Thought: distinguish between the two characteristics or effects of hoasca. Force and light.
Force: brought on by the ayahuasca vine itself, or any of one of many other plants; the force is generally attributed to the MAOI. MAOI allows certain chemicals to live longer in your body. Among these are seratonin, melatonin and N,N-DMT. All are naturally made in the body. The result is that more of those chemicals are available to your brain. So you feel different. The difference is hard to explain, but I find it easier to meditate, my worries about trivial matters falls away, and sense of well-being dominates. Also music is richer, colors too.
The light: brought on by the leaf, chacrona, or other plants that contain N,N-DMT. This contributes more N,N-DMT to your brain. Again, N,N-DMT is made by all brains. We all have it. When the "extra" N,N-DMT is added to the natural N,N-DMT, you have "light". This can take many forms -- shapes, colors, patterns, and then full-on light shows inside your eyelids, in which you seem to "see" fantastic things: I have climbed up a ladder toward a blinding light only to soon "realize" that the ladder was my spinal column and the light was coming from my own brain, and when I reached the light, oh, it was a brighter light that you see with your eyes.
I think it might be important to note that the "force", which comes (probably) from the MAOI is legal. And also to note that because it (probably) allows more of your natural N,N-DMT to linger in your brain, you have some more of your natural "light". And I've experienced this. Imbibing only the ayahuasca vine, I've "seen" a lightshow behind my eyelids. Nothing compared to when I add the "light". But, still. A pleasant effect, and a legal form of mental health treatment.