familiarity with this place as with the machine elf, but once back I can't recall ever seeing that place before.
As I began to come down, I saw flowing strands of rainbow patterns. As I looked at them they kept flowing towards me, revealing more intricate patterns within them.
Well I'm thinking the answer is to...
Smoalk Moar